[BioC] affylmGUI
Simon Kidd
kidd at mail.rockefeller.edu
Tue May 11 19:00:07 CEST 2004
We have affylmGUI running on Mac OSX and R2 dev. A couple of things
seem not to work. We can save all the plots except for venn diagrams
where we get an error message saying:
Error in paste(limmaDataSetNmaeText, "VennDiagram", sep = "") :
Object "limmaDataSetNameText" not found
When we try to do a Heat diagram we get this error message:
Error in try(expr, TRUE): No loop to break from, jumping to top level
followed by a second error message:
Cannot find package drosgenome1
(ours are Drosophila chips and the drosgenome1 package is installed
in /users/me/Library/R/library/drosgenome1cdf)
There are then a bunch of related messages to not finding drosgenome1
In the end we end up with a black heat diagram.
Perhaps, related to this when we try to use gene symbols instead of
probe ids we get this error message:
Error in "[.data.frame"(genelist, topGenes, IDorSymbol) : undefined
columns selected
What P value is used to define significant in the venn diagram?
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