[BioC] KEGG pathway
Yihuan Xu
Yihuan.xu at jefferson.edu
Thu Sep 13 16:53:53 CEST 2007
Dear all,
I am interested in a gene pla2g2a, which KEGG entry is 18780. DBGET resurlt
for mmu18780 in KEGG website shows there are 9 pathways containning this
gene. I checked one of these pathways (mmu00590) using KEGG package, however
18780 didn't show up in the pathway.
my code:
> library(KEGG)
> aa <-as.list(KEGGPATHID2EXTID)
> aa$mmu00590
[1] "106648" "107141" "109857" "11684" "11685" "11686" "11687" "11688"
[9] "12408" "12409" "13088" "13089" "13090" "13094" "13095" "13096"
[17] "13097" "13098" "13099" "13106" "13109" "13110" "13117" "13118"
[25] "13119" "13850" "14598" "14775" "14776" "14778" "14780" "16993"
[33] "17001" "170716" "18778" "18781" "18782" "18783" "18784" "19215"
[41] "19223" "19224" "19225" "207182" "21391" "226105" "226143" "23887"
[49] "26565" "26970" "26971" "28200" "329502" "404195" "53357" "54486"
[57] "64292" "64385" "66350" "67305" "69836" "69888" "70101" "71519"
[65] "72054" "72082" "72303" "74519" "75512" "96979"
KEGG DBGET resurlt:
Do you know what happened here? Thank you very much.
Yihuan Xu
Division of Biostatistics
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Thomas Jefferson University
1015 Chestnut Street, Suite M100
Philadelphia, PA19107
Phone: 215-503-1357
Fax: 215-503-3804
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