Second quarter 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Apr 1 10:22:57 CEST 2009
Ending: Tue Jun 30 21:26:35 CEST 2009
Messages: 585
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolioFrontier nonsense
Bengoechea Bartolomé Enrique (SIES 73)
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA,GARCH and differences
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA,GARCH and differences
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on Interest Rate
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on Interest Rate
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] the payoff of an call option
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] Value-at-Risk
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] fit NGARCH model
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] issues with NGARCH in rgarch package
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] issues with NGARCH in rgarch package
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vector autoregression with Newey-West standard errors
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vector autoregression with Newey-West standard errors
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vector autoregression with Newey-West standard errors
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vector autoregression with Newey-West standard errors
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] re[R-sig-finance] commended books
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] Chi-sq Hausman test---R vs Stata
Steven Archambault
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: [Fwd: R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 60, Issue 18]
Steven Archambault
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: [Fwd: R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 60, Issue 18]
Steven Archambault
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: [Fwd: R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 60, Issue 18]
Steven Archambault
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: [Fwd: R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 60, Issue 18]
Steven Archambault
- [R-SIG-Finance] Preprocessing RData file (Was: Kdb (Was: high frequency data analysis in R))
Whit Armstrong
- [R-SIG-Finance] periodReturn() does not work anymore except for period="daily".
Dodzi Attimu
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod
Dan Avery
- [R-SIG-Finance] Hi this is not a R-problem per se but an econometric problem of course
- [R-SIG-Finance] Financial time series data mining in R
Reena Bansal
- [R-SIG-Finance] Financial time series data mining in R
Reena Bansal
- [R-SIG-Finance] When will the ebook "Portfolio Optimization with R/Rmetrics" be published?
- [R-SIG-Finance] an ARIMA(0,2,1) model
- [R-SIG-Finance] error in tangencyPortfolio when Short
- [R-SIG-Finance] error in tangencyPortfolio when Short
- [R-SIG-Finance] error in tangencyPortfolio when Short
- [R-SIG-Finance] Best Sharpe Ratio
- [R-SIG-Finance] Best Sharpe Ratio
- [R-SIG-Finance] Best Sharpe Ratio
- [R-SIG-Finance] Best Sharpe Ratio
- [R-SIG-Finance] [PerformanceAnalytics]why riskfree rate in table.capm can't be a vector?
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FX option
- [R-SIG-Finance] the payoff of an call option
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FX option
- [R-SIG-Finance] the payoff of an call option
- [R-SIG-Finance] the payoff of an call option
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FX option
- [R-SIG-Finance] Estimating ARMA-GRACH model through a loop
Martin Becker
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Preprocessing RData file (data.table and ff, bigmemory)
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Newbie question on risk free Interest Rate
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from specific website
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from specific website
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] How to create seasonal variable for zoo object.
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] How to create seasonal variable for zoo object.
- [R-SIG-Finance] re[R-sig-finance] commended books
- [R-SIG-Finance] Intro Stock Market Time Series Questions
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Return.calculate strange results?
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Financial time series data mining in R
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] R training in London (and a talk)
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] re[R-sig-finance] commended books
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod getFinancials
Francisco Javier Perez Caballero
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calculating SharpeRatio for several managers with PerformanceAnalytics
Peter Carl
- [R-SIG-Finance] chart.PerformanceAnalytics(), character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Peter Carl
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on Interest Rate
Sean Carmody
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod error downloading .AORD data
Sean Carmody
- [R-SIG-Finance] updated Rmetrics packages
Yohan Chalabi
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ian Coe
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ian Coe
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ian Coe
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ian Coe
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg with rcom
Ian Coe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Curvature related question
Vorlow Constantinos
- [R-SIG-Finance] positions in timeSeries object
Shane Conway
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Shane Conway
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Surface plot of multivariate time series
Shane Conway
- [R-SIG-Finance] Finance Data
malcolm Crouch
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARMA-GARCH package in R?
Jose Iparraguirre D'Elia
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Preprocessing RData file (data.table and ff, bigmemory)
Jose Iparraguirre D'Elia
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to do a real time graph
Krishna Dagli
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod: overlaying time series bar charts
Dai, Jiqiong
- [R-SIG-Finance] VaR again
Megh Dal
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Surface plot of multivariate time series
Megh Dal
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg - limit on size of return array?
Paul DeBruicker
- [R-SIG-Finance] the payoff of an call option
Paul DeBruicker
- [R-SIG-Finance] fArma- Prediction for ARFIMA not yet implemented?
Valentin Dimitrov
- [R-SIG-Finance] skew normal cond.dist in fGarch::garchFit
Valentin Dimitrov
- [R-SIG-Finance] data.table is on CRAN (higher speed time series joins and more)
Matthew Dowle
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to do a real time graph
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] tick data database
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Predictive Analytics Seminar: May 27-28, New York City
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Kdb (Was: high frequency data analysis in R)
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] fArma- Prediction for ARFIMA not yet implemented?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Generating Monthly Returns from a ton of daily data
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Business day conventions
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Business day conventions
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] CQG Gateway for R
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo plotting - invalid 'ylim' value
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod problem retrieving data
Werner Erselina
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod problem retrieving data
Werner Erselina
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod problem retrieving data
Werner Erselina
- [R-SIG-Finance] help
Charles Evans
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg (was Re: intraday data for VIX?)
Charles Evans
- [R-SIG-Finance] intraday data for VIX?
Charles Evans
- [R-SIG-Finance] subscripting variable names?
Charles Evans
- [R-SIG-Finance] standard error and p-value for the estimated parameter in AR model
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: [Fwd: R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 60, Issue 18]
Melo Velandia Luis Fernando
- [R-SIG-Finance] Chi-sq Hausman test---R vs Stata
John Frain
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on VECM
John Frain
- [R-SIG-Finance] Least Square estimate of Multi-variate time series data
Rohit Garg
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Surface plot of multivariate time series
Paul Gilbert
- [R-SIG-Finance] BLCOP / Idzorek working paper
Francisco Gochez
- [R-SIG-Finance] weightsSlider in fPortfolio broken?
Stefan Grosse
- [R-SIG-Finance] VAR Modelling
Stefan Grosse
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non-parametric tests in R
Stefan Grosse
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Stefan Grosse
- [R-SIG-Finance] some notes on using R in Amazon's EC2
Robert Grossman
- [R-SIG-Finance] as.xts of a data.frame
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] mark areas on time series plot
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] mark areas on time series plot
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo: bug / feature replacing coredata - subsetting by dates
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Dates manipulation
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Dates manipulation
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Chart formats
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] [r-sig-finance] Package Quantmod: reading csv files
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio and R/Rmetrics
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Sharpe ratio in tseries
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo plotting - invalid 'ylim' value
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo plotting - invalid 'ylim' value
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo plotting - invalid 'ylim' value
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo plotting - invalid 'ylim' value
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from specific website
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to read in this time series csv file with both dates and times?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from specific website
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] How to create seasonal variable for zoo object.
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] How to create seasonal variable for zoo object.
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to read in this time series csv file with both dates and times?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] efficient extraction of local extrema and zero-crossings in large multivariate zoo?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended books
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] working levelplot with zoo - surface plot of multivariate time series
Christian Gunning
- [R-SIG-Finance] efficient extraction of local extrema and zero-crossings in large multivariate zoo?
Christian Gunning
- [R-SIG-Finance] efficient extraction of local extrema and zero-crossings in large multivariate zoo?
Christian Gunning
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod and intraday time periods
Tom H
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod and intraday time periods
Tom H
- [R-SIG-Finance] as.xts of a data.frame
Sebastian Hauer
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod: overlaying time series bar charts
Sebastian Hauer
- [R-SIG-Finance] Backtesting framework package
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] Help on constrained regression
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] great conference and a question
R P Herrold
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
R P Herrold
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
R P Herrold
- [R-SIG-Finance] Extracting AIC or Log-Likelihood from a fitted GARCH
Hodgess, Erin
- [R-SIG-Finance] yahoo historical data quality
Hodgess, Erin
- [R-SIG-Finance] great conference and a question
Hodgess, Erin
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from Yahoo
Hodgess, Erin
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR's RSI
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR's RSI
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR's RSI
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR's RSI
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] abline for quantmod charts
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] tick data database
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] abline for quantmod charts
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Hae Kyung Im
- [R-SIG-Finance] VAR Modelling
Khalid Iqbal
- [R-SIG-Finance] No intercep for First-Difference Estimator in PLM (panel data)
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: No intercep for First-Difference Estimator in PLM(panel data) - follow-up
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: [Fwd: R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 60, Issue 18]
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: [Fwd: R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 60, Issue 18]
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] Return.calculate strange results?
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] hands-on book on financial time series with R?
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolio rebalancing
Fuchs Ira
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Preprocessing RData file (data.table and ff, bigmemory)
Steve Jaffe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Performance Analytics
Sean Jewell
- [R-SIG-Finance] Opentick Gone
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols in quantmod
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] intraday data for VIX?
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg (was Re: intraday data for VIX?)
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] intraday data for VIX?
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg WAS: [R-sig-finance] intraday data for VIX?
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rquantlib discount curve
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Generating Monthly Returns from a ton of daily data
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Generating Monthly Returns from a ton of daily data
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Generating Monthly Returns from a ton of daily data
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from specific website
Cedrick Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Predictive Analytics Seminar: May 27-28, New York City
Elise Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo: bug / feature replacing coredata - subsetting by dates
Phil Joubert
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo: bug / feature replacing coredata - subsetting by dates
Phil Joubert
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg - limit on size of return array?
Phil Joubert
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg - limit on size of return array?
Phil Joubert
- [R-SIG-Finance] Business day conventions
Phil Joubert
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA,GARCH and differences
Hannu Kahra
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to pass user name and password via code
Anura Karunaratne
- [R-SIG-Finance] CQG API
Samuel Kemp
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARMA-GARCH package in R?
John Kerpel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Least Square estimate of Multi-variate time series data
John Kerpel
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod: overlaying time series bar charts
Tariq Khan
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts and TTR problems
B Kim
- [R-SIG-Finance] iterations inside odfWeave
Matthias Kohl
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FX option
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FX option
Mahesh Krishnan
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod chart parameters
Mahesh Krishnan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Invoking bond_prices function of termstrc package
Chirantan Kundu
- [R-SIG-Finance] Invoking bond_prices function of termstrc package
Chirantan Kundu
- [R-SIG-Finance] How do cubic spline coefficients contribute to yield formula?
Chirantan Kundu
- [R-SIG-Finance] Historical data: FX spot and options
Michael Larsson
- [R-SIG-Finance] FX options data - CME or others
Michael Larsson
- [R-SIG-Finance] yahoo historical data quality
Michael Larsson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Value-at-Risk
Wei-han Liu
- [R-SIG-Finance] Download and parse CME data
James Long
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fix ARMA parameters in garchfit
Daniel Mail
- [R-SIG-Finance] FW: Fix ARMA parameters in garchfit
Daniel Mail
- [R-SIG-Finance] Dates manipulation
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vasicek model estimation via linear regression
Zanella Marco
- [R-SIG-Finance] Chart formats
Heiko Mayer
- [R-SIG-Finance] BLCOP / Idzorek working paper
Heiko Mayer
- [R-SIG-Finance] New banking analytics company (with R computation engine)
Bill McKinnon
- [R-SIG-Finance] buildModel in quantmod issue
Menezes, Ian
- [R-SIG-Finance] dinvgamma(sigma, shape, scale)
Nabil Meslmani
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] hands-on model selection and statistical data analysis books in R?
- [R-SIG-Finance] why does interpolation in high frequency time series create spurious correlation?
- [R-SIG-Finance] intraday data for VIX?
- [R-SIG-Finance] intraday data for VIX?
- [R-SIG-Finance] hands-on book on financial time series with R?
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to compute the daily return?
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to read in this time series csv file with both dates and times?
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to read in this time series csv file with both dates and times?
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - portfolioFrontier - Limit on number of assets
Yaakov Moser
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - Change in getWeights function
Yaakov Moser
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - Change in getWeights function
Yaakov Moser
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - Maximum Return Portfolio
Yaakov Moser
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - Maximum Return Portfolio
Yaakov Moser
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
Anass Mouhsine
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
Anass Mouhsine
- [R-SIG-Finance] Convert Daily PnL to Returns
Subhrangshu Nandi
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non-parametric tests in R
Subhrangshu Nandi
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rglpk_solve_LP
Subhrangshu Nandi
- [R-SIG-Finance] Sharpe ratio in tseries
Subhrangshu Nandi
- [R-SIG-Finance] Sharpe ratio in tseries
Subhrangshu Nandi
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg with rcom
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg with rcom
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR Stochastics function - internal smoothing
Stanley Neo
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR Stochastics function - internal smoothing
Stanley Neo
- [R-SIG-Finance] R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 61, Issue 2
Stanley Neo
- [R-SIG-Finance] Newbie question on risk free Interest Rate
Stanley Neo
- [R-SIG-Finance] [Google Summer of Code 2009] Hi from a student
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from Yahoo
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rquantlib discount curve
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod getSymbols
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo plotting - invalid 'ylim' value
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] chart.PerformanceAnalytics(), character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] chart.PerformanceAnalytics(), character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] chart.PerformanceAnalytics(), character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to compute the daily return?
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] Asynchronous xts time series
Roberto Osorio
- [R-SIG-Finance] MLE Jump diffision
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] error in tangencyPortfolio when Short
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] How estimate VAR(p)-model robustly?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo: bug / feature replacing coredata - subsetting by dates
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] great conference and a question
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] VaR again
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] VaR again
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod and intraday time periods
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Interfacing R with Interactive Brokers
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Convert Daily PnL to Returns
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Convert Daily PnL to Returns
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Hamilton Filters (and Kalman)
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rquantlib discount curve
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] iterations inside odfWeave
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] subscripting variable names?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Generating Monthly Returns from a ton of daily data
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Hi this is not a R-problem per se but an econometric problem of course
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Speed optimization on minutes distribution calculation
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] CQG Gateway for R
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Download and parse CME data
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] chart.PerformanceAnalytics(), character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] chart.PerformanceAnalytics(), character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] CQG API
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Performance Analytics
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on VECM
Pfaff, Bernhard Dr.
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on VECM
Pfaff, Bernhard Dr.
- [R-SIG-Finance] hands-on book on financial time series with R?
Pfaff, Bernhard Dr.
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on Interest Rate
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on Interest Rate
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FX option
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FX option
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on VECM
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on VECM
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on VECM
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on VECM
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on VECM
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Creating a VCEM data generating process
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Creating a VCEM data generating process
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Creating a VCEM data generating process
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fundamental analysis library?
Joshua Reich
- [R-SIG-Finance] mark areas on time series plot
Stefan Janse van Rensburg
- [R-SIG-Finance] mark areas on time series plot
Stefan Janse van Rensburg
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended books
Stefan Janse van Rensburg
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended books
Stefan Janse van Rensburg
- [R-SIG-Finance] R^2 extraction and autocorrelation/heterokedasticity on TSLS regression
josé maria Rodriguez
- [R-SIG-Finance] R^2 extraction and autocorrelation/heterokedasticity tests on tsls regression
josé maria Rodriguez
- [R-SIG-Finance] TSLS: R^2 extraction and autocorrelation and heterokedasticity tests
josé maria Rodriguez
- [R-SIG-Finance] R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 59, Issue 10
Rosenthal, Dale W.R.
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Dale W.R. Rosenthal
- [R-SIG-Finance] Introducing tawny, a package for filtering correlation matrices via random matrix theory and shrinkage estimation
B. Rowe
- [R-SIG-Finance] great conference and a question
Rowe, Brian Lee Yung (Portfolio Analytics)
- [R-SIG-Finance] Preprocessing RData file (Was: Kdb (Was: high frequency data analysis in R))
Rowe, Brian Lee Yung (Portfolio Analytics)
- [R-SIG-Finance] Preprocessing RData file (Was: Kdb (Was: high frequency data analysis in R))
Rowe, Brian Lee Yung (Portfolio Analytics)
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] help: yahoo special tags
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod problem retrieving data
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] R/Finance 2009 Schedule and Updates
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo: bug / feature replacing coredata - subsetting by dates
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from Yahoo
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod: overlaying time series bar charts
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] abline for quantmod charts
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Chart formats
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] R/Finance 2009 Presentations Online
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with subsetting in xts package
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] abline for quantmod charts
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with Delt() from quantmod
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Interfacing R with Interactive Brokers
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] "Next" in quantmod
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] trying to plot coincident time series in quantmod...
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] trying to plot coincident time series in quantmod...
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calculating SharpeRatio for several managers with PerformanceAnalytics
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Preprocessing RData file (Was: Kdb (Was: high frequency data analysis in R))
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Preprocessing RData file (Was: Kdb (Was: high frequency data analysis in R))
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Preprocessing RData file (Was: Kdb (Was: high frequency data analysis in R))
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Financial time series data mining in R
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Preprocessing RData file (data.table and ff, bigmemory)
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] periodReturn() does not work anymore except for period="daily".
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod getSymbols
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Surface plot of multivariate time series
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] retrieving option info from IB
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] retrieving option info from IB
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] buildModel in quantmod issue
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Sharpe ratio in tseries
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Finance Data
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Speed optimization on minutes distribution calculation
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Speed optimization on minutes distribution calculation
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Name of output column xts vs. dataframe using ifelse statement
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] applying na.locf to xts objects sometimes crashes R
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with Extracting Fitted Values from fGarch package
Mohammad Sabr
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with Extracting Fitted Values from fGarchpackage
Mohammad Sabr
- [R-SIG-Finance] Extracting AIC or Log-Likelihood from a fitted GARCH
Mohammad Sabr
- [R-SIG-Finance] Extracting AIC or Log-Likelihood from a fitted GARCH
Mohammad Sabr
- [R-SIG-Finance] Extracting AIC or Log-Likelihood from a fitted GARCH
Mohammad Sabr
- [R-SIG-Finance] Estimating ARMA-GRACH model through a loop
Mohammad Sabr
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
Robert Sams
- [R-SIG-Finance] positions in timeSeries object
Sarkar, Arup
- [R-SIG-Finance] positions in timeSeries object
Sarkar, Arup
- [R-SIG-Finance] positions in timeSeries object
Sarkar, Arup
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vasicek model estimation via linear regression
Schaeffer, Derek BGI SF
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARMA-GARCH package in R?
Irene Schreiber
- [R-SIG-Finance] How estimate VAR(p)-model robustly?
Irene Schreiber
- [R-SIG-Finance] maxratioPortfolio
Michael Schulman
- [R-SIG-Finance] time series question
Ajay Shah
- [R-SIG-Finance] Review of some R/Finance 2009 talks
David M Smith
- [R-SIG-Finance] Elliptical Copula simulation
Hyun-U Sohn
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
Kenneth Spriggs
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
Kenneth Spriggs
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
Kenneth Spriggs
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
Kenneth Spriggs
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
Kenneth Spriggs
- [R-SIG-Finance] Name of output column xts vs. dataframe using ifelse statement
Kenneth Spriggs
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] tick data database
Ulrich Staudinger
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to code Geometric Brownian Motion Process with Jumps
Thomas Steiner
- [R-SIG-Finance] determine non-linear correlation
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vector autoregression with Newey-West standard errors
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] standard error and p-value for the estimated parameter in AR model
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] standard error and p-value for the estimated parameter in AR model
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] standard error and p-value for the estimated parameter in AR model
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Creating a VCEM data generating process
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] Elliptical Copula simulation
Xiaochen Sun
- [R-SIG-Finance] Geometric Brownian Motion with Jumps MLE
John-Paul Taylor
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to code Geometric Brownian Motion Process with Jumps
John-Paul Taylor
- [R-SIG-Finance] Intro Stock Market Time Series Questions
Neil Tiffin
- [R-SIG-Finance] Intro Stock Market Time Series Questions
Neil Tiffin
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Neil Tiffin
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Interfacing R with Interactive Brokers
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Interfacing R with Interactive Brokers
- [R-SIG-Finance] yahoo historical data quality
James Toll
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with subsetting in xts package
Luis Torgo
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with Delt() from quantmod
Luis Torgo
- [R-SIG-Finance] trying to plot coincident time series in quantmod...
Eugene Tyurin
- [R-SIG-Finance] trying to plot coincident time series in quantmod...
Eugene Tyurin
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
Eugene Tyurin
- [R-SIG-Finance] iterations inside odfWeave
Eugene Tyurin
- [R-SIG-Finance] iterations inside odfWeave
Eugene Tyurin
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod problem retrieving data
Josh Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] xts and to.weekly function
Josh Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from Yahoo
Josh Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR's RSI
Josh Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR's RSI
Josh Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR's RSI
Josh Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod and intraday time periods
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod getFinancials
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts and TTR problems
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR Stochastics function - internal smoothing
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] TTR Stochastics function - internal smoothing
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] iterations inside odfWeave
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] [r-sig-finance] Package Quantmod: reading csv files
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Generating Monthly Returns from a ton of daily data
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to pass user name and password via code
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Backtesting framework package
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] in xts behavior of to.minutes() and to.period()
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] efficient extraction of local extrema and zero-crossings in large multivariate zoo?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Name of output column xts vs. dataframe using ifelse statement
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio custom constraints
Anil Vijendran
- [R-SIG-Finance] Intro Stock Market Time Series Questions
Charles Ward
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio and R/Rmetrics
Charles Ward
- [R-SIG-Finance] MLE Jump diffision
From Watchman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calculating SharpeRatio for several managers with PerformanceAnalytics
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calculating SharpeRatio for several managers with PerformanceAnalytics
- [R-SIG-Finance] client id issue with IBrokers
- [R-SIG-Finance] retrieving option info from IB
- [R-SIG-Finance] retrieving option info from IB
- [R-SIG-Finance] retrieving option info from IB
- [R-SIG-Finance] Speed optimization on minutes distribution calculation
- [R-SIG-Finance] Speed optimization on minutes distribution calculation
- [R-SIG-Finance] Speed optimization on minutes distribution calculation
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] tick data database
- [R-SIG-Finance] re[R-sig-finance] trieving option info from IB
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] quantmod error downloading .AORD data
- [R-SIG-Finance] "Next" in quantmod
Steve Wisdom
- [R-SIG-Finance] Thoughts for "Michael" (was "high frequency")
Steve Wisdom
- [R-SIG-Finance] NERC holiday calendar
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] maxratioPortfolio
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - Maximum Return Portfolio
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - Maximum Return Portfolio
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - Maximum Return Portfolio
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] R/Rmetrics ebook and Meielisalp Workshop
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolioFrontier nonsense
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rglpk_solve_LP
Guy Yollin
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vector autoregression with Newey-West standard errors
Achim Zeileis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vector autoregression with Newey-West standard errors
Achim Zeileis
- [R-SIG-Finance] help: yahoo special tags
Andy Zhu
- [R-SIG-Finance] help: yahoo special tags
Andy Zhu
- [R-SIG-Finance] yahoo historical data quality
Andy Zhu
- [R-SIG-Finance] yahoo historical data quality
Andy Zhu
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolioFrontier nonsense
Andy Zhu
- [R-SIG-Finance] Curvature related question
Eric Zivot
- [R-SIG-Finance] EWMA covariance matrix
Eric Zivot
- [R-SIG-Finance] Hamilton Filters (and Kalman)
Eric Zivot
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vasicek model estimation via linear regression
Eric Zivot
- [R-SIG-Finance] MSE from GARCH forecast
- [R-SIG-Finance] MSE from GARCH forecast
- [R-SIG-Finance] MSE from GARCH forecast
- [R-SIG-Finance] [r-sig-finance] Package Quantmod: reading csv files
- [R-SIG-Finance] [r-sig-finance] Package Quantmod: reading csv files
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
- [R-SIG-Finance] Newbie question on risk free Interest Rate
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA,GARCH and differences
babel at
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA,GARCH and differences
babel at
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols in quantmod
babel at
- [R-SIG-Finance] legend in quantmod
babel at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Shaohui Wang ist außer Haus. / is out of the office.
Shaohui.Wang at
- [R-SIG-Finance] R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 60, Issue 9
dmhutch at
- [R-SIG-Finance] mark areas on time series plot
gnolffilc at
- [R-SIG-Finance] mark areas on time series plot
gnolffilc at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Name of output column xts vs. dataframe using ifelse statement
ksspriggs at
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] help: yahoo special tags
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] yahoo historical data quality
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] yahoo historical data quality
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] intraday data for VIX?
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] intraday data for VIX?
- [R-SIG-Finance] WG: Re: RBloomberg - limit on size of return array?
Matthias.Koberstein at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Hamilton Filters
Matthias.Koberstein at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Antwort: Re: [R-sig-finance] Newbie question on risk free Interest Rate
Matthias.Koberstein at
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to code Geometric Brownian Motion Process with Jumps
stefano iacus
- [R-SIG-Finance] why does interpolation in high frequency time series create spurious correlation?
stefano iacus
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rquantlib discount curve
Martin.Prins at
- [R-SIG-Finance] JOB: Permanent C++ Programmer in London, England, UK
- [R-SIG-Finance] Elliptical Copula simulation
tawfiq just
- [R-SIG-Finance] extract parameters from fitCopula outputs !!
tawfiq just
- [R-SIG-Finance] extract parameters from fitCopula outputs !!
tawfiq just
- [R-SIG-Finance] extract parameters from fitCopula outputs !!
tawfiq just
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] xts and to.weekly function
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] xts and to.weekly function
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] determine non-linear correlation
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from Yahoo
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Downloading data from Yahoo
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] VaR again
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Surface plot of multivariate time series
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Surface plot of multivariate time series
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Surface plot of multivariate time series
- [R-SIG-Finance] Basic Mean Variance Optimization
burke nersesian
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] VaR again
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] VaR again
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A question on Interest Rate
davidr at
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FXoption
davidr at
- [R-SIG-Finance] applying na.locf to xts objects sometimes crashes R
davidr at
- [R-SIG-Finance] positions in timeSeries object
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Domestic risk free rate in FX option
- [R-SIG-Finance] TSLS: R^2 extraction and autocorrelation and heterokedasticity tests
- [R-SIG-Finance] TSLS: R^2 extraction and autocorrelation and heterokedasticity tests
- [R-SIG-Finance] help
- [R-SIG-Finance] extract parameters from fitCopula outputs !!
- [R-SIG-Finance] extract parameters from fitCopula outputs !!
- [R-SIG-Finance] Chi-sq Hausman test---R vs Stata
- [R-SIG-Finance] positions in timeSeries object
- [R-SIG-Finance] Hamilton Filters (and Kalman)
- [R-SIG-Finance] time series question
- [R-SIG-Finance] time series question
- [R-SIG-Finance] time series question
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolio rebalancing
- [R-SIG-Finance] intraday data for VIX?
- [R-SIG-Finance] intraday data for VIX?
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] intraday data for VIX?
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod getSymbols
- [R-SIG-Finance] periodReturn() does not work anymore except for period="daily".
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to compare two asynchroneous xts time series?
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
- [R-SIG-Finance] prices in usd
- [R-SIG-Finance] Business day conventions
- [R-SIG-Finance] Real interest rate data
- [R-SIG-Finance] hands-on book on financial time series with R?
- [R-SIG-Finance] zoo plotting - invalid 'ylim' value
- [R-SIG-Finance] Basic Mean Variance Optimization
- [R-SIG-Finance] SPS and QLPM portfolios
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fundamental analysis library?
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolioFrontier nonsense
ssmith88 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolioFrontier nonsense
ssmith88 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolioFrontier nonsense
ssmith88 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] SPS and QLPM portfolios
ssmith88 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Performance Analytics
ssmith88 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] an ARIMA(0,2,1) model
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] high frequency data analysis in R
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] time series question
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] time series question
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] time series question
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Newbie question on risk free Interest Rate
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vasicek model estimation via linear regression
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vasicek model estimation via linear regression
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] standard error and p-value for the estimated parameter in AR model
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] standard error and p-value for the estimated parameter in AR model
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Creating a VCEM data generating process
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Creating a VCEM data generating process
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] MSE from GARCH forecast
ahmed_shamiri at
- [R-SIG-Finance] MSE from GARCH forecast
ahmed_shamiri at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interactive Broker API
- [R-SIG-Finance] Real interest rate data
Bastian.Offermann at
- [R-SIG-Finance] hands-on book on financial time series with R?
Bastian.Offermann at
Last message date:
Tue Jun 30 21:26:35 CEST 2009
Archived on: Tue Jun 30 21:27:47 CEST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).