[R-sig-ME] On what basis one of the predictors/fixed factors should be included in a random slope model?

Saudi Sadiq ss1272 at york.ac.uk
Sat Apr 9 17:35:33 CEST 2016

I read this paper  'Random effects structure for confirmatory hypothesis
testing: Keep it maximal' by Barr, Levy, Scheepers and Tily (2013) and
enjoyed it. I tried, then, to keep it maximal with a dataset I am analysing
but I am facing a problem (this may look naive). I hope you will help me
solve it. The dataset includes 9 predictors and I am using R. The model I
ran is:

modle1<- glmer(convergence ~ gender + age.group
+education+residence+sound_before+sound_after+ part.of.speech +
grammatical.gender + style + (1|speaker) + (1|item), data = qaaf,
family='binomial', control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"), nAGQ = 1)

As you see, I have two random factors (speaker and item).
Q1: On what basis one of the predictors/fixed factors should be included in
a random slope model?
The model with random slopes could be like model2 or model3:

modle2<- glmer(convergence ~ gender + age.group
+education+residence+sound_before+sound_after+ part.of.speech
+ grammatical.gender + style + (1+gender|speaker) + (1+education|item),
data = qaaf,  family='binomial', control = glmerControl(optimizer =
"bobyqa"), nAGQ = 1)

modle3<- glmer(convergence ~ gender + age.group
+education+residence+sound_before+sound_after+ part.of.speech +
grammatical.gender + style + (1+residence|speaker) + (1+residence|item),
data = qaaf,  family='binomial', control = glmerControl(optimizer =
"bobyqa"), nAGQ = 1)

Model2 has gender and education included in the random slope and model3 has
residence alone.
Q2: Should the fixed factor used in a random slope model be the same (as in
Q3: If  it is okay for such a model to have  two fixed factors (as in model2)
or just one (as inmodel3), which is better?
Q4: What should be done if the model does not converge with a random slope,
is there a way to make it work? Or can i trus and report the results of the
model even if there is a warning message?

Best regards

Saudi Sadiq,
Assistant Lecturer, English Department,
Faculty of Al-Alsun,Minia University,
Minia City, Egypt &
PhD Student, Language and Linguistic Science Department,
University of York, York, North Yorkshire, UK,
YO10 5DD
Certified Translator by Egyptian Translation Association (Egyta)
Certified Interpreter by Pearl Linguistics
Verified Teacher at https://lingos.co/users/saudi-sadiq
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