[R-sig-ME] specify random term and autocorrelation and plot lme
Mathew Vickers
vickers.mathew at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 15:30:47 CEST 2016
I am modeling autocorrelation in a an individual's walk. For a given
walker, I estimate the autocorrelation decay as lag increases.
corel (autocorrelation)
2 species (a,b)
2 Tanks (t1, t2 - these are two experimental arenas)
subject (there was 10 individuals in each species)
I want to ask whether there is a significant difference in "corel" as a
function of "lag" between species in each Tank, and between the two Tanks
per species
The data look not dissimilar to this:
# data for SIG question
dataz <- expand.grid(subject = 1:10, sp = c("a", "b"), Tank = c("t1",
"t2"), lag = 1:100)
dataz$subject <- as.factor(paste(dataz$subject, dataz$sp, (dataz$Tank),
slope <- c(rnorm(10, 40, 2), rnorm(10, 5, 2)); slope <- rep(slope, 200)
dataz$corel <- dataz$lag*slope + rnorm(4000, 0, 1)*dataz$lag
dataz$corel[dataz$Tank=="t2" & dataz$sp=="a"] <-
dataz$corel[dataz$Tank=="t2"& dataz$sp=="a"]*2
dataz$corel[dataz$Tank=="t1" & dataz$sp=="b"] <-
dataz$corel[dataz$Tank=="t1"& dataz$sp=="b"]*1.8
dataz$corel <- -1*dataz$corel
plot(corel~lag, data=dataz, col=interaction(sp, Tank),
pch=c(1,2)[as.numeric(Tank)], cex=0.5)
plot(corel~lag, data=dataz, col=as.numeric(subject),
pch=c(1,2)[as.numeric(Tank)], cex=0.5)
# a dataset with:
# corel = correlation score
# sp = species (a,b)
# Tank = experimental setup (t1, t2)
# lag = indepentdent variable. A time-step (1:100)
# subject = individual
# in this case, I want to force the intercept to 0. The response variable,
"corel" is the autocorrelation between points with lag "lag". This means
point 1 (lag 0) = 0
lma <- gls(corel~0+lag, data=dataz)
ggplot(dataz, aes(x=lag, y=corel)) + geom_point()+
stat_smooth(method="lm", size=1, se = T)
# this is a test model
lm0 <- gls(corel~0+sp*Tank*lag, data=dataz)
# add autocorrelation strucuture, allow it to vary by subject?
lm1 <- gls(corel~0+sp*Tank*lag, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ lag |
subject), data=dataz)
anova(lm0, lm1)
plot(lm1) # i am not convinced autocor structure has helped
# is this a plot of model lm1 ? There is no allowance for
ggplot(dataz, aes(x=lag, y=corel, group=interaction(sp, Tank))) +
geom_point(aes(colour=interaction(sp, Tank)))+
stat_smooth(method="lm", size=1, se = T)
# add random effect.
# i am not sure if the random effect is specified correctly: repeated
measured of corel per subject, subject nested in sp (species)?
# if random=~subject|sp, the autocorrelation and random terms are
lm2 <- lme(corel~0+sp*Tank*lag, random=~1|subject, correlation =
corAR1(form = ~ lag | subject), data=dataz)
anova(lm0, lm1, lm2) # seems like lm2 is the best
#how do I plot this?
# I want a plot like the ggplot above, but I am not sure how to do it.
Mathew Vickers
Post Doc
Moulis, France
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