[R-sig-ME] GLMM: tricking software to estimate normal error at lower level
Paul Johnson
pauljohn32 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 18:36:31 CEST 2016
Thanks for the help last week on GLMM estimators. I'm gradually
figuring this out.
Today I'm writing notes comparing NB with Poisson models. Recall, NB
is Poisson with a log(gamma) error variable added to the linear
predictor. I've often wondered how different that would be from
adding a normal error, but did not have way to estimate.
In Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal Multilevel / Longitudinal Modeling Using
Stata, 3ed, they show a way to estimate a normally distributed random
error inserted into a Poisson GLM in a one level model by "tricking"
an estimator for a multilevel model (p. 707). I've checked, can do
with xtpoisson or meglm in Stata 14). Code is below.
I have some trouble with glmer trying to do same. Estimates are close
to the "seems to work" answer from Stata, but I get glmer convergence
warning and different numbers, grossly different predicted values. I
understand glmer was not intended for this purpose, but wouldn't it be
fun if we could make it work?
Here's the basic plan in Stata that RHS demonstrate. Declare an id
variable with values 1, ..., N. This is non-replicated data, there
will be just one observation per group.
generate id = _n
xtset id
xtpoisson y x1 x2 x3, normal
The Stata xtpoisson defaults the additive random error as log(gamma),
but you can ask for normal. I've confirmed this runs, and it also
works in the newer Stata meglm fitting function (meglm is only for
normal errors). Then you can compare side by side xtpoisson with
log(gamma), xtpoisson with normal, and meglm with family(poisson) and
normal mixed effects.
I fiddled around with glmer trying to do same, and the results are not
completely different, but I hit convergence errors. Since I don't
understand the fitting process, as I confessed last week, I'm a little
blocked here.
My minimal running example R code:
## Paul Johnson <pauljohn at ku.edu>
## 20160417
quine$id <- 1:NROW(quine)
write.dta(quine, file = "quine.dta12")
## Original model in MASS example(glm.nb)
quine.pois1 <- glm(Days ~ Sex/(Age + Eth*Lrn), data = quine, family =
## Don't know how to write Stata formula to compare to that, so
## rewrite without "/"
quine.pois2 <- glm(Days ~ Sex*Age + Sex*Eth*Lrn, family =
poisson(link=log), data = quine)
quine.nb1 <- glm.nb(Days ~ Sex*Age + Sex*Eth*Lrn, data = quine)
quine$predpois <- predict(quine.pois2, type = "link")
quine$prednb <- predict(quine.nb1, type = "link")
plot(predpois ~ prednb, data = quine)
with(quine, cor(predpois, prednb))
# Stata uses nAGQ=14 equivalent:
glmer1 <- glmer(Days ~ Sex*Age + Sex*Eth*Lrn + (1|id), data = quine,
family = "poisson", nAGQ = 14)
quine$predglmer1 <- predict(glmer1)
plot(predglmer1 ~ prednb, data = quine)
glmer2 <- glmer.nb(Days ~ Sex*Age + Sex*Eth*Lrn + (1|id), data =
quine, family = "poisson",
control = glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 10000)))
glmer3 <- glmer(Days ~ Sex*Age + Sex*Eth*Lrn + (1|id), data = quine,
family = "poisson",
control = glmerControl(optimizer = "Nelder_Mead",
optCtrl = list(maxfun = 10000)))
## end of MRE
The output from glmer indicates convergence trouble,
> glmer1 <- glmer(Days ~ Sex*Age + Sex*Eth*Lrn + (1|id), data = quine, family = "poisson")
Warning message:
In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.0294911 (tol = 0.001, component 1)
> summary(glmer1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
Approximation) [glmerMod]
Family: poisson ( log )
Formula: Days ~ Sex * Age + Sex * Eth * Lrn + (1 | id)
Data: quine
AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
1106.5 1151.3 -538.3 1076.5 131
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.56406 -0.27761 0.00195 0.20574 0.42374
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
id (Intercept) 0.6947 0.8335
Number of obs: 146, groups: id, 146
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.652416 0.318366 8.331 < 2e-16 ***
SexM -0.333252 0.423300 -0.787 0.431123
AgeF1 -0.571727 0.345721 -1.654 0.098183 .
AgeF2 -0.539010 0.403068 -1.337 0.181134
AgeF3 -0.424210 0.351702 -1.206 0.227754
EthN 0.002994 0.286200 0.010 0.991652
LrnSL 0.834826 0.349273 2.390 0.016840 *
SexM:AgeF1 -0.035285 0.493283 -0.072 0.942976
SexM:AgeF2 1.278388 0.499877 2.557 0.010546 *
SexM:AgeF3 1.614987 0.487992 3.309 0.000935 ***
SexM:EthN -0.918835 0.397881 -2.309 0.020926 *
SexM:LrnSL -0.701193 0.499202 -1.405 0.160132
EthN:LrnSL -1.312972 0.405854 -3.235 0.001216 **
SexM:EthN:LrnSL 2.211797 0.623020 3.550 0.000385 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
I played around with glmerControl a while, no progress....
In Stata, no convergence troubles are reported, estimates are not
entirely different:
Mixed-effects GLM Number of obs = 146
Family: Poisson
Link: log
Group variable: id Number of groups = 146
Obs per group:
min = 1
avg = 1.0
max = 1
Integration method: mvaghermite Integration pts. = 14
Wald chi2(13) = 61.55
Log likelihood = -537.82328 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Days | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
Sex |
M | -.3410261 .4261292 -0.80 0.424 -1.176224 .4941718
Age |
F1 | -.5795131 .3480225 -1.67 0.096 -1.261625 .1025984
F2 | -.5478196 .4062568 -1.35 0.178 -1.344068 .248429
F3 | -.4316382 .3540887 -1.22 0.223 -1.125639 .2623628
Sex#Age |
M#F1 | -.0280678 .4970979 -0.06 0.955 -1.002362 .9462261
M#F2 | 1.284848 .5037952 2.55 0.011 .2974278 2.272269
M#F3 | 1.620156 .4914708 3.30 0.001 .6568905 2.583421
Eth |
N | -.0025892 .2883566 -0.01 0.993 -.5677578 .5625793
Sex#Eth |
M#N | -.912496 .4009248 -2.28 0.023 -1.698294 -.1266978
Lrn |
SL | .8328745 .3519247 2.37 0.018 .1431148 1.522634
Sex#Lrn |
M#SL | -.6980045 .502695 -1.39 0.165 -1.683269 .2872596
Eth#Lrn |
N#SL | -1.305221 .4090007 -3.19 0.001 -2.106848 -.5035948
Sex#Eth#Lrn |
M#N#SL | 2.200301 .6276649 3.51 0.000 .9701005 3.430502
_cons | 2.66012 .3203568 8.30 0.000 2.032233 3.288008
id |
var(_cons)| .7010502 .1077163 .5187547 .9474061
LR test vs. Poisson model: chibar2(01) = 906.35 Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000
Here is my Stata code, in case you have Stata 14
* How to use the Stata multilevel random effect
* fitters to estiamte a one level normal
* random effect
capture log close
set more off, permanently
log using glmm-nb.log, replace text
use quine.dta12
glm Days i.Sex##i.Age i.Sex##i.Eth##i.Lrn, family(poisson) link(log)
glm Days i.Sex##i.Age i.Sex##i.Eth##i.Lrn, family(nbinom) link(log)
* The variable id is a case identifier, there is one observation per group
xtset id
xtpoisson Days i.Sex##i.Age i.Sex##i.Eth##i.Lrn, normal
estimates store ran1xt
predict ran1xtpxb, xb
predict ran1xtpmu, nu0
meglm Days i.Sex##i.Age i.Sex##i.Eth##i.Lrn || id: , family(poisson) link(log)
estimates store ran1me
predict ran1mepxb, xb
predict ran1mepmu2, mu conditional(fixedonly)
* Previous 2 models identical predicted values
twoway (scatter ran1xtpxb ran1mepxb)
* Tune up the AGQ int points, waste some CPU
meglm Days i.Sex##i.Age i.Sex##i.Eth##i.Lrn || id: , family(poisson) ///
link(log) intp(14)
estimates store ran2me
predict ran2mepxb, xb
predict ran2mepmu2, mu conditional(fixedonly)
* 2 xtpoisson equiv to meglm
twoway (scatter ran1xtpxb ran2mepxb)
cor ran1xtpxb ran2mepxb
* same
twoway (scatter ran1xtpxb ran2mepxb)
cor ran1xtpxb ran2mepxb
* Compare to log-gamma random effect
xtpoisson Days i.Sex##i.Age i.Sex##i.Eth##i.Lrn, re
estimates store ran2xt
predict ran2xtlgxb, xb
predict ran2xtlgmu, nu0
twoway (scatter ran2xtlgxb ran2mepxb)
cor ran2xtlgxb ran2mepxb
* Not identical, r = 0.986
Oh, I almost forgot:
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.2.4 Revised (2016-03-16 r70336)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 15.10
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] foreign_0.8-66 lme4_1.1-11 Matrix_1.2-4 MASS_7.3-44
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.12.3.2 lattice_0.20-33 grid_3.2.4 MatrixModels_0.4-1
[5] nlme_3.1-126 rockchalk_1.8.102 SparseM_1.7 minqa_1.2.4
[9] nloptr_1.0.4 car_2.1-0 splines_3.2.4 tools_3.2.4
[13] pbkrtest_0.4-6 parallel_3.2.4 compiler_3.2.4 mgcv_1.8-12
[17] nnet_7.3-12 quantreg_5.19
Paul E. Johnson http://pj.freefaculty.org
Director, Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis http://crmda.ku.edu
When Google mail changed their sorting rules, I lost interest in their
services. I only use this account for email list memberships. To write
directly, address me at pauljohn
at ku.edu.
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