[BioC] topTable changes
Gordon Smyth
smyth at wehi.EDU.AU
Sat Sep 1 03:01:21 CEST 2007
Hi Sue,
Your question doesn't make a lot of sense, because there have been no
changes to the p-value columns output by topTable. The adj.P.Val
column still exists as it always has, and there never has been a
columun called "P".
As pointed out by Jose, the problem is more likely to be that you are
using the column tab$M which is now called tab$logFC.
limma comes with lots of documentation. Why not just type
to see exactly what the columns are and what they mean?
would tell you the column names.
Best wishes
>Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:30:24 +0100 (BST)
>From: Sue Jones <s.jones at sussex.ac.uk>
>Subject: [BioC] topTable changes
>To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
>tab <- topTable(fit3, n=1500, adjust="fdr")
>The question I have is about the topTable function. Does this now only
>produce a P.value column which contains the adjusted P-values and is this
>column tagged as "P"? Are the two lines of code that extract the genes
>with P values <0.05 correct?
>diff_exp <- tab2[tab2$P<0.05 & tab2$M<0.0,]
>print("No down reg genes:"); length(diff_exp$ID)
>previously I had code which used $adj.P.Val as a filter but this does not
>work any more.
>Sue Jones
>University of Sussex
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