[R] erro in SVM (packsge "e1071")
jmoreira at fe.up.pt
Sat Dec 18 17:54:49 CET 2004
I am using SVM under e1071 package for nu-regression with 18 parameters. The
variables are ordered factors, factors, date or numeric datatypes. I use the
linear kernel.
It gives the following error that I cannot solve. I tryed debug, browser and
all that stuff, but no way.
The error is:
Error in get(ctr, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())(levels(x), :
Orthogonal polynomials cannot be represented accurately enough for 236
degrees of freedom
I use the nu parameter. However, reading ?svm help it says "parameter needed
for 'nu-classification' and 'one-classification'". Does not say anything about
nu-regression. It is an omission in the ?svm help page? Or am I
notundestanding something?
I believe it has something to do with the calculus of the eigenvalues. Anyway
how can I overpass this problem? Increasing the training data (is around 900
Thanks for any help
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