[R] using Hmisc and Design library

array chip arrayprofile at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 15 20:43:17 CET 2004

Hi all,

I encountered a weird problem when using the
Design and Hmisc libraries in S-Plus (it worked well
in R). I have a data frame called "b", which
has 3 columns: "time", "status" and
"scores", a sample of the data frame is like:

data frame "b":
  time status scores 
1   27      0 -126.7
2   24      0 -135.6
3   30      0 -139.5
4   49      0 -137.6
5   27      0 -136.9

when I ran the following script using this data frame,
even though no error message was produced, no fit
object was generated:

> library(Hmisc,T);library(Design,T)
> dd <- datadist(b)
> options(datadist='dd')
> fit <- cph(Surv(time,status) ~ scores,
data=b,surv=T, x=T, y=T)
> fit
Problem: Object "fit" not found, while calling
subroutine S_agsurv2 
Use traceback() to see the call stack

actually data frame "b" has 177 rows, the script ran
ok on the first 166 rows as a subset, but started to
break down if subset of the first 177 rows were used
as the input, or the first 166 rows plus 168th row,

the data in those rows in "b" are:
    time status scores 
165  172      0 -123.3
166  105      0 -138.4
167  166      0 -128.8
168  140      0 -114.2
169  163      0 -117.0
170  141      0 -115.8

Additionally, even if I only ran the script on the
first 166 rows, I still can't generate a plot:

> dd <- datadist(bbb[1:166,])
> options(datadist='dd')
> fit <- cph(Surv(time,status) ~ scores,
data=bbb[1:166,],surv=T, x=T, y=T)
> fit

Cox Proportional Hazards Model

cph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ scores, data =
bbb[1:166,  ], x = T, y = T, surv = T)

 Obs Events Model L.R. d.f. P Score Score P    R2 
 166     36      29.08    1 0 35.37       0 0.182

        coef se(coef)    z         p 
scores 0.102   0.0172 5.94 2.91e-009

> plot(fit, scores=seq(-140, -100, by=1),
time=36,fun=function(x) 1-x,xlim=c(-140,
at 3 Years')

no error message, but only a blank graph window is

can anyone please tell me why this happens only in
S-Plus, but not in R? no missing value is present in
either data frame. the data "b" is attached in case
you need to run the script.

Thanks very much!


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