Second quarter 2018 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Apr 4 15:41:03 CEST 2018
Ending: Sat Jun 30 22:59:12 CEST 2018
Messages: 285
- [R-pkg-devel] [FORGED] Corrections on build errors: do I need to bump version?
Rolf Turner
- [R-pkg-devel] [FORGED] Corrections on build errors: do I need to bump version?
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] [FORGED] Corrections on build errors: do I need to bump version?
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] [FORGED] separate Functions: and Datasets: indices?
Rolf Turner
- [R-pkg-devel] Byte-compilation problem for R-package ddalpha after update to R 3.5.0
- [R-pkg-devel] Byte-compilation problem for R-package ddalpha after update to R 3.5.0
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Byte-compilation problem for R-package ddalpha after update to R 3.5.0
- [R-pkg-devel] cannot change value of locked binding for '*tmp*'
Jens Oehlschlägel
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Dudek Andrzej
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
David Hugh-Jones
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Dudek Andrzej
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Dudek Andrzej
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Dudek Andrzej
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Dudek Andrzej
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
David Sterratt
- [R-pkg-devel] Cannot submit package due to misspell note
Berwin A Turlach
- [R-pkg-devel] checksums change after publication on CRAN?
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] checksums change after publication on CRAN?
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] checksums change after publication on CRAN?
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Henrik Bengtsson
- [R-pkg-devel] Checksums changed on CRAN without any visible modifications to files.
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Compiled code checks raise a WARNING in Fedora 28
Iñaki Úcar
- [R-pkg-devel] Compiled code checks raise a WARNING in Fedora 28
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] Compiled code checks raise a WARNING in Fedora 28
Iñaki Úcar
- [R-pkg-devel] Compiled code checks raise a WARNING in Fedora 28
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] Concern that reverse dependency checking currently unreliable
J C Nash
- [R-pkg-devel] Conditional use of suggested package in example code
Christian Sigg
- [R-pkg-devel] Conditional use of suggested package in example code
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] Conditional use of suggested package in example code
Christian Sigg
- [R-pkg-devel] Corrections on build errors: do I need to bump version?
Lorenzo Busetto
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Neal Fultz
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Courtesy methods and explosive dependencies
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN Pre-Test Problems -- FSA Package
Derek Ogle
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Chris Njuguna
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Chris Njuguna
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Chris Njuguna
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest: Overall checktime 14 min > 10 min
Chris Njuguna
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Gertjan van den Burg
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Gertjan van den Burg
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Hadley Wickham
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
J C Nash
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Gertjan van den Burg
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Iñaki Úcar
- [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pretest archived because of 2 NOTEs
Gertjan van den Burg
- [R-pkg-devel] Creating S3 methods for S4 classes
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Creating S3 methods for S4 classes
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] Creating S3 methods for S4 classes
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Creating S3 methods for S4 classes
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Creating S3 methods for S4 classes
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] Creating S3 methods for S4 classes
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Differences between documentation and CRAN requirements: an update needed?
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Differences between documentation and CRAN requirements: an update needed?
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Documentation Cross-reference Unexpected Warning
Dario Strbenac
- [R-pkg-devel] Documentation Cross-reference Unexpected Warning
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Documentation Cross-reference Unexpected Warning
Dario Strbenac
- [R-pkg-devel] Documentation Cross-reference Unexpected Warning
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Errors in my package
Steven Spiriti
- [R-pkg-devel] Errors in my package
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Errors in my package
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Errors in my package
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Errors in R package - Updated
Steven Spiriti
- [R-pkg-devel] Errors in R package - Updated
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Explicitly Calling a Method of a specific Class in a Function
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Thrun
- [R-pkg-devel] Explicitly Calling a Method of a specific Class in a Function
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] Explicitly Calling a Method of a specific Class in a Function
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Explicitly Calling a Method of a specific Class in a Function
Roger Bivand
- [R-pkg-devel] extending as.mcmc.list
Joe Thorley
- [R-pkg-devel] extending as.mcmc.list
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] extending as.mcmc.list
Joe Thorley
- [R-pkg-devel] File link does not exist : how to get the correct one?
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] File link does not exist : how to get the correct one?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] File link does not exist : how to get the correct one?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] File link does not exist : how to get the correct one?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] File link does not exist : how to get the correct one?
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] FW: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission bwt 1.1.0
khoong Wei Hao
- [R-pkg-devel] FW: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission bwt 1.1.0
Hugh Parsonage
- [R-pkg-devel] FW: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission bwt 1.1.0
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] FW: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission bwt 1.1.0
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Fwd: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission Boom 0.8
Steven Scott
- [R-pkg-devel] Fwd: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission Boom 0.8
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] Fwd: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission Boom 0.8
Steven Scott
- [R-pkg-devel] Fwd: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission Boom 0.8
Steven Scott
- [R-pkg-devel] Fwd: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission Boom 0.8
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Fwd: [CRAN-pretest-archived] CRAN submission Boom 0.8
Steven Scott
- [R-pkg-devel] Fwd: Collaboration Request: h2o R Package Function Cheatsheet
Juan Telleria Ruiz de Aguirre
- [R-pkg-devel] GPL + other licence
David C Sterratt
- [R-pkg-devel] GPL + other licence
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [R-pkg-devel] GPL + other licence
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-pkg-devel] GPL + other licence
Hadley Wickham
- [R-pkg-devel] GPL + other licence
Martyn Plummer
- [R-pkg-devel] GPL + other licence
David C Sterratt
- [R-pkg-devel] How do I know if/when my package is fit for CRAN?
Voeten, C.C.
- [R-pkg-devel] How do I know if/when my package is fit for CRAN?
Michael Dewey
- [R-pkg-devel] How do I know if/when my package is fit for CRAN?
Rune Haubo
- [R-pkg-devel] How do I know if/when my package is fit for CRAN?
Voeten, C.C.
- [R-pkg-devel] How do I know if/when my package is fit for CRAN?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] How to check memory access (understanding Section 4.3 WRE)
Marius Hofert
- [R-pkg-devel] how to document method arguments that aren't in the signature
Ross Boylan
- [R-pkg-devel] How to handle deprecated package dependency? 2 suggestions 1 question
Vincent van Hees
- [R-pkg-devel] How to handle deprecated package dependency? 2 suggestions 1 question
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] How to handle deprecated package dependency? 2 suggestions 1 question
Mark van der Loo
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Jose A Guijarro
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Sarah Goslee
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Jose A Guijarro
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Jose A Guijarro
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Spencer Graves
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
William Dunlap
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Jennifer Bryan
- [R-pkg-devel] How to write example results to a tempdir()?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [R-pkg-devel] inconsistent between windows and debian
Xubo Yue
- [R-pkg-devel] inconsistent between windows and debian
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Indexing HTML vignette topics
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-pkg-devel] memory exhausted (limit reached?) and R3.6.0 memory leak in data.table
Bailey, Paul
- [R-pkg-devel] memory exhausted (limit reached?) and R3.6.0 memory leak in data.table
luke-tier at ey m at ili at g off uiow at at edu
- [R-pkg-devel] memory exhausted (limit reached?) and R3.6.0 memory leak in data.table
Bailey, Paul
- [R-pkg-devel] memory exhausted (limit reached?) and R3.6.0 memory leak in data.table
luke-tier at ey m at ili at g off uiow at at edu
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Kevin Coombes
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
William Dunlap
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Kevin Coombes
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Kevin Coombes
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
William Dunlap
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Jari Oksanen
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] mvrnorm, eigen, tests, and R CMD check
Facundo Muñoz
- NOTE regarding dependencies in R code: Missing or unexported object
David Hervás
- [R-pkg-devel] NOTE regarding dependencies in R code: Missing or unexported object
Rune Haubo
- [R-pkg-devel] NOTE regarding dependencies in R code: Missing or unexported object
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] NOTE regarding dependencies in R code: Missing or unexported object
David Hervás
- [R-pkg-devel] pkg built with static vignette introduces dependency on R > = 3.5.0
Roman Flury
- [R-pkg-devel] pkg built with static vignette introduces dependency on R > = 3.5.0
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] plot graph (png, svg, eps, pdf, vdx, ok tikz) to device
Rainer Krug
- [R-pkg-devel] plot graph (png, svg, eps, pdf, vdx, ok tikz) to device
Stefan McKinnon Høj-Edwards
- [R-pkg-devel] plot graph (png, svg, eps, pdf, vdx, ok tikz) to device
Rainer M Krug
- [R-pkg-devel] plot graph (png, svg, eps, pdf, vdx, ok tikz) to device
Rainer M. Krug
- [R-pkg-devel] plot graph (png, svg, eps, pdf, vdx, ok tikz) to device
Rainer Krug
- [R-pkg-devel] Puzzled by delay in getting version update on CRAN
David Winsemius
- [R-pkg-devel] Puzzled by delay in getting version update on CRAN
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Puzzled by delay in getting version update on CRAN
David Winsemius
- [R-pkg-devel] Questions about making a database package (Rpolyhedra)
alejandro baranek
- [R-pkg-devel] Questions about making a database package (Rpolyhedra)
Joris Meys
- [R-pkg-devel] Questions about making a database package (Rpolyhedra)
alejandro baranek
- [R-pkg-devel] Questions about making a database package (Rpolyhedra)
Mark van der Loo
- [R-pkg-devel] Questions about making a database package (Rpolyhedra)
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] Questions about making a database package (Rpolyhedra)
alejandro baranek
- [R-pkg-devel] questions about promptPackage(); <pkg>-package.Rd; help(package="<pkg>")
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] questions about promptPackage(); <pkg>-package.Rd; help(package="<pkg>")
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] r-patched error
David Hugh-Jones
- [R-pkg-devel] r-patched error
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] r-patched error
David Hugh-Jones
- [R-pkg-devel] r-patched error
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] RcppArmadillo-based package works in every tested OS except Debian
Julia A. Pilowsky
- [R-pkg-devel] RcppArmadillo-based package works in every tested OS except Debian
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] RcppArmadillo-based package works in every tested OS except Debian
Julia A. Pilowsky
- [R-pkg-devel] Rd files: using \link[pkg]{foo} when file names differ between OSs
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [R-pkg-devel] Rd files: using \link[pkg]{foo} when file names differ between OSs
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Rd files: using \link[pkg]{foo} when file names differ between OSs
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] Rd files: using \link[pkg]{foo} when file names differ between OSs
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Rd files: using \link[pkg]{foo} when file names differ between OSs
Martin Morgan
- [R-pkg-devel] Rd files: using \link[pkg]{foo} when file names differ between OSs
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] Rd files: using \link[pkg]{foo} when file names differ between OSs
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [R-pkg-devel] Recommended procedure for solving "Additional issues"?
Marius Hofert
- [R-pkg-devel] Recommended procedure for solving "Additional issues"?
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Recommended procedure for solving "Additional issues"?
Marius Hofert
- [R-pkg-devel] Recommended procedure for solving "Additional issues"?
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] registering native routines
Rampal S. Etienne
- [R-pkg-devel] registering native routines
Thomas Petzoldt
- [R-pkg-devel] registering native routines
Rampal Etienne
- [R-pkg-devel] registering native routines
Henric Winell
- [R-pkg-devel] registering native routines
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkg-devel] registering native routines
Marcelino de la Cruz Rot
- [R-pkg-devel] registering native routines
Rampal Etienne
- [R-pkg-devel] Release Frequency
Boxuan Cui
- [R-pkg-devel] Release Frequency
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Release Frequency
Boxuan Cui
- [R-pkg-devel] R Markdown and tables in Word
Shakeel Suleman
- [R-pkg-devel] R Markdown and tables in Word
Jason Serviss
- [R-pkg-devel] R Markdown and tables in Word
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] R package example fail for 32 bit Windows only
- [R-pkg-devel] Saving output of check()
J C Nash
- [R-pkg-devel] Saving output of check()
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] Saving output of check()
Henrik Bengtsson
- [R-pkg-devel] Saving output of check()
J C Nash
- [R-pkg-devel] Saving output of check()
J C Nash
- [R-pkg-devel] Saving output of check()
J C Nash
- [R-pkg-devel] Saving output of check()
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] Saving output of check()
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] separate Functions: and Datasets: indices?
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] separate Functions: and Datasets: indices?
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] SIAM Wilkinson prize
J C Nash
- [R-pkg-devel] SIAM Wilkinson prize
Avraham Adler
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Xubo Yue
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Spencer Graves
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Xubo Yue
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Spencer Graves
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Xubo Yue
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Xubo Yue
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Xubo Yue
- [R-pkg-devel] some notes
Spencer Graves
- [R-pkg-devel] spp package error "Package required but not available: ‘Rsamtools’"
Carmen M. Livi
- [R-pkg-devel] spp package error "Package required but not available: ‘Rsamtools’"
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] spp package error "Package required b ut not available: ‘Rsamtools’"
Carmen Livi
- [R-pkg-devel] SSL error during devtools::release()
Goldfeld, Keith
- [R-pkg-devel] SSL error during devtools::release()
Jennifer Bryan
- [R-pkg-devel] Tests hang only on win-builder x64
Michael Levy
- [R-pkg-devel] Tests hang only on win-builder x64
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] trouble with R check
Erin Hodgess
- [R-pkg-devel] trouble with R check
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] trouble with R check
Erin Hodgess
- [R-pkg-devel] trying to understand an error
Steven Scott
- [R-pkg-devel] trying to understand an error
Steven Scott
- [R-pkg-devel] trying to understand an error
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] trying to understand an error
Steven Scott
- [R-pkg-devel] trying to understand an error
Kevin Ushey
- [R-pkg-devel] Unable to build pdf manuals
Polychronis Kostoulas
- [R-pkg-devel] Unable to build pdf manuals
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkg-devel] updating my package to fix if () condition has length > 1
Lawrence, John P
- [R-pkg-devel] updating my package to fix if () condition has length > 1
Maxime Turgeon
- [R-pkg-devel] updating my package to fix if () condition has length > 1
peter dalgaard
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Alexandre Courtiol
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Ben Bolker
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Alexandre Courtiol
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Alexandre Courtiol
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Alexandre Courtiol
- [R-pkg-devel] vignette via devtools: sometimes found, sometimes not (same package)
Hadley Wickham
- [R-pkg-devel] why can't we importFrom 'methods' ?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-pkg-devel] why can't we importFrom 'methods' ?
Martin Maechler
- [R-pkg-devel] why can't we importFrom 'methods' ?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R-pkg-devel] why can't we importFrom 'methods' ?
Georgi Boshnakov
- [R-pkg-devel] why can't we importFrom 'methods' ?
Martin Morgan
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 22:59:12 CEST 2018
Archived on: Sat Jun 30 23:09:08 CEST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).