[R] How about a mascot for R?

Patrick Burns pburns at pburns.seanet.com
Thu Dec 2 19:22:54 CET 2004

Or a furry and cuddly raccoon?

Peter Dalgaard wrote:

>Damian Betebenner <damian.betebenner at bc.edu> writes:
>>R users,
>>How come R doesn't have a mascot? Linux has one and so does LaTeX, so shouldn't R? I personally think that associating a "friendly face" with R would be a good thing for R (one letter names can be quite intimidating).
>>I apologize if this is addressed in the FAQ. I searched the FAQ as well as the mailing list archives and checked   
>>but to no avail. ;-)
>A furry and cuddly inchworm? 

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