[BioC] JOB: 5-year research positions in Bioinformatics/Biomathematics. Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
Joaquim Fernando Pinto da Costa
jpcosta at fc.up.pt
Mon Sep 10 17:51:05 CEST 2007
5-year research positions in Bioinformatics/Biomathematics,
within the area of Signal Processing and Data Analysis.
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
Center of Mathematics of Porto University (CMUP)
The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) invites
applications for two 5-year research positions in
Bioinformatics/Biomathematics, within the area of Signal Processing and
Data Analysis. The successful candidates will develop their research
activities at Center of Mathematics of Porto University (CMUP), and will
participate in the area related graduate programs at FCUP.
The research positions are aimed at developing research in Applied
Mathematics, specifically in Bioinformatics/Biomathematics and attending
its related and specific problems in Statistics or Signal Processing.
The appointments at FCUP ( http://www.fc.up.pt) will be made for up to
five years, renewed yearly. The positions will be held at CMUP, with web
page http://www.fc.up.pt/cmup/.
The researchers should have a strong interdisciplinary background with
interests in Statistics/Signal Processing within Applied Mathematics or
Biomedical Applications. They are expected to develop research within
the areas of interest of the research group in Signal Processing and
Data Analysis at CMUP, aiming at novel, computationally efficient
multimodal approaches and tools for the analysis of complex data, such
as those driven by life-science problems, as bioinformatics and
biomedical applications. However, applications are also encouraged from
excellent candidates of other related areas within applied mathematics
or biomedical research.
In addition to their research work, the successful candidates are
expected to actively:
- participate in CMUP seminars, promoting regular group seminars and
organizing advanced lecture series onBioinformatics/Biomathematics
concerning emergent problems in Statistics/Signal Processing;
- participate in the organization of national/international workshops
and conferences;
- supervise PhD and Master thesis students, as well as to lecture on the
area related tracks of the FCUP post-graduate programs;
- collaborate with the Mathematics Departments and research units in the
establishment of targeted research programs in the framework of
national/international networking and ongoing activities to promote the
public awareness of science.
Candidates must have a solid background in Statistics/Applied
Mathematics or related, with a research experience of at least 3 years
after the PhD degree, under the general rules of Program Ciencia
2007http://www.fct.mctes.pt/ciencia2007/. In support of their
application, candidates must submit:
- Curriculum Vitae;
- A 5-year Research Proposal (maximum 2A4 pages), emphasizing their own
research objectives and their contribution to the development of
Bioinformatics/Biomathematics, attending its related and specific
problems in Statistics or Signal Processing, special attention must be
given to interdisciplinary and complementarily issues within other local
and international research units;
- 2 letters of recommendation
Applicationsmust be submitted until 15 of September 2007,
tojntavar at fc.up.ptand aprocha at fc.up.pt.
The 2 recommendation letters and also a paper copy of the electronic
documents, should be sent to:
Ana Paula Rocha,
Dep Matemática Aplicada, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal.
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