[R] treatment contrasts and summary.lm

Christoph Scherber Christoph.Scherber at uni-jena.de
Thu Dec 2 12:00:57 CET 2004

Dear list members,

I have a 2-factor ANOVA where the summary.lm output looks like this 
(using treatment contrasts):

                    Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
      (Intercept)  0.0389  0.0220     1.7695  0.0817
as.factor(Block)1  0.0156  0.0066     2.3597  0.0215
as.factor(Block)2 -0.0018  0.0037    -0.4857  0.6289
as.factor(Block)3 -0.0007  0.0026    -0.2812  0.7795
   as.factor(AZ)1 -0.0066  0.0076    -0.8670  0.3893
   as.factor(AZ)2  0.0064  0.0047     1.3530  0.1810
   as.factor(AZ)3 -0.0015  0.0031    -0.4863  0.6284
   as.factor(AZ)4  0.0054  0.0025     2.1499  0.0355
   as.factor(AZ)5  0.0062  0.0037     1.6653  0.1009

Block has 4 levels and AZ has 6 levels. My question now is: What exactly 
do the values for AZ show? I know it´s somehow differences between 
intercepts, but it would be great if someone could tell me more on how 
exactly to interprete the output.

Thanks very much in advance!

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