[BioC] Bug in marray???

Joern Kamradt jkamradt at nhgri.nih.gov
Wed May 5 00:30:16 CEST 2004

Iam using the marray version 1.4.9 and R 1.9. Each time I try to import
raw-files I get an error message (see below).
Once I installed the old library marrayInput, the same command just works
Any help is very welcome


> AZRAW <- read.marrayRaw(Resultfiles, path="~/AZstudy/AZResults",
name.Gf="SG_Mean", name.Rf="SR_Mean", name.W="rQuality", gnames=Qiagen35KInfo,
targets=SlideInfo, notes="created 5/3/04, including 82 samples, incl. SampleInfo
and GenInfo")
Error in file(con, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file `5912.xls'
> Resultfiles
 [1] "HV3-9-02.Result"  "HV3-9-03.Result"  "HV3-9-04.Result"
 [5] "HV3-9-08.Result"  "HV3-9-09.Result"  "HV3-9-10.Result"
 [9] "HV3-9-12.Result"  "HV3-9-13.Result"  "HV3-9-14.Result"
[13] "HV3-9-16.Result"  "HV3-9-17.Result"  "HV3-9-18.Result"
[17] "HV3-9-21.Result"  "HV3-9-22.Result"  "HV3-9-23.Result"
[21] "HV3-9-26.Result"  "HV3-9-27.Result"  "HV3-9-29.Result"
[25] "HV3-9-31.Result"  "HV3-9-32.Result"  "HV3-9-33.Result"
[29] "HV3-9-35.Result"  "HV3-9-36.Result"  "HV3-9-37.Result"
[33] "HV3-9-39.Result"  "HV3-9-41.Result"  "HV3-9-42.Result"
[37] "HV3-9-44.Result"  "HV3-9-45.Result"  "HV3-9-46.Result"
[41] "HV3-9-51.Result"  "HV3-9-52.Result"  "HV3-9-53.Result"
[45] "HV3-9-56.Result"  "HV3-9-57.Result"  "HV3-9-59.Result"
[49] "HV3-9-61.Result"  "HV3-9-62.Result"  "HV3-9-63.Result"
[53] "HV3-9-66.Result"  "HV3-9-67.Result"  "HV3-9-68.Result"
[57] "HV3-9-70.Result"  "HV3-9-71.Result"  "HV3-9-72.Result"
[61] "HV3-9-75.Result"  "HV3-9-77.Result"  "HV3-9-78.Result"
[65] "HV3-9-80.Result"  "HV3-9-81.Result"  "HV3-9-82.Result"
[69] "HV3-9-85.Result"  "HV3-9-86.Result"  "HV3-9-88.Result"
[73] "HV3-9-90.Result"  "HV3-9-91.Result"  "HV3-9-92.Result"
[77] "HV3-9-95.Result"  "HV3-9-96.Result"  "HV3-9-97.Result"
[81] "HV3-9-99.Result"  "HV3-9-100.Result"
> AZRAW <- read.marrayRaw(fnames=Resultfiles, path="~/AZstudy/AZResults",
name.Gf="SG_Mean", name.Rf="SR_Mean", name.W="rQuality", gnames=Qiagen35KInfo,
targets=SlideInfo, notes="created 5/3/04, including 82 samples, incl. SampleInfo
and GenInfo")
Error in file(con, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file `5912.xls'
> AZRAW <- read.marrayRaw(fnames=Resultfiles,
path="/Users/joern/AZstudy/AZResults", name.Gf="SG_Mean", name.Rf="SR_Mean",
name.W="rQuality", gnames=Qiagen35KInfo, targets=SlideInfo, notes="created
5/3/04, including 82 samples, incl. SampleInfo and GenInfo")
Error in file(con, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file `5912.xls'

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