[R] how to make the matrix as factors

ys03165003@student.ecnu.edu.cn ys03165003 at student.ecnu.edu.cn
Sun Dec 19 09:00:45 CET 2004

Hi All,

Thanks for you help, I have loaded the library MASS to call the mca. But when I
want to do the mca, there is another problem, for example
> leaf <- read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/wxh-c/×ÀÃæ/1.txt",
+ col.names=c("size","texture"),header=TRUE)
> leaf
    size texture
1      3       3
2      2       2
3      3       2
4      3       2
5      3       2
6      3       3
7      3       2
8      3       2
9      3       2
> attach(leaf)
> require(MASS)
Loading required package: MASS 
[1] TRUE
> new.mca <- mca(leaf)
Error in mca(leaf) : All variables must be factors
So, what should I do to make the matrix as factor. Waiting for you answers.


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