May 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Sat May 1 00:27:47 CEST 2004
Ending: Mon May 31 21:55:45 CEST 2004
Messages: 259
- [BioC] Normalization for different amts of RNA in limma
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] maNorm 2D
Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] training in bioconductor, boston,
28-29 june (2d announcement)
Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] Problem with mgu74av2LOCUSID environment
Fátima Núñez Mangado
- [BioC]: Chromosome plotting/geneplotter
Steffen Möller
- [BioC] Normalization for different amts of RNA in limma
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Normalization of Intensities
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] tech reps revisited in limma
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] median polish vs mas
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] median polish vs mas
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] How to filter up- and down-regulated genes?
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Un-balanced dye-swaps and LIMMA
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Theoretical Question
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] RMA on PM only
Arne.Muller at
- [BioC] comparing data frames
Arne.Muller at
- [BioC] Probe level analysis
Arne.Muller at
- [BioC] Drosophila GeneChip analysis
Arne.Muller at
- [BioC] Drosophila GeneChip analysis
Arne.Muller at
- [BioC] Problem with Loading Bioconductor 1.4 in Windows 2000
Karla Ballman
- [BioC] simpleaffy error for mouse4302cdf
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] Biobase or affy package makes update() not work
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] rma and gcrma do not work in R 1.9.0
Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] Chip art from affyPLM
Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] cdf vs probe package & Linux vs PC
Justin Borevitz
- [BioC] median polish vs mas/PLIER info
Anthony Bosco
- [BioC]: Chromosome plotting/geneplotter
Anthony Bosco
- [BioC] Resize plots to display axis labels
Anthony Bosco
- [BioC] error in gcrma background correction
Raffaele Calogero
- [BioC] loading exprSet from a file
Raffaele Calogero
- [BioC] Normalization for different amts of RNA in limma
Helen Cattan
- [BioC] help on reading cDNA
Lang Chen
- [BioC] How to use experimental data packages?
Tae-Hoon Chung
- [BioC] heatmap() customization
Sean Davis
- [BioC] How to filter up- and down-regulated genes?
Sean Davis
- [BioC]: Chromosome plotting/geneplotter
Sean Davis
- [BioC] supervised clustering
Marcel Dettling
- [BioC] boxplots: possible unexpected behavior
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [BioC] ebayes and identifying outlyingly large variances
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [BioC] differential expression,
model selection and F-tests of nested models
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [BioC] limma makeContrasts question
Luda Druskin
- [BioC] Problem with ReadAffy
Jose Duarte
- [BioC] library versions problem
Rob Dunne
- [BioC] Arabidosis annotation package
Jerzy Dyczkowski
- [BioC] Hierarchical clustering and shrinking centroids...
Tom R. Fahland
- [BioC] where to find the document of 'multtest.intro"
Fan, Wenhong
- [BioC] downstream analysis of differentially expressed genes
Fan, Wenhong
- [BioC] maNorm 2D
Matthew Fero
- [BioC] Interpretation of output of AffyRNAdeg and hist commands
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] Coordinates of streak
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] Display of histogram of RMA-processed data
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] Display of histogram of RMA-processed data
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] Display of histogram of RMA-processed data
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] Problem with obtaining annotation of mgu74av2 chip
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] where to find the document of 'multtest.intro"
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] problem installing bioconductor
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] Loading a file.tar.gz into R
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] error handling in R
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] makecdfenv not installed?
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] Change to getBioC()
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] "affy" installation problems
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] problem with affy
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] Release 1.4 - packages missing?
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] Mailing list memberships
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] bug in maNormMain ?
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] Excel based software
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] Installing Bioconductor 1.4 Help Files
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] problem loading Rgraphviz library
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] Rgraphviz installation problems
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] maBoxplot in v1.4
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] orphaned links
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] maBoxplot in v1.4
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] maBoxplot in v1.4
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] Linking Rosetta gene accession numbers to GO terms
Goeman, J.J. (MSTAT)
- [BioC] external controls normalization
Ghislaine Guigon
- [BioC] problem loading Rgraphviz library
Rodrigo Gutierrez
- [BioC] Problem reading CEL files
Xia Han
- [BioC] Problem reading CEL files
Xia Han
- [BioC] Boxplot of RMA normalized data
Xia Han
- [BioC] (GC)RMA when there are BIG treatment effects.
Matthew Hannah
- [BioC] Un-balanced dye-swaps and LIMMA
Matthew Hannah
- [BioC] Un-balanced dye-swaps and LIMMA
Matthew Hannah
- [BioC] help with design matrix
Dennis Hazelett
- [BioC] how to remove unwanted spots from topTable output?
Dennis Hazelett
- [BioC] Re: limma t-tests and SAM
Dennis Hazelett
- [BioC] limma makeContrasts question
Stephen Henderson
- [BioC] paired comparisons with limma
Stephen Henderson
- [BioC] Hierarchical clustering and shrinking centroids...
Stephen Henderson
- [BioC] Fitting a contrast matrix in Limma
Laura Hollins
- [BioC] design matrix and lmFit problems in limma
pingzhao Hu
- [BioC] tissue contamination problem in microarray
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Re: vsn error L-BFGS-B needs finite values of fn
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Bioconductor 1.4 released
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Normalization with common reference
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Normalization with common reference
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Rgraphviz installation problems
Jacob Hurst
- [BioC] Names of the samples (CEL file)
Rafael A. Irizarry
- [BioC] Display of histogram of RMA-processed data
Rafael A. Irizarry
- [BioC] median polish vs mas
Rafael A. Irizarry
- [BioC] problem installing bioconductor
V.C.L. de Jager
- [BioC] Limma package question
V.C.L. de Jager
- [BioC] number of Replicates - Fold change vs Limma or Siggenes/SAM
Nitin Jain
- [BioC] Bug in marray???
Joern Kamradt
- [BioC] Modifying marrayRaw requires marrayClasses ini BioC 1.4
Joern Kamradt
- [BioC] Modifying marrayRaw requires marrayClasses ini BioC 1.4
Joern Kamradt
- [BioC] problem with affy
Kaushik, Narendra K
- [BioC] limma spacing: intra- and inter- block replicates
Martin Kerick
- [BioC] limma 2x2 factorial experiment with two colour arrays,
no common reference
Martin Kerick
- [BioC] affylmGUI
Simon Kidd
- [BioC] limma t-tests and SAM
Simon Kidd
- [BioC] Is rma in affylmGUI different to affy rma?
Simon Kidd
- [BioC] Is rma in affylmGUI different to affy rma?
Simon Kidd
- [BioC] error handling in R
Kimpel, Mark W
- [BioC] installation problems of affy package
Toralf Kirsten
- [BioC] Problem with PAM using R 1.9.0
Michelle Kittleson
- [BioC] Reading CEL file information
Vitalina Komashko
- [BioC] Names of the samples (CEL file)
Vitalina Komashko
- [BioC] Names of the samples(CEl file)(2)
Vitalina Komashko
- [BioC] How to filter up- and down-regulated genes?
Vitalina Komashko
- [BioC] How to filter up- and down-regulated genes?
Vitalina Komashko
- [BioC] Problem with updating Bioconductor
Vitalina Komashko
- [BioC] Doubt to set layout in limma
Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] how to remove unwanted spots from topTable output?
Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] orphaned links
Tom Laudeman
- [BioC] bug in maNormMain ?
Tarca Adi Laurentiu
- [BioC] makecdfenv not installed?
Martin Lercher
- [BioC] rma and gcrma do not work in R 1.9.0
Li, James [PRDUS Non-J&J]
- [BioC] import cDNA microarray data into R
Li, Jingyi
- [BioC] tissue contamination problem in microarray
Hao Liu
- [BioC] tissue contamination problem in microarray
Hao Liu
- [BioC] how to match matrix
Hao Liu
- [BioC] ANSI C not enforced intentionally?
Claudio Lottaz
- [BioC] Release 1.4 - packages missing?
Claudio Lottaz
- [BioC] Idenifying signatures across many samples?
Luckey, John
- [BioC] Theoretical Question
Luckey, John
- [BioC] number of Replicates - Fold change vs Limma or Siggenes/SAM
Luckey, John
- [BioC] gcrma in affylmGUI
Luckey, John
- [BioC] downstream analysis of differentially expressed
James MacDonald
- [BioC] GO and Annotation
James MacDonald
- [BioC] how build annotation package
James MacDonald
- [BioC] installation problems of affy package
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Loading a file.tar.gz into R
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Names of the samples(CEl file)(2)
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Interpretation of output of AffyRNAdeg and hist
James MacDonald
- [BioC] error handling in R
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Normalization for different amts of RNA in limma
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Display of histogram of RMA-processed data
James MacDonald
- [BioC] help error causing affy library install to fail
James MacDonald
- [BioC] median polish vs mas
James MacDonald
- [BioC] median polish vs mas
James MacDonald
- [BioC] iffail argument in mget of mas5, rma
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Re: tech reps revisited in limma (Naomi Altman)
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Mouse array
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Mouse array
Macchiarulo, Eugenio
- [BioC] Drosophila GeneChip analysis
Paul Mack
- [BioC] Limma 1.6.1 : composite normalisation method not recommended
?? (+ function error)
Laetitia Marisa
- [BioC] tech reps revisited in limma
Simon Melov
- [BioC] Re: tech reps revisited in limma (Naomi Altman)
Simon Melov
- [BioC] Error doing Mas5 calculation with Simpleaffy package
Crispin Miller
- [BioC] Error doing Mas5 calculation with Simpleaffy package
Crispin Miller
- [BioC] supervised clustering
Steve Moore
- [BioC] marrayClassaes
Maarten Morsink
- [BioC] "affy" installation problems
Tarun Nayar
- [BioC] Loading a file.tar.gz into R
Stephen Nyangoma
- [BioC] Loading a file.tar.gz into R
Stephen Nyangoma
- [BioC] tissue contamination problem in microarray
Oosting, J. (PATH)
- [BioC] Resize plots to display axis labels
Oosting, J. (PATH)
- [BioC] Binary CEL and CDF files
- [BioC] Running justRMA on .CEL files in another directory
- [BioC] supervised clustering
Park, Richard
- [BioC] Display of histogram of RMA-processed data
Lawrence-Paul Petalidis
- [BioC] using fitPLM weights in limma analysis
Tom Price
- [BioC] comparing data frames
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] Names of the samples (CEL file)
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] Error installing package affy
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] ReadAffy problem sampleNames + hgu95av2
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] ReadAffy problem sampleNames + hgu95av2
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] iffail argument in mget of mas5, rma
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] Running justRMA on .CEL files in another directory
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] MetaData broken links
James F. Reid
- [BioC] help error causing affy library install to fail
Roels, Steven
- [BioC] error handling in R
A.J. Rossini
- [BioC] ANSI C not enforced intentionally?
A.J. Rossini
- [BioC] Bioconductor 1.4 released
A.J. Rossini
- [BioC] Error doing Mas5 calculation with Simpleaffy package
Rudy.vanEijsden at
- [BioC] Error doing Mas5 calculation with Simpleaffy package
Rudy.vanEijsden at
- [BioC] how build annotation package
- [BioC] factdesign package
Denise Scholtens
- [BioC] factDesign - another question
Denise Scholtens
- [BioC] help with design matrix
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] single channel in limma...
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Different results with limma on R 1.8.1 and R 1.9.0
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Fitting a contrast matrix in Limma
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Fitting a contrast matrix in Limma
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] maNorm 2D
Floor Stam
- [BioC] comparing data frames
Straubhaar, Juerg
- [BioC] heatmap() customization
Straubhaar, Juerg
- [BioC] GO and Annotation
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] reading .gpr w/limma - error (bug??)
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] single channel in limma...
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] single channel analisis w/limma
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] Hierarchical clustering and shrinking centroids...
Tan, MinHan
- [BioC] Normalization for different amts of RNA in limma
Natalie P. Thorne
- [BioC] file format problem
Jose Gadea Vacas
- [BioC] gap-statistic implementation
Roel Verhaak
- [BioC] Different results with limma on R 1.8.1 and R 1.9.0
Dave Waddell
- [BioC] Re: affylmGUI figures estrogen data set
James Wettenhall
- [BioC] affylmGUI
James Wettenhall
- [BioC] affylmGUI
James Wettenhall
- [BioC] gcrma in affylmGUI
James Wettenhall
- [BioC] limmaGUI & affylmGUI wizards for Windows & bug fixes
James Wettenhall
- [BioC] gcrma in affylmGUI
James Wettenhall
- [BioC] Installing Bioconductor 1.4 Help Files
White, Charles E WRAIR-Wash DC
- [BioC] Installing Bioconductor 1.4 Help Files
White, Charles E WRAIR-Wash DC
- [BioC] factdesign package
Claire Wilson
- [BioC] factDesign - another question
Claire Wilson
- [BioC] pamr.from.excel
Willy Wynant
- [BioC] pamr.from.excel problem
Willy Wynant
- [BioC] Bug in marray???
Jean Yee Hwa Yang
- [BioC] import cDNA microarray data into R
Jean Yee Hwa Yang
- [BioC] marrayClassaes
Jean Yee Hwa Yang
- [BioC] Modifying marrayRaw requires marrayClasses ini BioC 1.4
Jean Yee Hwa Yang
- [BioC] maBoxplot in v1.4
Jean Yee Hwa Yang
- [BioC] normalization
Jean Yee Hwa Yang
- [BioC] Limma package question
John S. Yordy
- [BioC] GO and Annotation
John Zhang
- [BioC] comparing data frames
John Zhang
- [BioC] Problem with mgu74av2LOCUSID environment
John Zhang
- [BioC] how build annotation package
John Zhang
- [BioC] Linking Rosetta gene accession numbers to GO terms
John Zhang
- [BioC] A simple question
John Zhang
- [BioC] Re: MetaData 1.6.0
John Zhang
- [BioC] How to create customized probe package for GCRMA?
Kun Zhang
- [BioC] A simple question
Ainong Zhou
- [BioC] A summary of answers to get affyid from locusid
Ainong Zhou
- [BioC] maBoxplot in v1.4
charles.edwin.white at
- [BioC] Running justRMA on .CEL files in another directory
donghu at
- [BioC] geneplotter and base position
david neil hayes
- [BioC] question about plot dendrogram
ivan.borozan at
- [BioC] multtest data preprocessing questions
ulas karaoz
- [BioC] multtest data preprocessing questions
ulas karaoz
- [BioC] tissue contamination problem in microarray
lgautier at
- [BioC] Biobase or affy package makes update() not work
lgautier at
- [BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages
madman at
- [BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages
madman at
- [BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages
madman at
- [BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages
madman at
- [BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages
madman at
- [BioC] Time course in BioC
marchiem at
- [BioC] Normalization with common reference
marchiem at
- [BioC] Re: Welcome to the "Bioconductor" mailing list
mkmarket at
- [BioC] Problem in connecting R with internet
- [BioC] Statistics::R
peter robinson
- [BioC] Statistics::R
peter robinson
- [BioC] problem installing bioconductor
- [BioC] cdf vs probe package & Linux vs PC
w.huber at
- [BioC] Problem with plot
- [BioC] normalization
- [BioC] is my normalization right?
- [BioC] test
Last message date:
Mon May 31 21:55:45 CEST 2004
Archived on: Tue Jun 1 15:59:04 CEST 2004
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).