[R] Export the R object

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Fri Dec 31 21:59:58 CET 2004

      I'm sorry, but your question seems to broad for me to provide a 
succinct answer.  You can look at "sink", but if that doesn't answer 
your question, please "read the posting guide! 
http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html" on "How to ask good 
questions that prompt useful answers", especially the part about 
providing a small example that someone else can actually run.  If we 
know the kind of "results" you want to export, what you tried, and why 
that was not satisfactory, it will be much easier for someone to help 
you.  (Moreover, you might even find an answer to your own question by 
following the procedure in the posting guide.) 

      sorry I couldn't help more. 
      spencer graves

Ko,Younhee wrote:

>I just have a quick question.
>If I got some result as the result of R, how can I export 
>the result object?
>I mean, if I want to use the result object in Excel or other 
>program in order to more specific investigation, how can I 
>export it?
>If I just list the result and copy, 
>The result is like this..
>[586] "BB170029A10B06" "BB170029A20E06"
>First column, automatically show the number of result and 
>other result also include the "".
>If I want to use this result, I have to manipulate the 
>result by myself(I mean e.g remove " and remove [586] like 
>this way)?????
>Or there is any good way to export this result object to 
>other program?
>Please help me. 
>Thanks in advance.
>Younhee Ko(younko at uiuc.edu)
>contact : 217-417-4868
>Graduate Student in Dept. of Computer Science
>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
>PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Spencer Graves, PhD, Senior Development Engineer
O:  (408)938-4420;  mobile:  (408)655-4567

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