Second quarter 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Apr 2 21:23:26 CEST 2016
Ending: Thu Jun 30 18:40:02 CEST 2016
Messages: 296
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 observation level effects with indicator
Tiffany Vidal
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM estimation readings?
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Output and post-hoc comparisons for lme with splines specification of fixed effects
Gabriela Czanner
- [R-sig-ME] glmer vs glmmPQL vs glmmadmb
Magdalena Wiedermann
- [R-sig-ME] glmer vs glmmPQL vs glmmadmb
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 observation level effects with indicator
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Questions concerning glmmADMB and hurdle model
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Complex model yields similar results to simpler model, but also warnings: can I ignore them?
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM estimation readings?
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 observation level effects with indicator
Tiffany Vidal
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 observation level effects with indicator
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] glmer vs glmmPQL vs glmmadmb
Magdalena Wiedermann
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting interaction term in GAMM with random effect
Samantha Cox
- [R-sig-ME] Complex model yields similar results to simpler model, but also warnings: can I ignore them?
Jackie Wood
- [R-sig-ME] Output and post-hoc comparisons for lme with splines specification of fixed effects
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM estimation readings?
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: Question of Chile
Alejandra Tapia
- [R-sig-ME] Does changing the reference level cause any difference in results?
Saudi Sadiq
- [R-sig-ME] Does changing the reference level cause any difference in results?
Dan McCloy
- [R-sig-ME] mismatch between R lme and SPSS mixed model
Mengni Zhang
- [R-sig-ME] mismatch between R lme and SPSS mixed model
Julio Alejandro Di Rienzo
- [R-sig-ME] Output and post-hoc comparisons for lme with splines specification of fixed effects
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] Longitudinal covariation parameter estimate does not match average association over time
Matthew Boden
- [R-sig-ME] Does changing the reference level cause any difference in results?
Saudi Sadiq
- [R-sig-ME] Longitudinal covariation parameter estimate does not match average association over time
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Longitudinal covariation parameter estimate does not match average association over time
Ben Pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] Longitudinal covariation parameter estimate does not match average association over time
Ben Pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] Longitudinal covariation parameter estimate does not match average association over time
Matthew Boden
- [R-sig-ME] Longitudinal covariation parameter estimate does not match average association over time
Matthew Boden
- [R-sig-ME] R Data sets from data in Stroup's book?
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] On what basis one of the predictors/fixed factors should be included in a random slope model?
Saudi Sadiq
- [R-sig-ME] On what basis one of the predictors/fixed factors should be included in a random slope model?
Alex Fine
- [R-sig-ME] On what basis one of the predictors/fixed factors should be included in a random slope model?
Saudi Sadiq
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM Model
Djouher Gaad
- [R-sig-ME] specify random term and autocorrelation and plot lme
Mathew Vickers
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM Model
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Intro GAM and GAMM course: Singapore
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] specify random term and autocorrelation and plot lme
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] specify random term and autocorrelation and plot lme
Mathew Vickers
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying Random Effects For Multiple Cross-Level Interactions
David Jones
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying Random Effects For Multiple Cross-Level Interactions
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] specify random term and autocorrelation and plot lme
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying Random Effects For Multiple Cross-Level Interactions
David Jones
- [R-sig-ME] simulation of factor-specific random effect variance estimation, the order of assigned variance matters?
Chen, Chun
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM: tricking software to estimate normal error at lower level
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM: tricking software to estimate normal error at lower level
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM: tricking software to estimate normal error at lower level
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] ZINB multi-level model using MCMCglmm
- [R-sig-ME] LRT significant but new variable's beta not
Clara Neudecker
- [R-sig-ME] Why does the log-likelihood ratio test need a larger maxfun?
- [R-sig-ME] LRT significant but new variable's beta not
Alex Fine
- [R-sig-ME] LRT significant but new variable's beta not
- [R-sig-ME] LRT significant but new variable's beta not
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] LRT significant but new variable's beta not
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Why does the log-likelihood ratio test need a larger maxfun?
Henrik Singmann
- [R-sig-ME] How can I know if I have enough data for a complex random slopes model?
David Villegas Ríos
- [R-sig-ME] How can I know if I have enough data for a complex random slopes model?
Philip Harrison
- [R-sig-ME] assessing GLMM fixed- and random-effects for their relative importances (dominance analysis, variation partitioning etc.)
Thomas Mang
- [R-sig-ME] na.action in lmer()
Ravi Varadhan
- [R-sig-ME] na.action in lmer()
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Tweedie GLMM with "cplm" package
Pratyaydipta Rudra
- [R-sig-ME] na.action in lmer()
Ravi Varadhan
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed Effects Models to compare different testing sites
Matthew Brain
- [R-sig-ME] Strange predictions from binomial glmm - multi average approach
Quentin Schorpp
- [R-sig-ME] question
Arvid Sjölander
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed Effects Models to compare different testing sites
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence Problems with glmer.nb model
Aoibheann Gaughran
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence Problems with glmer.nb model
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence Problems with glmer.nb model
Aoibheann Gaughran
- [R-sig-ME] (no) significance value (gl)mer
Ben Pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] (no) significance value (gl)mer
Mollie Brooks
- [R-sig-ME] (no) significance value (gl)mer
Marko Bachl
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence Problems with glmer.nb model
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] test spatial autocorrelation of level 2 residuals in lme()
Dexter Locke
- [R-sig-ME] (no) significance value (gl)mer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] (no) significance value (gl)mer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] (no) significance value (gl)mer
Ben Pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm interpretation with contrast coding and multinomial IVs and DV
Adriana Guevara Rukoz
- [R-sig-ME] help with mixed modeling
Daniel Cher
- [R-sig-ME] Random slopes for 2 variables and random intercept for 1 variable
Shadiya Al Hashmi
- [R-sig-ME] Random slopes for 2 variables and random intercept for 1 variable
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Random slopes for 2 variables and random intercept for 1 variable
Shadiya Al Hashmi
- [R-sig-ME] Random slopes for 2 variables and random intercept for 1 variable
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Random slopes for 2 variables and random intercept for 1 variable
Shadiya Al Hashmi
- [R-sig-ME] Random slopes for 2 variables and random intercept for 1 variable
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Random slopes for 2 variables and random intercept for 1 variable
Shadiya Al Hashmi
- [R-sig-ME] glmer error
André Luis Neves
- [R-sig-ME] How o treat time when using stocks and a growth model (longitudinal data)
Carolina Magda Roma
- [R-sig-ME] How o treat time when using stocks and a growth model (longitudinal data)
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] New book: Beginner's Guide to Zero-Inflated Models with R
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence Problems with glmer.nb model
Aoibheann Gaughran
- [R-sig-ME] Leave list
Christopher Baker
- [R-sig-ME] Leave list
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] design matrix for R2
Rob Griffin
- [R-sig-ME] Setting start values for log binomial model in glmmPQL
Jennifer Yourkavitch
- [R-sig-ME] design matrix for R2
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Toeplitz correlation object for nlme
Asher Strauss
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence Problems with glmer.nb model
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Toeplitz correlation object for nlme
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Toeplitz correlation object for nlme
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Setting start values for log binomial model in glmmPQL
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Setting start values for log binomial model in glmmPQL
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Setting start values for log binomial model in glmmPQL
Jennifer Yourkavitch
- [R-sig-ME] syntax for random effects for an autocorrelated time series
Steven Orzack
- [R-sig-ME] Why differ in predict.glm and predict.glmmadmb?
- [R-sig-ME] Why differ in predict.glm and predict.glmmadmb?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Why differ in predict.glm and predict.glmmadmb?
- [R-sig-ME] Is multi-level modelling applicable to crossed designs?
bernhard.voelkl at
- [R-sig-ME] Why differ in predict.glm and predict.glmmadmb?
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] Why differ in predict.glm and predict.glmmadmb?
- [R-sig-ME] Is multi-level modelling applicable to crossed designs?
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Is multi-level modelling applicable to crossed designs?
Steven J. Pierce
- [R-sig-ME] strong effect of prior on residual variance
Rob Griffin
- [R-sig-ME] strong effect of prior on residual variance
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] strong effect of prior on residual variance
Rob Griffin
- [R-sig-ME] strong effect of prior on residual variance
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] question about predict using lme4
Li, Xiaoma [GE AT]
- [R-sig-ME] question about predict using lme4
- [R-sig-ME] extract level 2 residuals of merMod from lme() and test for spatial autocorrelation.
Dexter Locke
- [R-sig-ME] How sinful is it to...
David Sidhu
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Carlos Barboza
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Carlos Barboza
- [R-sig-ME] extract level 2 residuals of merMod from lme() and test for spatial autocorrelation.
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How sinful is it to...
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Why differ in predict.glm and predict.glmmadmb?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Alex Fine
- [R-sig-ME] Why differ in predict.glm and predict.glmmadmb?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Why differ in predict.glm and predict.glmmadmb?
- [R-sig-ME] Justification to exclude random effect
Reuben Smit
- [R-sig-ME] Help with MCMC fitting in R
Janelle Sylvester
- [R-sig-ME] Justification to exclude random effect
Baldwin, Jim -FS
- [R-sig-ME] Species as both fixed and random effect
Liliana D'Alba Altamirano
- [R-sig-ME] Species as both fixed and random effect
Paul Debes
- [R-sig-ME] Justification to exclude random effect
Reuben Smit
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Jean-Philippe Laurenceau
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Alex Fine
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Paul Debes
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
John Maindonald
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: linear model selection analysis
Harriet Jamieson
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Paul Debes
- [R-sig-ME] Comparing mixed models
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] extract level 2 residuals of merMod from lme() and test for spatial autocorrelation.
Dexter Locke
- [R-sig-ME] extract level 2 residuals of merMod from lme() and test for spatial autocorrelation.
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Help with MCMC fitting in R
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence Problems with glmer.nb model
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] ENQUIRY: independent slopes of categorical effects in a random-effects
Blything, Liam
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: linear model selection analysis
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] extract level 2 residuals of merMod from lme() and test for spatial autocorrelation.
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] lme with cyclic cubic regression splines
Gabriela Czanner
- [R-sig-ME] Interpreting fixed effects of mcmcglmm interaction and randomisation
Rob Griffin
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with overdisperion & zero-inflation
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] Analyzing evolution of resistance
Evan Palmer-Young
- [R-sig-ME] lme with cyclic cubic regression splines
Alexandre Villers
- [R-sig-ME] Using r for multi-level meta-analysis
איציק פרדקין
- [R-sig-ME] Using r for multi-level meta-analysis
Mike Cheung
- [R-sig-ME] Using r for multi-level meta-analysis
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
- [R-sig-ME] Adelaide course: Introduction to mixed modelling
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Using r for multi-level meta-analysis
Mike Cheung
- [R-sig-ME] Details control options for glmmADMB
Fraixedas, Sara
- [R-sig-ME] Details control options for glmmADMB
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Interpreting fixed effects of mcmcglmm interaction and randomisation
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] lme with cyclic cubic regression splines
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with overdisperion & zero-inflation
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with overdisperion & zero-inflation
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] lmer() fit
Chaitanya Acharya
- [R-sig-ME] lmer() fit
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] e-book
- [R-sig-ME] e-book
Jeff Newmiller
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] lmer() fit
Ben Pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] e-book
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
dave fournier
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
dave fournier
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] residual covariance in trivariate MCMCglmm model with different error families
claudia.kasper at
- [R-sig-ME] mixed mutlinomial regression for count data with, overdisperion & zero-inflation
dave fournier
- [R-sig-ME] Question about random effects
Adriana Maldonado Chaparro
- [R-sig-ME] Question about random effects
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about random effects
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Question about random effects
Reinhold Kliegl
- [R-sig-ME] Course: Introduction to Zero Inflated Models
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Population weights in a Poisson model with overdispersion
Theodore Lytras
- [R-sig-ME] Orthogonal vs. Non-orthogonal contrasts
- [R-sig-ME] Orthogonal vs. Non-orthogonal contrasts
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Population weights in a Poisson model with overdispersion
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Advice for analysis of biological data - Mixed model or NESTED-Anova?
Savani Anbalagan
- [R-sig-ME] Advice for analysis of biological data - Mixed model or NESTED-Anova?
Evan Palmer-Young
- [R-sig-ME] Orthogonal vs. Non-orthogonal contrasts
- [R-sig-ME] Orthogonal vs. Non-orthogonal contrasts
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Advice for analysis of biological data - Mixed model or NESTED-Anova?
Savani Anbalagan
- [R-sig-ME] Interpreting fixed effects of mcmcglmm interaction and randomisation
Rob Griffin
- [R-sig-ME] nesting hierarchy in glmer
Hariet Rose
- [R-sig-ME] Orthogonal vs. Non-orthogonal contrasts
- [R-sig-ME] Orthogonal vs. Non-orthogonal contrasts
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] nesting hierarchy in glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Advice for analysis of biological data - Mixed model or NESTED-Anova?
Evan Palmer-Young
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: [R] model specification using lme
li li
- [R-sig-ME] Related fixed and random factors and planned comparisons in a 2x2 design
- [R-sig-ME] multcomp package
li li
- [R-sig-ME] multcomp package
Evan Palmer-Young
- [R-sig-ME] ICC estimates for overdispersed proportion or count data
Sophie Picq
- [R-sig-ME] Related fixed and random factors and planned comparisons in a 2x2 design
Houslay, Tom
- [R-sig-ME] Related fixed and random factors and planned comparisons in a 2x2 design
- [R-sig-ME] Related fixed and random factors and planned comparisons in a 2x2 design
Houslay, Tom
- [R-sig-ME] Related fixed and random factors and planned comparisons in a 2x2 design
- [R-sig-ME] Related fixed and random factors and planned comparisons in a 2x2 design
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] multcomp package
li li
- [R-sig-ME] Related fixed and random factors and planned comparisons in a 2x2 design
- [R-sig-ME] problem extracting main effects from an updated glmm
Mariano Devoto
- [R-sig-ME] problem extracting main effects from an updated glmm
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] problem extracting main effects from an updated glmm
Fox, John
- [R-sig-ME] Split within-individual and between-individual correlations in a bivariate mixed effects model in nlme package
Thorbjørnsen Susanna Huneide
- [R-sig-ME] problem extracting main effects from an updated glmm
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
Vladimir Trifonov
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm: how are the predictions computed (conditional and marginal)?
Joelle Mbatchou
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
John Maindonald
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
John Maindonald
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
dave fournier
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
dave fournier
- [R-sig-ME] P-values from interaction terms using lme4
Sam Hardman [sah74]
- [R-sig-ME] P-values from interaction terms using lme4
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] P-values from interaction terms using lme4
Alex Fine
- [R-sig-ME] P-values from interaction terms using lme4
Sam Hardman [sah74]
- [R-sig-ME] P-values from interaction terms using lme4
Sam Hardman [sah74]
- [R-sig-ME] multcomp package
- [R-sig-ME] nested two level mixed model with lmer
Cristina Muschitiello
- [R-sig-ME] nested two level mixed model with lmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Dear nlme-authors
- [R-sig-ME] ordinal model and lsmeans mean class computing
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed modelling course in Sydney
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] ordinal model and lsmeans mean class computing
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-sig-ME] glmmADMB fails to fit poisson data
dave fournier
- [R-sig-ME] Combination of glmnet-like covariate selection with mixed modeling
Hunsicker, Lawrence
- [R-sig-ME] Combination of glmnet-like covariate selection with mixed modeling
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Residual variance random effect GLMM
Fraixedas, Sara
- [R-sig-ME] Residual variance random effect GLMM
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Orthogonal vs. Non-orthogonal contrasts
- [R-sig-ME] Residual variance random effect GLMM
Fraixedas, Sara
- [R-sig-ME] Residual variance random effect GLMM
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to fix individual elements of the residual covariance matrix in MCMCglmm
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Mollie Brooks
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Mollie Brooks
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about GLMM and overdispersed data
Chad Newbolt
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM, overdispersion, and method for comparing competetive models
Chad Newbolt
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM, overdispersion, and method for comparing competetive models
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Question about GLMM and overdispersed data
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM, overdispersion, and method for comparing competetive models
Chad Newbolt
- [R-sig-ME] How to fix individual elements of the residual covariance matrix in MCMCglmm (r_1470)
claudia.kasper at
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM, overdispersion, and method for comparing competetive models
Chad Newbolt
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Question about zero-inflated Poisson glmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] lme function - fixed sigma - inconsistent results with sae and proc mixed results
Maciej Beręsewicz
- [R-sig-ME] lme function - fixed sigma - inconsistent results with sae and proc mixed results
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
- [R-sig-ME] lme function - fixed sigma - inconsistent results with sae and proc mixed results
Maciej Beresewicz
- [R-sig-ME] lme function - fixed sigma - inconsistent results with sae and proc mixed results
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
- [R-sig-ME] (maxstephalfit) PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in pwrssUpdate
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] lmer confint() bootstrap doesn't match fitted values when weighted
Rodrigo Travitzki
- [R-sig-ME] lmer confint() bootstrap doesn't match fitted values when weighted
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM, overdispersion, and method for comparing competetive models
Chad Newbolt
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM, overdispersion, and method for comparing competetive models
Philipp Singer
- [R-sig-ME] Negative Binomial in glmmadmb
Chad Newbolt
- [R-sig-ME] Overdispersion and R2 in GLMM
Teresa Oliveira
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 18:40:02 CEST 2016
Archived on: Thu Jun 30 22:21:32 CEST 2016
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