[R-sig-ME] (no) significance value (gl)mer

Ben Pelzer b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl
Mon Apr 25 21:40:00 CEST 2016

Dear Milly, Marko and Ben,

Thanks a lot for your replies and pointing me to these packages, great! 
Kind regards,


On 25-4-2016 19:43, Ben Bolker wrote:
>    For what it's worth, I've lately been playing with the FAQ; a (*very*
> slightly) updated version is at
> https://rawgit.com/bbolker/mixedmodels-misc/master/glmmFAQ.html  (source
> at https://github.com/bbolker/mixedmodels-misc/blob/master/glmmFAQ.rmd ).
>     At some point when I think the new version is sufficiently improved
> over the old one to warrant it, I'll replace the old (wikidot.com)
> version with a pointer to the Github repo.
>    Comments (and pull requests) welcome!
> On 16-04-25 10:27 AM, Marko Bachl wrote:
>> Dear Ben,
>> Just a short info, others may have something more substantial to add.
>> You will find plenty of information on significance tests and
>> inference in lme4 in the top sections of this website:
>> http://glmm.wikidot.com/faq.
>> A short info inside the lme4 package is given by
>> require(lme4)
>> ?pvalues
>> Best,
>> Marko
>> 2016-04-25 15:52 GMT+02:00 Ben Pelzer <b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>:
>>> Dear list,
>>> In lmer, no significances for the t-values of fixed effects are given, while
>>> in a logistic model with glmer, significances for z-values are shown. Where
>>> does this difference come from? Does it mean, that the problem of computing
>>> the "right" nr. of degrees of freedom for the t-values of a linear model
>>> does not exits (or is less of a problem) for non-linear models? Are the
>>> significances that glmer produces (at least in case of logistic regression)
>>> based on the Wald statistic or may be on an LRT test? Thanks for any
>>> explanation!
>>> Ben.
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