[BioC] external controls normalization
Ghislaine Guigon
gguigon at pasteur.fr
Thu May 6 00:29:24 CEST 2004
I'm tryng to use loess normalization function based on externals
controls (like MSP) as in Yang et al.; 2002 paper. I work with
bioconductor marrayNorm package. I identified my controls in the
maControls structure of marrayLayout as a vector of 0 and 1. Is
someone still use it ? for the moment I just have ...
test <- maNormMain(manip.raw, f.loc = list(maNormLoess(x="maA",
y="maM", z="maControls",subset=TRUE)))
but answer is Error in simpleLoess(y, x, w, span, degree, parametric,
drop.square, normalize, : invalid `x'
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