September 2007 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Sep 1 01:19:06 CEST 2007
Ending: Sat Sep 29 18:08:52 CEST 2007
Messages: 470
- [BioC] Fwd: Re: einem schnellen One- Night- Stand- Ficken ( Grund)
marginal3617 at
- [BioC] Analysis of many Flagged spots
J.delasHeras at
- [BioC] topTable changes
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] aCGh data analysis and new journal
William Shannon
- [BioC] buglet (?) snprma (oligo)
Tobias Verbeke
- [BioC] ReadAffy Error
Markus Schmidberger
- [BioC] Receive your own posts to the list
Pedro López-Romero
- [BioC] Multivariate analysis and Simplicate points
John Lande
- [BioC] question on buildChromLocation
Alessandro Fazio
- [BioC] A big change for Seth
Seth Falcon
- [BioC] small sample size,microarray, cross-validation
martin.schumacher at
- [BioC] Does anyone have the same problem with new("ExpressionSet", ...) ?
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Bioconductor Digest, Vol 55, Issue 3
Yaping Cheng
- [BioC] p.adjust returns one uniform value
Benjamin Otto
- [BioC] how to deal with technical replicates in Limma?
Lana Teixeira Fernandes
- [BioC] RdbiPgSQL: slowness in dbWriteTable
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] problem with GOstats, developmental version?
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] hgu95a probe co-ordinates in May 2004 assembly
Janet Young
- [BioC] lty argument not recognised in plot function
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] lumi package - lumiHumanV3
Lavinia Gordon
- [BioC] got different gene expression data from RMA
Meiyin.Gao at
- [BioC] clock genes analysis
Yaping Cheng
- [BioC] Limma: Very high logFC values
Ingrid H. G. Østensen
- [BioC] sub PM MM
- [BioC] Fwd: RE: p.adjust returns one uniform value
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] PM-MM solved
- [BioC] LIMMA: paired samples AND technical replicates
Charlotte Schjerling
- [BioC] RdbiPgSQL: slowness in dbWriteTable
John Zhang
- [BioC] issue with color coding heatmaps for positive and negative values
Mark W Kimpel
- [BioC] Problem with invalid GO term in HyperGResult object
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] disagreement between biomaRt and topGO
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] promoter regions of DE genes
Glazko, Galina
- [BioC] how to install updated CDF package and probe package in R to run GCRMA?
Yan Zhang
- [BioC] Job Posting: Lead Programmer for Pathway Visualization and Analysis Software
Alexander Pico
- [BioC] lty argument not recognised in plot function]
Pan Du
- [BioC] Error in .nextMethod(e1, e2) working with R2.0. in Windows
Lauro Sumoy Van Dyck
- [BioC] probe summarization
Bogdan Tanasa
- [BioC] Regarding lumiT
Ingrid H. G. Østensen
- [BioC] Get Paid For Answering Surveys - that easy
- [BioC] Problematic circular design
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Multiply dye-swaps
Dion Lepp
- [BioC] Multiply dye-swaps
Ana Conesa
- [BioC] RMA on a Data frame or a matrix
Khan, Sohail
- [BioC] lty argument not recognised in plot function]
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] BioC] LIMMA: paired samples AND technical replicates
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Getting top level GO category for a list of genes
Palle Villesen (BiRC)
- [BioC] PGSEA returning NaN?
Richard Birnie
- [BioC] limma printer layout
Vanessa Vermeirssen
- [BioC] from ORF to UniProt IDs
Alessandro Fazio
- [BioC] snapCGH package for expression data?
lusya at
- [BioC] T32 Post-Doctoral Training Position in Biostatistics/Toxicogenomics
Kellie J Archer/FS/VCU
- [BioC] Limma: Very high logFC values
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] gene expression data help
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] limma printer layout
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] RMA normalisation in Affy
Yogi Sundaravadanam
- [BioC] problems with command "download.file"
Li Lingdu
- [BioC] PGSEA returning NaN?
Richard Birnie
- [BioC] biomart error
Marco Fabbri
- [BioC] Getting associated genes from SNP anntotation files
Holger Schwender
- [BioC] Nadine meinte, die Geilsten deutschen Girls gibt's hier:
Patrizia Habermann
- [BioC] JOB: 5-year research positions in Bioinformatics/Biomathematics. Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
Joaquim Fernando Pinto da Costa
- [BioC] arrays with different gal files
Tiandao Li
- [BioC] creating a copy number array data object in DNA copy
jhs1jjm at
- [BioC] RMA on a Data frame or a matrix
Michal Blazejczyk
- [BioC] merge MALists
Tiandao Li
- [BioC] How could I interpret a SAM result like this ?
Alex Tsoi
- [BioC] different gal files using limma
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Get your ideal weight with this natural method
Bennie Bruno
- [BioC] DNAcopy package, craeting CNA object
jhs1jjm at
- [BioC] analysis of 70 groups for differential expression
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] Question about how the lmFit function in Limma uses spot weights
Jeremy Darot
- [BioC] slow insertions in to graphNEL object (24 hours for 16k nodes)
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] Problem when comparing a large experimental group versus a small control group by using SAM
Alex Tsoi
- [BioC] filtering on external genelist
- [BioC] error in makecdfenv
Yan Zhang
- [BioC] timecourse + factorial + replicates in LIMMA
aaron.j.mackey at
- [BioC] analysis of 70 groups for differential expression
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] affTableAnn error
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] analysis of 70 groups for differential expression
Stephen Henderson
- [BioC] error in matchprobes package
yzhang at
- [BioC] Between array normalization for biological replicates
Serge Eifes
- [BioC] deleting probes in expression set
Vanessa Vermeirssen
- [BioC] error in matchprobes package
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] GOstat with replicates
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] subset MarrayList
- [BioC] trouble with installing Biobase package
Tena Sakai
- [BioC] beadarray bead-level normalisation for single channel data
Asta Laiho
- [BioC] Rank-product and dye-swap effects
Vinuela, Ana
- [BioC] Having two parallel versions of BioC
arne.mueller at
- [BioC] create CNA object in DNAcopy package with agilent data
jhs1jjm at
- [BioC] about label permutation test for binary classification
James Anderson
- [BioC] Help with mix array
Jason Pear
- [BioC] create CNA object in DNAcopy package with agilent data
Sean Davis
- [BioC] problem with function to interrogate x:Map (exonmap)
Wolfgang Raffelsberger
- [BioC] SAM vs. sam2.20
Alex Tsoi
- [BioC] create CNA object in DNAcopy package with agilent data
Sean Davis
- [BioC] create CNA object in DNAcopy package with agilent data
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Error loading Illumina data LumiR
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] graph package: how to combine two graphs to create a third?
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] gcrma problem caused by using updated new CDF and probesequence?
yzhang at
- [BioC] help for canine 2.0 arrays
Wei Wang
- [BioC] plot with CI
carol white
- [BioC] packages recommendation
Tiandao Li
- [BioC] R/BioC workshops in Southern California
Thomas Girke
- [BioC] GCRMA works for my updated cdf and probesequence files.
yzhang at
- [BioC] Problem with "as.matrix.vsn" and "duplicateCorrelation" from limma
Artur Veloso
- [BioC] Question on limma single-channel analysis of dual-channel microarray
Deanne Taylor
- [BioC] Problem with "as.matrix.vsn" and "duplicateCorrelation" fromlimma
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Problem with getSnpAnnotation (2)
Olivier Nuñez
- [BioC] Extremely low p-values in limma
Muller, Pie
- [BioC] assign a same probe to differents probesets
Maud.ARSAC at
- [BioC] segmentation for Affy SNP arrays
Yu Chuan Tai
- [BioC] limma questions (normalization)
Brooke LaFlamme
- [BioC] topTable in limma
Brooke LaFlamme
- [BioC] probe masking
Donna Toleno
- [BioC] Microarray Workshop in Tucson, January 2008
David Henderson
- [BioC] RMA of CEL files from different chip types
Abhishek Tripathi
- [BioC] analysis of 70 groups for differential expression
Stephen Henderson
- [BioC] which package to cluster microarray data?
Alessandro Fazio
- [BioC] Unexpected lumiR error message
jarod07 at
- [BioC] Stuck with Yeast Tiling Array
Richard Harrison
- [BioC] homologs for xenopus laevis
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] Limma/Time Course Experiments
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] chromosome arms missing from Affy's Mapping 500K Array Set SNP chips?
Wittner, Ben, Ph.D.
- [BioC] analysis of 70 groups for differential expression
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] limma questions (normalization)
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] topTable in limma
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Error loading Illumina data LumiR
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] Integrating confidence in HMM
Olivier Nuñez
- [BioC] segmentation for Affy SNP arrays
Rob Scharpf
- [BioC] ReadAffy widget fails for Annotated DataFrame
Kevin R. Coombes
- [BioC] Beadarray negative background values (bug?)
Arno Velds
- [BioC] LIMMA: MA, design, and contrasts
Tiandao Li
- [BioC] help for BH - FDR and Fold Change filtering question,
Saurin D. Jani
- [BioC] Keeping all BioC and CRAN installed packages up to date the easy way
Mark W Kimpel
- [BioC] Cel image
Yogi Sundaravadanam
- [BioC] Fwd: limma questions (normalization) - correction
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] problem with osx darwin 8.10.0
Andrea Tanzer
- [BioC] affylmGUI: options for 'Export HTML Report'?
Keith Satterley
- [BioC] GSB adjustment in GCRMA
Pierre Neuvial
- [BioC] Building Rgraphviz w/ Graphviz 2.14
Emil Lundberg
- [BioC] Fwd: limma questions (normalization) - correction
Brooke LaFlamme
- [BioC] Building Rgraphviz w/ Graphviz 2.14
Li.Long at
- [BioC] Cannot allocate vector of size xxxxxxkb
Brooks, Anthony B
- [BioC] Réf. : Re: assign a same probe to differents probesets
Maud.ARSAC at
- [BioC] affyPLM and exon array question
Henrik Bengtsson
- [BioC] PhD at EMBL
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Analysis of two sample gene files in lumi
Yogi Sundaravadanam
- [BioC] I would like to join the mailing list
Daniel Rico
- [BioC] Newbie Problems with Agilent data
elliot harrison
- [BioC] Knn and midding value at
- [BioC] Knn and missing value at
- [BioC] maSigPro: Warning
Ingrid H. G. Østensen
- [BioC] Air Turkey.
Air Turkey
- [BioC] Arabidopsis thaliana cdf ath1121501
Naira Naouar
- [BioC] job ad: postdoctoral scientist in computational biology
Crispin Miller
- [BioC] annotation on mouse4302
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] Analysis of two sample gene files in lumi
Pan Du
- [BioC] Problem with R-2.5.1 on SuSE 10.1
Weigong Ge
- [BioC] symbol annotation using probes2tableBM
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] code for technical replicates in Limma with affy
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] problem with probes2tableBM
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] Agilent CGH data
jhs1jjm at
- [BioC] Nadine meinte, die Geilsten deutschen Girls gibt's hier:
"Günter Walther"
- [BioC] how to 'bootstrap' expression data?
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] QC in lumi
Yogi Sundaravadanam
- [BioC] FW: how to 'bootstrap' expression data?
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] Ratherthan lack it where there.
Royal Bruno
- [BioC] gDNA Cy3, cDNA Cy5
Al Ivens
- [BioC] batch effects and VSN
Hans-Ulrich Klein
- [BioC] Live linux CD with bioconductor on
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] processCGH in snapCGH package
jhs1jjm at
- [BioC] spottype file for 2-color array
yoo hoo
- [BioC] Integrating confidence in HMM (2)
Rob Scharpf
- [BioC] annotate and biomaRt: inconsistent behaviour; nsFilter question
Saira Mian
- [BioC] Problem with GOPkgBuilder from AnnBuilder when trying to create an updated GO data package
Stefan Goetz
- [BioC] Biological replicates
Yogi Sundaravadanam
- [BioC] Read depth analysis
João Fadista
- [BioC] beadarray: combining several beadsummary data objects
Asta Laiho
- [BioC] Retrieve SNP sequence from dbSNP using BioMart
Johanna Hasmats
- [BioC] Retrieve SNP sequence from dbSNP using BioMart
Steffen Durinck
- [BioC] lumi Package lumiR error
wayne xu
- [BioC] Biological replicates
Yogi Sundaravadanam
- [BioC] Biological replicates
Ana Conesa
- [BioC] maSigPro
Ingrid H. G. Østensen
- [BioC] vsn and scaling
Dr Roslin Russell
- [BioC] vsm2
Richard Harrison
- [BioC] processCGH with snapCGH
jhs1jjm at
- [BioC] simple biomaRt query
Glazko, Galina
- [BioC] simple biomaRt query, found an error: old version
Glazko, Galina
- [BioC] DNAString ("GC") -- error in nchar?
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] findest Du die Frauen, die genau das gleiche suchen wie Du! ( mu�ten)
protest2718 at
Last message date:
Sat Sep 29 18:08:52 CEST 2007
Archived on: Sat Sep 29 18:09:11 CEST 2007
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