December 2004 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed Dec 1 00:01:32 CEST 2004
Ending: Fri Dec 31 23:24:53 CEST 2004
Messages: 1481
- [R] New trellis settings
David Hinds
- [R] Combined variable names
Peter Dalgaard
- [R] Attn Heinz Tuechler: Re: problem with sp ecial characters ( ä,ö,ü)
Heinz Tuechler
- [R] predict.gam problem
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Creating a factor from a combination of vectors
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] time data
Karla Meurk
- [R] Combined variable names
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] Request for Gamma Frailty Simulation
- [R] tuning SVM's
- [R] core dump during make check when building 64-bit R on Solaris8/9
CHAN Chee Seng
- [R] Kernel Fisher Discriminant in R?
Gorden Jemwa
- [Fwd: Re: [R] Kernel Fisher Discriminant in R?]
Gorden Jemwa
- [R] Relative subscripting
Uwe Ligges
- [R] spearman correction
Branimir K. Hackenberger
- [R] Unable to understand strptime() behaviour
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] Unable to understand strptime() behaviour
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] Unable to understand strptime() behaviour
Andrew Robinson
- [R] How to know if a bug was recognised
Heinz Tuechler
- [R] Unable to understand strptime() behaviour
Petr Pikal
- [R] barplot() using beside=TRUE and the density argument
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] split() and paste() a vector to get a multi line string
Wolfram Fischer
- [R] how to add a legend in a barchart
- [R] Data Frame Manipulations
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] request for help on statistical applications in pharma
neela v
- [R] can't install r package on debian due to linker problem
Robert Sams
- [R] tuning SVM's
David Meyer
- [R] plotting data in non-orthogonal coords.
Andreas Franke
- [R] Re: request for help on statistical applications in pharma
Vito Ricci
- [R] can't install r package on debian due to linker problem
Robert Sams
- [R] request for help on statistical applications in pharma
Liaw, Andy
- [R] step.gam
David Nogués
- [R] Manipulating contour plots
Caroline Houldcroft
- [R] 2.0.1 compilation problem on Fedora Core 2
John Logsdon
- [R] prediction
Rohan Shah
- [R] RE: prediction
Vito Ricci
- [R] depth constrained cluster
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Robert Brown FM CEFAS
- (Re: [R] lme in R-2.0.0: Problem with lmeControl) and parameter specification
Pavel Khomski
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Fowler, Mark
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
DupliseaD at
- [R] how to use print() without column names?
Hu Chen
- [R] Re: Protocol for answering basic questions
Rolf Turner
- [R] Combined variable names (two concrete suggestions)
Tiago R Magalhaes
- [R] Re: Protocol for answering basic questions
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] [BASIC] Solution of creating a sequence of object names
- [R] Hexidecimal conversion
Hanke, Alex
- [R] chisq.test probabilities method unclear
Alexander Keller
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Baskin, Robert
- [R] Manipulating contour plots
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] chisq.test probabilities method unclear
Rolf Turner
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Robert Sams
- [R] gnls(0 error: invalid variable type
Yang, Richard
- [R] unbalanced design
Damián Cirelli
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
bogdan romocea
- [R] unbalanced design
Peter Alspach
- [R] R on Irix 6.5 fails when trying to load external data?
William Faulk
- [R] unbalanced design
Damián Cirelli
- [R] rank in descending order?
Jose Quesada
- [R] SJava
Yasser El-Zein
- [R] points plotting
m p
- [R] dropping rows
Tobias Muhlhofer
- [R] dropping rows
Liaw, Andy
- [R] dropping rows
Tobias Muhlhofer
- [R] A possible way to reduce basic questions
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] dropping rows
Peter Alspach
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] [R-pkgs] Quantian with over 500 CRAN / BioC packages
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] Request for Gamma frailty
- [R] problem with using transace
anne.piotet at
- [R] Final comment from a newbie
Ronán Conroy
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Robert Brown FM CEFAS
- [R] Final comment from a newbie
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] Gap between axis and bars in barplot()
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] Final comment from a newbie_and another
Michael Griffiths
- [R] Re: A somewhat off the line question to a log normal distribution
Vito Ricci
- [R] A somewhat off the line question to a log normal distribution
Kahra Hannu
- [R] Drawing a rectangle around a barplot()
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] Computation of space-time empirical crosscovariances
giovanna jona lasinio
- [R] treatment contrasts and summary.lm
Christoph Scherber
- [R] Arrow and text on a 3d plot
Arturo T. De Zan
- [R] R: Computation of space-time empirical crosscovariances
Vito Ricci
- [R] Drawing a rectangle around a barplot()
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] A somewhat off the line question to a log normal distrib
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Hexidecimal conversion
Hanke, Alex
- [R] Dominant factors in aov?
Rene Eschen
- [R] Quotes from BHH2e
Douglas Bates
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Damian Betebenner
- [R] SJava converter
Slim Shady
- [R] Dominant factors in aov?
Christoph Scherber
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Damian Betebenner
- [R] Text Mining with R
Daniele Medri
- [R] image() or plotting functions or something else broken in 2.0.1 on OS X?
Jenny Fox
- [R] SJava
Slim Shady
- [R] SJava convert problem
Slim Shady
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Erin Hodgess
- [R] R and Fortran in Windows
Dan Stram
- [R] R language file for BBEdit
Gene Cutler
- [R] contrast reference level
array chip
- [R] dropping rows
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] combine two strings
Ben-Yang Liao
- [R] combine two strings
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Hexidecimal conversion
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] (sin asunto)
René Pineda
- [R] isotonic regression
Nathan Leon Pace, MD, MStat
- [R] isotonic regression
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Getting R to emit an image file as a pipe or Base64 stream: Mac OSX 10.3 - R 2.0.1
Thuan-Jin Kee
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] Combined variable names
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Andrew Robinson
- [R] Difficulty implementing "scales" in a lattice plot
Greg Blevins
- [R] core dump during make check when building 64-bit R on Solaris8/9
CHAN Chee Seng
- [R] factor matrix
Adrian Baddeley
- [R] factor matrix
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] factor matrix
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] applying data generating function
ebru apaydÿfffffdn
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Robert Brown FM CEFAS
- [R] organising the display in Trellis plots
Marco Chiarandini
- [R] A possible way to reduce basic questions
Jim Lemon
- [R] arima and optim error
Johan Hedlund
- [R] multinomial probit
Charlie Sprenger
- [R] information
Anna Maria Paganoni
- [R] vector to matrix transformation
Gwenael Jacob
- [R] Re: Computation of space-time empirical crosscovariances
Edzer J. Pebesma
- [R] R: vector to matrix transformation
Vito Ricci
- [R] Getting R to emit an image file as a pipe or Base64 strea m: Mac OSX 10.3 - R 2.0.1
Liaw, Andy
- [R] help : the datail of Fortran subroutine that use in R
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Liaw, Andy
- Réf. : Re: [R] Choice modelling (was:(no subject))
julien.ruiz at
- [R] Computing the minimal polynomial or, at least, its degree
Ravi Varadhan
- [R] A possible way to reduce basic questions
Jim Lemon
- [R] Computing the minimal polynomial or, at least, its degree
Ravi Varadhan
- [R] [BASIC] Solution of combining two strings
- [R] multinomial probit
Kosuke Imai
- [R] Label data points in scatterplot matrices
Mauricio Esguerra
- [R] R program for row-column designs!
Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen
- [R] sampling
su su
- [R] sampling
Liaw, Andy
- [R] setGeneric(rm)
Marcos Aurélio Carrero
- [R] Package dev: Depends, require, SaveImage best practices?
Seth Falcon
- [R] [R-pkgs] New package: polycor
John Fox
- [R] how can I get the coefficients of x^0, x^1, x^2, . , x^6 from expansion of (1+x+x^2)^3
Peter Yang
- [R] How to wrap or split labels on plot
Heather J. Branton
- [R] how can I get the coefficients of x^0, x^1, x^2, . , x^6 from expansion of (1+x+x^2)^3
james.holtman at
- [R] Odd underflow(?) error
William Faulk
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Thomas Yee
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
John Maindonald
- [R] how can I get the coefficients of x^0, x^1, x^2, . , x^6 from expansion of (1+x+x^2)^3
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] how can I get the coefficients of x^0, x^1, x^2, . , x^6 from expansion of (1+x+x^2)^3
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] vector to matrix transformation
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Jim Lemon
- [R] Protocol for answering basic questions
Ross Clement
- [R] Excel *.xls files, RODBC
Rolf Turner
- [R] Excel *.xls files, RODBC
Rolf Turner
- [R] Excel *.xls files, RODBC
Rolf Turner
- [R] R plus SAS
Wensui Liu
- [R] (sin asunto)
René Pineda
- [R] Kalman Filtering
René Pineda
- [R] Testing for S4 objects (redux)
John Fox
- [R] AIC, AICc, and K
Benjamin M. Osborne
- [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in logistic regression?
Patrick Foley
- [R] boot package
Nathan Leon Pace, MD, MStat
- [R] Excel *.xls files, RODBC
Whit Armstrong
- [R] String manipulation---mixed case
Damian Betebenner
- [R] how to calculate "conditional" mean?
Terry Mu
- [R] IFELSE across large array?
Sander Oom
- [R] Histogram with equal-counts (-probability)
Hamish Macintyre
- [R] matrix of 1,0's to a data.frame of factors
Rajarshi Guha
- [R] Re : LOOPS
ssim at
- [R] Re : LOOPS
ssim at
- [R] Which FM should beginners R? A suggestion.
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] What is the most useful way to detect nonlinearity in lo
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Re: Protocol for answering basic questions
Liaw, Andy
- [R] tree class in R?
- [R] tree class in R?
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] Gam() function in R
Liaw, Andy
- [R] core dump during make check when building 64-bit R on Solaris8/9
CHAN Chee Seng
- [R] Use value of character vector for parameter of general R-function
- [R] Cocoa GUI: pasting in R Console yields syntax error
Anthony Westerling
- [R] using subset
Antonio Olinto
- [R] using subset
Doran, Harold
- [R] removing NA as a level
- [R] Modyfing PATH in Windows Installer for R
Henrik Andersson
- [R] how to get how many lines there are in a file.
Hu Chen
- [R] Modyfing PATH in Windows Installer for R
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] barplot() options for intervals on axes
Sebastien Moretti
- [R] how to get how many lines there are in a file.
Liaw, Andy
- [R] (no subject)
Rene Pineda
- [R] Missing Values
nhy303 at
Rene Pineda
- [R] Re: (no subject)
Vito Ricci
- Fwd: Re: [R] barplot() options for intervals on axes
Sebastien Moretti
- [R] The survival rate at a certain time
Lisa Wang
- [R] The survival rate at a certain time
Austin, Matt
- [R] Excel *.xls files, RODBC
Alan Swanson
- [R] Excel *.xls files, RODBC
James Muller
- [R] how to get how many lines there are in a file.
Liaw, Andy
- [R] R Coders - Programmers
Mike Thomas
- [R] one dimensional AKIMA in R?
Thomas Petzoldt
- [R] convert Map shapes to logical matrices - for set operations
James Muller
- [R] how to get how many lines there are in a file.
Liaw, Andy
- [R] surface fitting
m p
- [R] VR package not found for R version 1.9.1
Moises Hassan
- [R] plot color question
Derek Margetts
- [R] > 2GB memory?
Rob Steele
- [R] > 2GB memory?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Harmonic regression in R
Brian pfeng
- [R] Random Walk plus noise Model
Brian pfeng
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] Blank eps output files
Sivakumar Mohandass
- [R] statistics packages for R?
Mark Pavlick
- [R] akima
Erin Hodgess
- [R] Importing module into R library
Heather Maughan
- [R] Importing module into R library
Liaw, Andy
- [R] statistics packages for R?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Which FM should beginners R? A suggestion.
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] how to get how many lines there are in a file.
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] how R parses expression?
klea lambrou
- [R] how R parses expression?
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] ess in Windows (newbie Q)
Murray Eisenberg
- [R] main R Gui window size under Windows
Murray Eisenberg
- [R] Installation of R-2.0.1 failure
David Alyea
- [R] read.spss: unrecognized record type
Göran Broström
- [R] read.spss: unrecognized record type
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] how to test the existence of a name in a dataframe
Wolfram Fischer
- [R] Importing vector graphics into R
Hinrich Göhlmann
- [R] How to change x axes' range
Qin Liu
- [R] mailing list time out ended now ...
Martin Maechler
- [R] How to change x axes' range
Liaw, Andy
- [R] memory problem
Samuel Kemp
- [R] install bug with specific JPEG library by exporting CPPFLAGS variable
Yves Magliulo
- [R] what about a mascot ?
- [R] Importing vector graphics into R
Roger Bivand
- [R] ess in Windows (newbie Q)
Rau, Roland
- [R] How about a mascot for R?
Rau, Roland
- [R] randomize the order of rows in a matrix or table
- [R] Strange error from R CMD INSTALL
Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen
- [R] GLMM
- [R] memory problem
Huntsinger, Reid
- [R] RODBC on linux
Omar Lakkis
- [R] Modulus Problem
McGehee, Robert
- [R] memory problem
Huntsinger, Reid
- [R] randomize the order of rows in a matrix or table
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Clustering in R
Adrian Katschke
- [R] Strange error from R CMD INSTALL
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] XML library
Adrian Katschke
- [R] Rgui Application error help!
Yunming Mu
- [R] Surface graph.
- [R] similarity matrix conversion to dissimilarity
Dr. Thomas Isenbarger
- [R] Is k equivalent to k:k ?
Marcus Davy
- [R] similarity matrix conversion to dissimilarity
Doran, Harold
- [R] Surface graph.
Liaw, Andy
- [R] system() and file names with spaces
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] Re: Polychoric correlations
David Duffy
- [R] System is computationally singular?
Rui Wang
- [R] Solaris installation problem resolved
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] Data Mining Conference: Solving Real World Challenges, New York, March 2005
Lisa Solomon
- [R] Re: Tetrachoric and polychoric correlations, Polycor package
David Duffy
- [R] Importing vector graphics into R
Hinrich Göhlmann
- [R] down?
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
- [R] test multiple objects for being equal length
Manuel Gutierrez
- [R] test multiple objects for being equal length
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] svm- class.weights
- [R] How can I estimate parameters of probability distributions?
Wuming Gong
- [R] Re:How can I estimate parameters of probability distributions?
Vito Ricci
- [R] Create a plot legend in a new window
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] saving-Random-Forests
gonçalo carrera
- [R] svm- class.weights
David Meyer
- [R] elliptic functions
Robin Hankin
- [R] ROracle/DBI problem with dbExecStatement on RH Linux
Simon Holgate
- [R] Spatial Probit in R
Jon Hernes Fiva
- [R] Create a plot legend in a new window
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] US 2004 Elections map
Hedderik van Rijn
- [R] a question about swap space, memory and read.table()
Hu Chen
- [R] test multiple objects for being equal length
Liaw, Andy
- [R] US 2004 Elections map
Liaw, Andy
- [R] "sequence of factor settings"?
Christian Schulz
- [R] US 2004 Elections map
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] more clustering questions
Dr. Thomas Isenbarger
- [R] How to test the significance of a value estimated with lme?
François Cochard
- [R] "sequence of factor settings"?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Finmetrics positions
Omar Lakkis
- [R] Scatterplot question
judith.baltsar at
- [R] Scatterplot question
Vito Ricci
- [R] Scatterplot question
Liaw, Andy
- [R]
m p
- [R] HTML help index generation problem with R under Windows
Sergei Zuyev
- [R] a question about swap space, memory and read.table()
Liaw, Andy
- [R] SVM and ROC plots
TVD Jobs
- [R] SVM: quality of prediction
Rajdeep Das
Omar Lakkis
- [R] a question about swap space, memory and read.table()
Marcus Davy
- [R] Peak finding algorithm
Gene Cutler
- [R] Calling R a la carte?
Ross Boylan
- [R] Processing and analysis of ECG signals
Ravi Varadhan
- [R] finding the most frequent row
Lisa Pappas
- [R] Results of nls
Y. C. Tao
- [R] 2.01
- [R] Mixed effects model help
crevell at
- [R] Is k equivalent to k:k ?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] system() and file names with spaces
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [R] Peak finding algorithm
Liaw, Andy
- [R] How to circumvent negative eigenvalues in the capscale function
Steve.Pawson at
- [R] Sektör Listesi! Fri, 10 Dec 2004 06:32:58 +0200
- [R] "sequence of factor settings"?
Christian Schulz
- [R] Create a plot legend in a new window
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] lattice graphics empty in Sweave
Thomas Petzoldt
- [R] nlme and pnlsTol
Dieter Menne
- [R] bar charts
Leonardo Lami
- [R] Bar chart
Leonardo Lami
- [R] Returning to normal after call to layout()
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] Porting optimisation setup from Excel Solver to R
Puneet Singh
- [R] Returning to normal after call to layout()
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] subset bug?
Mike Saunders
- [R] finding the most frequent row
bogdan romocea
- [R] cbind() and factors.
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] strange gee behavior
Max_Kuhn at
- [R] cbind() and factors.
Stephane DRAY
- [R] cbind() and factors.
Rolf Turner
- [R] R Reference Card (especially useful for Newbies)
Berton Gunter
- [R] Adding a polygon to a time series plot
Andy Bunn
- [R] R/S-plus help
Weiming.Zhang at
- [R] Adding a polygon to a time series plot
Liaw, Andy
- [R] R/S-plus help
Liaw, Andy
- [R] predict.randomForest
Tim Howard
- [R] predict.randomForest
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Beginners questions on matplot and legend
judith.baltsar at
- [R] finding the most frequent row
Liaw, Andy
- [R] applying var(base)
assuncao.senra at
- [R] Parallel computing in Splus?
Lun Li
- [R] graphs - saving and multiple
- [R] Paths for Shell Scripts called from R
Damian Betebenner
- [R] MailMonitor Alert
mmsmtp at
- [R] MailMonitor Alert
mmsmtp at
- [R] Help : generating correlation matrix with a particular structure
Siew Leng TENG
- [R] R-2.0.0 on ARM (Sharp Zaurus)
Simon Pickering
- [R] R
- [R] firefox and R 201
Mark Hempelmann
- [R] Is k equivalent to k:k ?
Marcus Davy
- [R] switching to Linux, suggestions?
Thomas W Volscho
- [R] makeARIMA() for SARIMA models
Brian pfeng
- [R] errors when trying to rename data frame columns
bogdan romocea
- [R] 'object.size' takes a long time to return a value
james.holtman at
- [R] Multiv. NR
Benilton Carvalho
- [R] Re: [R-sig-finance] dates and times on Windows for fMetrics
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R] about vsn
- [R] AIC, glm, lognormal distribution
Benjamin M. Osborne
- [R] AIC, glm, lognormal distribution
Bill.Venables at
- [R] correlations
klea lambrou
- [R] random effect in logistisk regression
Fredrik Lundgren
- [R] bootstrap package
Fredrik Lundgren
- [R] Percentages in contingency tables *warning trivial question*
Rachel Pearce
- [R] Percentages in contingency tables *warning trivial question*
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] Re: Help : generating correlation matrix with a particular
Herbert_Desson at
- [R] classification for huge datasets: SVM yields memory troubles
Christoph Lehmann
- [R] (no subject)
Anne Shelton
- [R] lists within a list / data-structure problem
Jan Wantia
- [R] Advice on parsing formulae
Claus Dethlefsen
- [R] R: functions problem
Clark Allan
- [R] R: optim problems and neural networks
Clark Allan
- [R] R: functions problem
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] lists within a list / data-structure problem
james.holtman at
- [R] HTML help index generation problem with R under Windows
Sergei Zuyev
- [R] switching to Linux, suggestions?
bogdan romocea
- [R] Re: Help : generating correlation matrix with a particula r
Herbert_Desson at
- [R] Friedman test for replicated blocked data
Marco Chiarandini
- [R] multivariate permutation tests
Brandon.J.Whitcher at
- [R] Calling R from a non-X shell script to plot?
doktora v
- [R] Moving standard deviation?
doktora v
- [R] R 2.0.1 and RODBC install problem
doktora v
- [R] Switching to Mac, suggestions? (was switching to linux)
doktora v
- [R] Calling R from a non-X shell script to plot?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] timeSeries to its error
Omar Lakkis
- [R] read attribute
Omar Lakkis
- [R] How to duplicate rows in dataframe?
james.holtman at
- [R] Moving standard deviation?
bogdan romocea
Thomas Isenbarger
- [R] Problem tuning an SVM
Ton van Daelen
- [R] Farmating printed Numbers and Text
- [R] read attribute
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] Moving standard deviation?
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] Farmating printed Numbers and Text
Marcus Davy
- [R] ROracle/DBI problem with dbExecStatement on RH Linux
Sunny Ho
- [R] sort() leaves row names unaffected
Martin Wegmann
- [R] Several questions in R
jing tang
- [R] Antigen forwarded attachment
Antigen_BIVV_MAILS at
- [R] Antigen forwarded attachment
Antigen_BIVV_MAILS at
- [R] increase thr range in R
Sebastian Kaiser
- [R] sort() leaves row names unaffected
bogdan romocea
- [R] sort() leaves row names unaffected
Liaw, Andy
- [R] sort() leaves row names unaffected
Liaw, Andy
- [R] correlation in lme4
Antonella Plaia
- [R] Slashdot thread references R/Quantian and another new R/S-PLUS book pending
Marc Schwartz
- [R] amd 64 ??
Hu Chen
- [R] plot with dates
Halldor Björnsson
- [R] can R do the goodman modified multiple regression method?
- [R] plot with dates
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] make check-all failed on SLES8 for x86_64
Liaw, Andy
- [R] switching to Linux, suggestions?
Ulises M. Alvarez
- [R] linear regression: evaluating the result Q
Liaw, Andy
- [R] drawing a rectangle through multiple plots
Dr Carbon
- [R] Re : Save result in a For Loop
ssim at
- [R] r-mathlib and ruby-rmathlib
Damien Joly
- [R] looking for Chebyshev I low pass filter
Christian Jost
- [R] Re : Save result in a For Loop
bogdan romocea
- [R] Multivariate multipl regression
Julianno Sambatti
- [R] make check-all failed on SLES8 for x86_64
Liaw, Andy
- [R] classification for huge datasets: SVM yields memory troubles
John Maindonald
- [R] using Hmisc and Design library
array chip
- [R] Re : Save result in a For Loop
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Re: [S] using Hmisc and Design library
array chip
- [R] adding perspectives to existing persp plots
Corey Bradshaw
- [R] how to fit a weighted logistic regression?
Kerry Bush
- [R] How to generate random number from grouped data?
ximing wu
- [R] (sans objet)
francoisromain at
- [R] RE: adding perspectives to existing persp plots
Corey Bradshaw
- [R] Problem with German special characters
Wolf, Michael
- AW: [R] Problem with German special characters
Wolf, Michael
- [R] question about surf.gls(spatial package) with NA/NaN/inf values
- [R] Best datatype for time-series with irregular ocurrencies
jmoreira at
- [R] Advice on parsing formulae
Heather Turner
- [R] MIME decoding in Mozilla Thunderbird
CG Pettersson
- [R] Massive clustering job?
Dan Bolser
- [R] repeated measures with Poisson
Andrew Higginson
- [R] how to fit a weighted logistic regression?
Rolf Turner
- [R] Massive clustering job?
Wiener, Matthew
- [R] R: optimisation
Clark Allan
- [R] backspace key doesn't work correctly
dederderian at
- [R] (no subject)
rrouzier at
- [R] ERROR: installing package indices failed
Sigal Blay
- [R] AUC for logistic regression [was: (no subject)]
Liaw, Andy
- [R] using Hmisc and Design library
array chip
- [R] main() in libR?
Ross Boylan
- [R] which
Y. C. Tao
- [R] which
Liaw, Andy
- [R] hclust and heatmap - slightly different dendrograms?
Min-Han Tan
- [R] TukeyHSD & Covariates
Damián Cirelli
- [R] help with multiple imputation using imp.mix
Jens Hainmueller
- [R] how R outputs?
- [R] RE: adding perspectives to existing persp plots
Corey Bradshaw
- [R] [R-pkgs] Building of Windows binary packages for R-1.9.x has been stopped
Uwe Ligges
- [R] 3 questions
vasilis pappas
- [R] AUC for logistic regression [was: (no subject)]
Bernardo Rangel Tura
- [R] Detecting incomplete commands
Philippe Grosjean
- [R] Lazy-loading db setup in the R build process
Simon Pickering
- [R] PL/R calls fail
Stefan Sobernig
- [R] Incorrect permissions to edit database package
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] (D)COM "unknown (internal) error"
Jonathan White
- [R] Advice on parsing formulae
Heather Turner
- [R] how R outputs?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] partial linear model
Jin Shusong
- [R] nls question
Mike Saunders
- [R] partial linear model
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Problem with postscript graphics device driver
Jeffrey Freedman
- [R] Customizing axis labels with alternating in lattice
Waichler, Scott R
- [R] Percentages in contingency tables *warning trivial question*
Dirk Enzmann
- [R] SAS or R software
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R] PHP MySQL and R
Samuel A Mati
- [R] na.omit argument in gls()
Satoshi Takahama
- [R] Unsightly lines from x*y grid in levelplot with Postscript
Waichler, Scott R
- [R] drawing a rectangle through multiple plots
Greg Snow
- [R] reading svm function in e1071
Rajdeep Das
- [R] reading svm function in e1071
Liaw, Andy
- FW: [R] Unsightly lines from x*y grid in levelplot with Postscript
Waichler, Scott R
- [R] counting numbers without replicates in a vector
Jun Ding
- [R] counting numbers without replicates in a vector
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] Problem with SVM and scaling
Ton van Daelen
- [R] (no subject)
Briggs, Meredith M
- [R] counting numbers without replicates in a vector
Liaw, Andy
- [R] RE: How about a mascot for R?
Andrew Ward
- [R] PHP MySQL and R
BEER Michael
- [R] combined list boxes / tcltk
Cornelia Froemke
- [R] VAR-Estimation
Marc Gronwald
- [R] How to interpret and modify "plot.svm"?
Frank Duan
- [R] reshape and split
Patrick Hausmann
- [R] How to interpret and modify "plot.svm"?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] take precisely one named argument
Robin Hankin
- [R] take precisely one named argument
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] Problem with SVM and scaling
David Meyer
- [R] take precisely one named argument
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Doubts about chi-square distribution
José Cláudio Faria
- [R] take precisely one named argument
Liaw, Andy
- [R] (no subject)
- [R] (no subject)
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Matrix and rownames problem
Pat Meyer
- [R] Is the page number in a document created with "pdf()" accessible?
Dennis Fisher
- [R] How can I take anti log of log base 2 values in R
Saurin Jani
- [R] How can I take anti log of log base 2 values in R
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] Doubts about chi-square distribution
Liaw, Andy
- [R] If it's not a data.frame, matrix or vector, what is it?
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] If it's not a data.frame, matrix or vector, what is it?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] If it's not a data.frame, matrix or vector, what is it?
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] If it's not a data.frame, matrix or vector, what is it?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] reading the seed from a simulation
Suzette Blanchard
- [R] Factor analysis with dichotomous variables
Tom Denson
- [R] How to interpret and modify "plot.svm"?
David Meyer
- [R] Union of list elements
Pat Meyer
- [R] Union of list elements
Pat Meyer
- [R] Factor analysis with dichotomous variables
Doran, Harold
- [R] Union of list elements
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Union of list elements
Liaw, Andy
- [R] package.skeleton()
- [R] Union of list elements
Patrick Meyer
- [R] Union of list elements
Liaw, Andy
- [R] behaviour of BIC and AICc code
Joe Nocera
- [R] font size (library stats)
zhang qingyou
- [R] Union of list elements
Patrick Meyer
- [R] SAS or R software
Alexander C Cambon
- [R] SAS or R software
Alexander C Cambon
- [R] Confidence Intervals from Bootstrap Replications
Mohammad A. Chaudhary
- [R] SAS or R software
Austin, Matt
- [R] For help
ys03165003 at
- [R] For help
Jin Shusong
- [R] Union of list elements
Patrick Meyer
- [R] variables - data-structure
Helmut Kudrnovsky
- [R] erro in SVM (packsge "e1071")
jmoreira at
- [R] Sums of sq in car package Anova function
Karla Sartor
- [R] SAS or R software
Shawn Way
- [R] how to make the matrix as factors
ys03165003 at
- [R]
Fredrik Lundgren
- [R] Can I calculate the area of a polygon?
Andreas Kretschmer,,,
- [R] erro in SVM (packsge "e1071")
David Meyer
- [R] Different graph type can coexisti??
Landini Massimiliano
- [R] limma, FDR, and p.adjust
Kimpel, Mark W
- [R] Using hexbin to Eliminate Indiscernible Points from a Plot
Steve Dutky
- [R] Plotting and Decluttering Text
Al Piszcz
- [R] PBIB datataset
(Ted Harding)
- [R] Homogeneity of variance tests between more than 2 samples (long)
Landini Massimiliano
- [R] PBIB datataset
Austin, Matt
- [R] muliple plots with pairs (matrix of scatter plots)
Tiago R Magalhaes
- [R] Re: [BioC] limma, FDR, and p.adjust
Marcus Davy
- [R] Sweave and LaTeX beamer class
Bernd Weiss
- [R] Re: a web about Pollas Y Gays?
- [R] evaluate expression on several dataframe columns
R user
- [R] Producing "Editable" Graphs for PowerPoint
Paul Hewson
- [R] Memory problem with jpeg() and wide jpegs
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] Re: limma, FDR, and p.adjust
Neil Shephard
- [R] Increased execution speed of R2.0.1?
mkondrin at
- [R] Increased execution speed of R2.0.1?
mkondrin at
- [R] feature selection for SVM
Rajdeep Das
- [R] Memory problem with jpeg() and wide jpegs
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] Interest in commercial support for R, R-metrics and related packages
Seshasayanan Pratap
- [R] faster row by row data frame processing
bogdan romocea
- [R] faster row by row data frame processing
Whit Armstrong
- [R] Interest in commercial support for R, R-metrics and relat ed packages
Liaw, Andy
- [R] problems with limma
r.ghezzo at
- [R] Memory problem with jpeg() and wide jpegs
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] problems with limma
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] why use profile likelihood for Box Cox transformation?
Paul Livingstone
- [R] How to display each symbol in a different color using plot with summary.formula.reverse
Greg Blevins
- [R] question on using "warning.expression"
- [R] hang-up during nlme call
- [R] Im(z) <-
Robin Hankin
- [R] about colnames
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] about colnames
- [R] (no subject)
- [R] link to a vignette/overview document in .Rd file?
David Firth
- [R] No Graphics Window, Mandrake 10.1
Rau, Roland
- [R] Increased execution speed of R2.0.1?
Rau, Roland
- [R] Creating a vector of colours that are as different from one another as possible
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] aggregate and median
Philippe Hupé
- [R] No Graphics Window, Mandrake 10.1
Liaw, Andy
- [R] R code for var-cov matrix given variances and correlations
Haynes, Maurice (NIH/NICHD)
- [R] help with limma
r.ghezzo at
- [R] RMySQL_0.5.5 / SUSE9.2
christian schulz
- [R] R COCOA- Mac users
- [R] Need Parallel R help
Anne Shelton
- [R] hang-up during nlme call
- [R] lm regression: estimate of a categorical variable without being broken into levels
avneet singh
- [R] scheduling R tasks under windows
Mikkel Grum
- [R] scheduling R tasks under windows
bogdan romocea
- [R] (no subject)
- Fwd: [R] problems with limma
Gordon K Smyth
- [R] Rgui.exe - Error while tuning svm
- [R] Removing trailing spaces
Patrick Connolly
- [R] (no subject)
Liaw, Andy
- [R] how do I get my data in matrix form?
UW Email (yunt)
- [R] GAM: Getting standard errors from the parametric terms in a GAM model
Jean G. Orelien
- [R] how do I get my data in matrix form?
ccleland at
- [R] GAM: Overfitting
Jean G. Orelien
- [R] Complex lme model
Emilio A. Laca
- [R] Random intercept model with time-dependent covariates, results different from SAS
Christoph Buser
- [R] fitting data
Angela Re
- [R] ordering levels
- [R] RE ordering levels
- [R] ordering levels
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] ordering levels: I was wrong
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] downloading R
Michael Gray
- [R] Make a table
Muhammad Subianto
- [R] weighted kernel density estimation
Romain François
- [R] how to fit in R
Angela Re
- [R] Make a table
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] how to fit in R
bogdan romocea
- [R] MASS installation
Angela Re
- [R] Preformatted text in Rd files
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [R] Re:MASS installation
Vito Ricci
- [R] Course***R/S-plus Fundamentals and Programming Techniques @ 4 locations, January 2005
sue at
- [R] [R-pkgs] eco 1.0-1 released
Ying Lu
- [R] outer(-x, x, pmin) cannot allocate
Brahm, David
- [R] Creating packages in windoze: *** [indices] Error 1
Niels Waller
- [R] Get rid of space padding
Gene Cutler
- [R] combination of scatterplot and image graph
bogdan romocea
- [R] How do you generate multiple sequences
Mulholland, Tom
- [R] Re: How to calculate Ln(x) value and Exp(Ln(x)) value in R?
liu qin
- [R] How to interpret and modify "plot.svm"?
David Meyer
- [R] Rgui.exe - Error while tuning svm
David Meyer
- [R] [R-pkgs] zoo 0.9-1
Achim Zeileis
- [R] searching Jonathan Baron's R Site
Jonathan Baron
- [R] tcltk problem
Liviu M Vladutu
- [R] Question about creating error bars
Dan Bolser
- [R] R Reference Card (especially useful for Newbies)
Berton Gunter
- [R] subsetting a data.frame to the 'unique' of a column
Rudi Alberts
- [R] how to ignore t.test error message
burak kutlu
- [R] Sorting problem
Paul JH Drake
- [R] Sorting problem
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Sorting problem
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Sorting problem
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Sorting problem
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Sorting problem
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] RE: R-help Digest, Vol 22, Issue 24
Eric Pante
- [R] xlim in lattice
Edwin Leuven
- [R] Prosodic/phonetic analysis with R
(Ted Harding)
- [R] Prosodic/phonetic analysis with R
Shravan Vasishth
- [R] Un peu d'aide
Frederic renaud
- [R] error in gregmisc package
Snæbjörn Gunnsteinsson
- [R] Problem with stepAIC, "invalid second argument"
Klaus Thul
- [R] vector
Frederic renaud
- [R] Richiesta informazioni
Andrea Nesi
- [R] Richiesta informazioni
Andrea Nesi
- R: [R] Richiesta informazioni
Guazzetti Stefano
- [R] vector
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] splot.screen: multiple plots
Anne G
- [R] splot.screen: multiple plots
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] list(0) to integer
Frederic renaud
- [R] classification using logistic regression
Rajdeep Das
- [R] how to ignore t.test error message
Liaw, Andy
- [R] RandomFields: Controling seed with GaussRF
Ernesto Jardim
- [R] random numbers within a given range
Rajdeep Das
- [R] plots
duraikannan sundaramoorthi
- [R] plots
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] plots
Tim F Liao
- [R] editing a package directly from R
Fredrik Lundgren
- [R] R: repeat loops
Michael Gray
- [R] Developing R classes
Gilvan Justino
- [R] Developing R classes
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Developing R classes
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] lost association for .RData files
Richard Valliant
- [R] Norton AntiVirus detected and quarantined a virus in a message you sent.
- [R] lost association for .RData files
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Varying x-axes ticks
Anthony Gichangi
- [R] glm vs multinom
Rajdeep Das
- [R] Configuration of memory usage
Tae-Hoon Chung
- [R] (no subject)
Anne Shelton
- [R] R&PHP
- [R] lost association for .RData files
Tim F Liao
- [R] error installing 2.0.1 '.install_package_description'
Cary Miller
- [R] read.table from a list of filenames
thomas hills
- [R] read.table from a list of filenames
Liaw, Andy
- [R] gls model and matrix operations
Doran, Harold
- [R] .install_package_description error
Cary Miller
- [R] using get() in assign()
thomas hills
- [R] about image(graphics) function
Olivier BUHARD
- [R] using get() in assign()
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] numeric(0)
- [R] numeric(0)
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] numeric(0)
Liaw, Andy
- [R] gls model and matrix operations
Doran, Harold
- [R] numeric(0)
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] predict.glm
Rajdeep Das
- [R] Question about setting tick mark limits in Plot
Justin Rhodes
- [R] setting tabstop
Søren Merser
- [R] Discrepancy between intervals.lme and coef.lme
datkins at
- [R] GEE with own link function
Johanna BRANDT
- [R] Updating a formula w a portion of another formula
Daniel Almirall
- [R] t-test pvalue
Giovanni Coppola
- [R] coplot with png: disappearing grid lines
bogdan romocea
- [R] R and PHP
Arin Basu
- [R] simplest possible xyz plot
t takahashi
- [R] graphics
Fred Hattermann
- [R] subsetting within a function
Pamela McCaskie
- [R] list(0) to integer
Romain François
- [R] labels and counting
- [R] Error in layout(): Too many rows in layout
Jeroen Van Houtte
- [R] install.packages() vs. update.packages()
Gorjanc Gregor
- [R] Varying x-axes ticks
- [R] number format
- [R] Supressing empty sections with Sweave
Mikkel Grum
- [R] lme: Confusion about Variances
h.brunschwig at
- [R] Citation
Heather Maughan
- [R] Citation
Stephane Dray
- [R] Export the R object
- [R] install.packages() for local source file
Paul Roebuck
Last message date:
Fri Dec 31 23:24:53 CEST 2004
Archived on: Sat Mar 18 16:46:32 CEST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).