[BioC] arrays with different gal files
Tiandao Li
Tiandao.Li at usm.edu
Mon Sep 10 18:10:19 CEST 2007
I am analyzing cDNA microarray data using limma. I generated the GAL file
using the program coming with chipwriter, everything looks great. However,
when I printed the first batch of chips, after the last dip of pins in the
first plate, print, wash, and the pins redipped again in the first plate
from the beginning, and print, wash, then stop to change the plate. For
the next plate, the pins skipped the first dip, they picked up the
material from the second dip, and so on, after printing from the last well
of the plate, the pins moved to the first well of the current plate,
and print, wash, and remind to change the plate. The company gave us the
patch later to solve this problem. So this gal file is a little different
than the rest batches of chips, the locations of genes, MSP, and controls
are different (5%). After hybridization, I used GenePix Pro 6.1 for
spotfinding. After reading the data into limma, I want to use MSP and
control spots for print-tip normalization. I don't know how to label
different spot types in all arrays using readSpotTypes().
I am kind of new to R and limma. The following is my setting.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages:
[1] "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets" "methods"
[7] "base"
other attached packages:
statmod limma
"1.3.0" "2.10.5"
Codes for analysis
A <- list(R="F635 Median",G="F532 Median",Rb="B635",Gb="B532")
B <- list("Block", "Column", "Row", "Name", "ID", "X", "Y", "Dia.", "F635
Median", "F635 Mean", "F635 SD", "F635 CV", "B635", "B635 Median", "B635
Mean", "B635 SD", "B635 CV", "% > B635+1SD", "% > B635+2SD", "F635 %
Sat.", "F532 Median", "F532 Mean", "F532 SD", "F532 CV", "B532", "B532
Median", "B532 Mean", "B532 SD", "B532 CV", "% > B532+1SD", "% >
B532+2SD", "F532 % Sat.", "Ratio of Medians (635/532)", "Ratio of Means
(635/532)", "Median of Ratios (635/532)", "Mean of Ratios (635/532)",
"Ratios SD (635/532)", "Rgn Ratio (635/532)", "Rgn R2 (635/532)", "F
Pixels", "B Pixels", "Circularity", "Sum of Medians (635/532)", "Sum of
Means (635/532)", "Log Ratio (635/532)", "F635 Median - B635", "F532
Median - B532", "F635 Mean - B635", "F532 Mean - B532", "F635 Total
Intensity", "F532 Total Intensity", "SNR 635", "SNR 532", "Flags",
"Normalize", "Autoflag")
# read 6 test files
targets<-readTargets(file="targets.txt", row.name="Name") # 6 test files
RG <-
spottypes <- readSpotTypes("spottypes3.txt") # short spot types
RG$genes$Status <- controlStatus(spottypes,RG)
SlideNumber FileName Cy3 Cy5 Name
1 13582917 N0 N1 N0N121
2 13582918 N0 N1 N0N122
3 13590446 N0 N1 N0N123
4 13590420 N1 H1 N1H121
5 13590521 N1 H1 N1H122
6 13591193 N1 H1 N1H123
SpotType ID Color
gene * black
Calibration Calib* blue
Ratio Ratio* red
Negative Neg*|Util* brown
MSP MSP orange
Alexa Alexa* yellow
blank NotDefined green
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