[R-sig-ME] (no) significance value (gl)mer

Mollie Brooks mollieebrooks at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 16:01:44 CEST 2016

Hi Ben,

The latest documentation on that topic should be available with the code


Mollie Brooks, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, Population Ecology Research Group
Department of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies, University of Zürich

> On 25Apr 2016, at 15:52, Ben Pelzer <b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl> wrote:
> Dear list,
> In lmer, no significances for the t-values of fixed effects are given, while in a logistic model with glmer, significances for z-values are shown. Where does this difference come from? Does it mean, that the problem of computing the "right" nr. of degrees of freedom for the t-values of a linear model does not exits (or is less of a problem) for non-linear models? Are the significances that glmer produces (at least in case of logistic regression) based on the Wald statistic or may be on an LRT test? Thanks for any explanation!
> Ben.
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