[R-SIG-Finance] some notes on using R in Amazon's EC2

Robert Grossman rlg at opendatagroup.com
Tue May 19 05:08:53 CEST 2009

This is a follow up to a lecture I gave at the recent R/Finance 2009
Conference in Chicago

I have prepared some informal notes for those familar with R but not
with Amazon's EC2 service about using R with EC2.  Please see:


There is also a publically available Amazon AMI with R and several
time series packages installed.
The manifest is "opendatagroup/r-timeseries.manifest.xml" and the AMI
instance “ami-ea846283″.  The notes contain more details.

I'll be revising the notes, so I'm interested in any feedback.


Robert Grossman

Open Data Group &
University of Illinois at Chicago

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