Fourth quarter 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Oct 1 01:01:11 CEST 2009
Ending: Thu Dec 31 15:15:49 CET 2009
Messages: 504
- [R-SIG-Finance] what should I be reading?
Gower, Luke
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Announcing: Predictive Analytics World, Oct. 20-21 in Washington DC
- [R-SIG-Finance] Can you post next Predictive Analytics World conference on forum?
Elise Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg News and Upcoming Versions
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
Jorge Nieves
- [R-SIG-Finance] Can you post next Predictive Analytics World conference on forum?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
Jorge Nieves
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - Portfolio Optimization
Lara Shocron
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
Thomas Etheber
- [R-SIG-Finance] Portfolio Optimization
Lara Shocron
- [R-SIG-Finance] Engle Granger test critical values
Reena Bansal
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
Eric Zivot
- [R-SIG-Finance] Engle Granger test critical values
Guy Yollin
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio question and edited code
Lorenzo Bertolini
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg News and Upcoming Versions
Krishna Kumar
- [R-SIG-Finance] Static Portfolio Optimization
Adrian Trapletti
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio question and edited code
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolio.optim - RiskFreeRate
Lara Shocron
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio question and edited code
Lorenzo Bertolini
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolio.optim - RiskFreeRate
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolio.optim - RiskFreeRate
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vectorized rolling computation on xts series
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vectorized rolling computation on xts series
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vectorized rolling computation on xts series
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vectorized rolling computation on xts series
Aleks Clark
- [R-SIG-Finance] interpolating missing values from a TS
Aleks Clark
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vectorized rolling computation on xts series
Sandor Benczik
- [R-SIG-Finance] interpolating missing values from a TS
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] interpolating missing values from a TS
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] interpolating missing values from a TS
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] treynor black (1973)
Geoffrey Smith
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating/comparing dynamic linear model
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] treynor black (1973)
ssmith88 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vectorized rolling computation on xts series
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating/comparing dynamic linear model
Erb Philipp (erbp)
- [R-SIG-Finance] Vectorized rolling computation on xts series
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to do multiple time series modelling in R?
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended zoo merge for multiple objects
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended zoo merge for multiple objects
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to do multiple time series modelling in R?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended zoo merge for multiple objects
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended zoo merge for multiple objects
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended zoo merge for multiple objects
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] recommended zoo merge for multiple objects
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to do multiple time series modelling in R?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to do multiple time series modelling in R?
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to do multiple time series modelling in R?
Charles Evans
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts: xts/xts not an xts? and subsetting on hours across all dates
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts: xts/xts not an xts? and subsetting on hours across all dates
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to handle both the symbol names and prices in one xts
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to handle both the symbol names and prices in one xts
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Daniel Cegiełka
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Daniel Cegiełka
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating equity curves
Aleks Clark
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating equity curves
R. Vince
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating equity curves
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating equity curves
R. Vince
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating equity curves
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating equity curves
Robert Sams
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Daniel Cegiełka
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] QuantMod trading models docs?
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] R CMD --meetup=Chicago --when=Oct 29 --where=Jak'sTap
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Blotter package - problem with example.
Jan Vandermeer
- [R-SIG-Finance] Blotter package - problem with example.
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating equity curves
Aleks Clark
- [R-SIG-Finance] Evaluating equity curves
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Blotter package - problem with example.
Jan Vandermeer
- [R-SIG-Finance] Blotter package - problem with example (Jan Vandermeer)
Jan Vandermeer
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Blotter package - problem with example.
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg error?
Konrad Banachewicz
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Predictive Analytics Seminar: Nov. 11-12, San Francisco
- [R-SIG-Finance] Can we post following event to discussion board?
Elise Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Perfect out-of-sample-fit in a model containing a lagged dependent variable?
Gero Schwenk
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg error?
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Estimation in a changepoint regression with R
- [R-SIG-Finance] Perfect out-of-sample-fit in a model containing a lagged dependent variable?
Adrian Trapletti
- [R-SIG-Finance] Error found - [Perfect out-of-sample-fit in a model containing a lagged dependent variable?]
Gero Schwenk
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Question related to RBloomberg
Sergey Goriatchev
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Question related to RBloomberg
Phil Smyth
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Question related to RBloomberg
Sergey Goriatchev
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Ulrich Staudinger
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Ulrich Staudinger
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Mathematical Expectation for a trading system
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Enough, please (Was: Mathematical Expectation for a trading system)
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Exploratory analyses: Experience using gputools-package for Nvidia graphics-accellerators?
Gero Schwenk
- [R-SIG-Finance] Exploratory analyses: Experience using gputools-package for Nvidia graphics-accellerators?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Exploratory analyses: Experience using gputools-package for Nvidia graphics-accellerators?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Rolling Beta
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Rolling Beta
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Rolling Beta
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] seasonal dummy lm equation
karla hernandez villafuerte
- [R-SIG-Finance] seasonal dummy lm equation
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] Multiply xts-series with different frequencies
Bjorn Skogtro
- [R-SIG-Finance] Multiply xts-series with different frequencies
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] garch model estimation
ShyhWeir Tzang
- [R-SIG-Finance] Performance Analytics Package: Annualized Returns/Sharpe Ratios and Treynor Ratio
Philipp Lincoln
- [R-SIG-Finance] garch model estimation
Yohan Chalabi
- [R-SIG-Finance] Performance Analytics Package: Annualized Returns/Sharpe Ratios and Treynor Ratio
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] COPULA
Michael Kristoffer Nagl
- [R-SIG-Finance] little arrows on quantmod charts
- [R-SIG-Finance] little arrows on quantmod charts
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] little arrows on quantmod charts
- [R-SIG-Finance] little arrows on quantmod charts
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] little arrows on quantmod charts
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] little arrows on quantmod charts
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg error?
Konrad Banachewicz
- [R-SIG-Finance] R CMD --meetup=Chicago --where=JaksTap --when=THIS THURSDAY!! (Oct 29)
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to use xts in setClass()
- [R-SIG-Finance] agent-based models: any progress?
Pradeep Raje
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to use xts in setClass()
- [R-SIG-Finance] Extracting a fitted series from an ARIMA model
Philipp Lincoln
- [R-SIG-Finance] agent-based models: any progress?
Ana Nelson
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to use xts in setClass()
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to use xts in setClass()
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to use xts in setClass()
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] getQuote real time
- [R-SIG-Finance] getQuote real time
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to use xts in setClass()
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to use xts in setClass()
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Manipulate database
Clhis Alberty
- [R-SIG-Finance] Manipulate database
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] R/Finance 2010: Applied Finance with R --- Call for Papers
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] gofCopula - Intuition?
Michael Kristoffer Nagl
- [R-SIG-Finance] modeling and forecasting commodity time series?
Luna Moon
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Volatility Swaps
Val Neyman
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Volatility Swaps
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fast optimizer
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fast optimizer
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R] Fast optimizer
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] merging a list of xts objects
Jiri Hoogland
- [R-SIG-Finance] modeling and forecasting commodity time series?
David Lüthi
- [R-SIG-Finance] Time series temporal disaggregation
Axel Leroix
- [R-SIG-Finance] Time series temporal disaggregation (or: going from low frequency to higher frequency)
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Time series temporal disaggregation (or: going from low frequency to higher frequency)
John Frain
- [R-SIG-Finance] Time series temporal disaggregation (or: going from low frequency to higher frequency)
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] merging a list of xts objects
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Simple XTS Quantmod Problem
Arthur Kreitman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Simple XTS Quantmod Problem
Scott MacDonald
- [R-SIG-Finance] Simple XTS Quantmod Problem
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Simple XTS Quantmod Problem
Arthur Kreitman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Simple XTS Quantmod Problem
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Additive decomposition method
- [R-SIG-Finance] plotting market cap heatmap
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] Grouped Log Likelihood function??
Noah Silverman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Grouped Log Likelihood function??
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] plotting market cap heatmap
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] plotting market cap heatmap
Peter Carl
- [R-SIG-Finance] Additive decomposition method
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] save XTS
- [R-SIG-Finance] save XTS
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] save XTS
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] save XTS
- [R-SIG-Finance] Additive decomposition method
- [R-SIG-Finance] Sequential MLE on time series with rolling window
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] Sequential MLE on time series with rolling window
Ajay Shah
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] fPortfolio not loading Rsymphony package
Jonathan Ling
- [R-SIG-Finance] package(vars) and generalized impulse response functions
Vimal B
- [R-SIG-Finance] package(vars) and generalized impulse response functions
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] package(vars) and generalized impulse response functions
Vimal B
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] fPortfolio not loading Rsymphony package
Jonathan Ling
- [R-SIG-Finance] RquantLib : FittedBondCurve function
Olivier Schmitt
- [R-SIG-Finance] Invitation to R users - Forum on News Analytics applied to Trading, Fund Management and Risk Control
Michael Sun
- [R-SIG-Finance] RquantLib : FittedBondCurve function
Allen Kuo
- [R-SIG-Finance] RquantLib : FittedBondCurve function
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] RquantLib : FittedBondCurve function
Olivier Schmitt
- [R-SIG-Finance] Creating a function for portfolio management
Manuel Serna
- [R-SIG-Finance] RquantLib : FittedBondCurve function
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to properly compare a trading signal to a random strategy.
Harry Georgakopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolio optimization - maximizing returns for a given risk.
Lara Shocron
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolio optimization - maximizing returns for a given risk.
Thomas Etheber
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to properly compare a trading signal to a random strategy.
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to properly compare a trading signal to a random strategy.
David St John
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to properly compare a trading signal to a random strategy.
David St John
- [R-SIG-Finance] RquantLib : FittedBondCurve function
Olivier Schmitt
- [R-SIG-Finance] Creating a function for portfolio management
debashis dutta
- [R-SIG-Finance] Creating a function for portfolio management
debashis dutta
- [R-SIG-Finance] Systemfit package/Autocorrelation
Axel Leroix
- [R-SIG-Finance] Systemfit package/Autocorrelation
Peter Carl
- [R-SIG-Finance] Systemfit package/Autocorrelation
Eric Zivot
- [R-SIG-Finance] Question about tailSlider function in fExtremes
janet watson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Time series temporal disaggregation (or: going from low frequency to higher frequency)
John Frain
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data using zoo?
Ajay Shah
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data using zoo?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data using zoo?
Ajay Shah
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data using zoo?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data using zoo?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] RcppTemplate
Dominick Samperi
- [R-SIG-Finance] [QuantMod] Load all stock symbols
Paolo Cabaleiro
- [R-SIG-Finance] [QuantMod] Load all stock symbols
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] [QuantMod] Load all stock symbols
Khanh Nguyen
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA, xreg and intercepts
Brecknock, Peter
- [R-SIG-Finance] Nelson- Siegel - (Yield Curve - Smoothening of curve)
Julia Cairns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Help with fPortfolio
Abhijit Bera
- [R-SIG-Finance] Help with fPortfolio
Yohan Chalabi
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
Cedrick W. Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA, xreg and intercepts
Brecknock, Peter
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA, xreg and intercepts
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA, xreg and intercepts
Brecknock, Peter
- [R-SIG-Finance] ARIMA, xreg and intercepts
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts conversion error
Subhrangshu Nandi
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts conversion error
Subhrangshu Nandi
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
Heiko Mayer
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
- [R-SIG-Finance] Residuals with Elliot-Rothenberg-Stock Unit Root Test
Jose Iparraguirre D'Elia
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
Heiko Mayer
- [R-SIG-Finance] nonlinear constraints in GARCH estimation
ShyhWeir Tzang
- [R-SIG-Finance] nonlinear constraints in GARCH estimation
- [R-SIG-Finance] fImport : where to get a list of ticker symbols?
Gero Schwenk
- [R-SIG-Finance] fImport : where to get a list of ticker symbols?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] fImport : where to get a list of ticker symbols?
julien cuisinier
- [R-SIG-Finance] fImport : where to get a list of ticker symbols?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Residuals with Elliot-Rothenberg-Stock Unit Root Test
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] Retrieving latest day's data
Martin Jenkins
- [R-SIG-Finance] Retrieving latest day's data
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Retrieving latest day's data
Cedrick W. Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] varRisk in fPortfolio package
Wei-han Liu
- [R-SIG-Finance] varRisk in fPortfolio package
Cedrick W. Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] NYMEX/COMEX daily settle txt files
Joe W. Byers
- [R-SIG-Finance] Order a XTS object by value
Zanella Marco
- [R-SIG-Finance] varRisk in fPortfolio package
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Order a XTS object by value
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Daily Return of a Leveraged / Shorted Asset
David St John
- [R-SIG-Finance] Daily Return of a Leveraged / Shorted Asset
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Retrieving latest day's data
Martin Jenkins
- [R-SIG-Finance] Retrieving latest day's data
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Ibrokers Future API
- [R-SIG-Finance] Ibrokers Future API
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Ibrokers Future API
- [R-SIG-Finance] fSeries/fGarch for R 2.7.0
matthias.kornexl at
- [R-SIG-Finance] fSeries/fGarch for R 2.7.0
Cedrick W. Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] fSeries/fGarch for R 2.7.0
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] fSeries/fGarch for R 2.7.0
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fast way of replacing missing data points in xts object
wob wu
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fast way of replacing missing data points in xts object
wob wu
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fast way of replacing missing data points in xts object
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Add values to time series in DB directly
Josuah Rechtsteiner
- [R-SIG-Finance] Add values to time series in DB directly
Whit Armstrong
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fast way of replacing missing data points in xts object
Benczik Sandor
- [R-SIG-Finance] problems in GJR-GARCH with t-disrtibuted error terms in SAS
- [R-SIG-Finance] problems in GJR-GARCH with t-disrtibuted error terms in SAS
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interfacing R and LIM
Neil Gupta
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interfacing R and LIM
Whit Armstrong
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interfacing R and LIM
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] How can I retrieve list of all companies listed of a given Index say S&P 500
FX Going
- [R-SIG-Finance] How can I retrieve list of all companies listed of a given Index say S&P 500
FX Going
- [R-SIG-Finance] How can I retrieve list of all companies listed of a given Index say S&P 500
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] How can I retrieve list of all companies listed of a given Index say S&P 500
Martin Jenkins
- [R-SIG-Finance] How can I retrieve list of all companies listed of a given Index say S&P 500
Arthur Kreitman
- [R-SIG-Finance] How can I retrieve list of all companies listed of a given Index say S&P 500
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: Use VAR model to predict response to change in values of certain variables
Karl Schriek
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: Use VAR model to predict response to change in values of certain variables
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] row-by-row operations on multiple xts matrices
Murali.MENON at
- [R-SIG-Finance] row-by-row operations on multiple xts matrices
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] row-by-row operations on multiple xts matrices
Murali.MENON at
- [R-SIG-Finance] How can I retrieve list of all companies listed of a given Index say S&P 500
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] How good is Black-Scholes vs actual option prices
Peter Mennie
- [R-SIG-Finance] Estimating BEKK model with the mgarch package
Jeff Braun
- [R-SIG-Finance] Interpreting impluse response coefficients
Karl Schriek
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: Interpreting impluse response coefficients
Karl Schriek
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: Use VAR model to predict response to change in values of certain variables
Karl Schriek
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: Use VAR model to predict response to change in values of certain variables
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] R: Use VAR model to predict response to change in values of certain variables
Karl Schriek
- [R-SIG-Finance] how use the results of rollapply in the previous row to the next row...
Jiri Hoogland
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
- [R-SIG-Finance] how use the results of rollapply in the previousrow to the next row...
Benczik Sandor
- [R-SIG-Finance] how use the results of rollapply in the previous row to the next row...
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] A VaR question
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data -- how to get by with less memory?
Ajay Shah
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data -- how to get by with less memory?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data -- how to get by with less memory?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data -- how to get by with less memory?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Creating a back adjusted continuous price series from log returns
Wob Wu
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data -- how to get by with less memory?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] SMA on Volume?
Robert Nicholson
- [R-SIG-Finance] SMA on Volume?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Creating a back adjusted continuous price series from log returns
Whit Armstrong
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data
Renato Costa
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Data
- [R-SIG-Finance] Creating a back adjusted continuous price series from log returns
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] Data
Charles Evans
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data -- how to get by with less memory?
Ajay Shah
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] How good is Black-Scholes vs actual option prices
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data
Renato Costa
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Discretising intra-day data -- how to get by with less memory?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod addTA() How to scale the y axis
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod addTA() How to scale the y axis
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] WG: quantmod addTA() How to scale the y axis
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: AW: quantmod addTA() How to scale the y axis
Brian Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] WG: quantmod addTA() How to scale the y axis
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] WG: quantmod addTA() How to scale the y axis
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] WG: quantmod addTA() How to scale the y axis
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod: getFin; getFinancials
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod: getFin; getFinancials
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod: getFin; getFinancials
Krishnan Maheswaran
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod: getFin; getFinancials
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Date problem
Peter Rote
- [R-SIG-Finance] Date problem
Benczik Sandor
- [R-SIG-Finance] princomp(): how to get the component's names
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] princomp(): how to get the component's names
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] princomp(): how to get the component's names
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Portfolio optimization & PCA
Jorge Nieves
- [R-SIG-Finance] Portfolio optimization & PCA
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Portfolio optimization & PCA
Gottlieb, Neil
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols is zoo or xts?
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols is zoo or xts?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols is zoo or xts?
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols is zoo or xts?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols is zoo or xts?
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Which Kalman filter?
Hubert Colt
- [R-SIG-Finance] Which Kalman filter?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Which Kalman filter?
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Time Series For ohlcPlot
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Time Series For ohlcPlot
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] SUMMARY: Reducing an intra-day dataset into one obs per second
Ajay Shah
- [R-SIG-Finance] SUMMARY: Reducing an intra-day dataset into one obs per second
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] SUMMARY: Reducing an intra-day dataset into one obs per second
Ajay Shah
- [R-SIG-Finance] Futures prices in quantmod?
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Futures prices in quantmod?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Futures prices in quantmod?
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Futures prices in quantmod?
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Futures prices in quantmod?
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Futures prices in quantmod?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Suggestions
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Suggestions
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Futures prices in quantmod?
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Pricing guaranteed execution
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] Futures prices in quantmod?
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Pricing guaranteed execution
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] Re%3A%20%5BR-SIG-Finance%5D%20FinTS%20requires%20zoo%20to%20export%20as.Date.numeric
Pardeep Singh
- [R-SIG-Finance] disaggregation, R and Matlab
Hodgess, Erin
- [R-SIG-Finance] troubles with quantmod
Edouard Tallent
- [R-SIG-Finance] troubles with quantmod
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] disaggregation, R and Matlab
Albrecht, Dr. Stefan (AIM SE)
- [R-SIG-Finance] disaggregation, R and Matlab
Liviu Andronic
- [R-SIG-Finance] Probit model with specification for the conditional variance
gmroot2004-ms at
- [R-SIG-Finance] troubles with quantmod
- [R-SIG-Finance] disaggregation, R and Matlab
Hodgess, Erin
- [R-SIG-Finance] disaggregation, R and Matlab
Hodgess, Erin
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to plot a data frame of timeseries?
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to plot a data frame of timeseries?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to plot a data frame of timeseries?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to plot a data frame of timeseries?
Jeffrey Todd Lins
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to plot a data frame of timeseries?
Konrad Hoppe
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to plot a data frame of timeseries?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to plot a data frame of timeseries?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Which Kalman filter?
Hubert Colt
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts and na.omit "unsupported type"
Fabrizio Pollastri
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts and na.omit "unsupported type"
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts and na.omit "unsupported type"
Jose Iparraguirre D'Elia
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts and na.omit "unsupported type"
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] xts and na.omit "unsupported type"
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod: get date column
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod: get date column
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod: get date column
Guillaume Yziquel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Pricing guaranteed execution
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] Pricing guaranteed execution
Christian Prinoth
- [R-SIG-Finance] Accessing getSymbols data
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Accessing getSymbols data
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Accessing getSymbols data
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Pricing guaranteed execution
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Accessing getSymbols data
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Accessing getSymbols data
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Accessing getSymbols data
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Pricing guaranteed execution
Bjorn Hertzberg
- [R-SIG-Finance] download yahoo quotes using tseries get.hist.quote(), error 404
Marco Bianchi
- [R-SIG-Finance] download yahoo quotes using tseries get.hist.quote(), error 404
J Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] download yahoo quotes using tseries get.hist.quote(), error 404
Marco Bianchi
- [R-SIG-Finance] Pricing guaranteed execution
- [R-SIG-Finance] seasonal model
Mahesh Krishnan
- [R-SIG-Finance] GLM correcting for serial correlation
Karl Schriek
- [R-SIG-Finance] numerical integration
Wei-han Liu
- [R-SIG-Finance] numerical integration
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] GLM correcting for serial correlation
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg
Eduard Pieterse (Macquarie Securities)
- [R-SIG-Finance] Regression & quantmod
Thomas Etheber
- [R-SIG-Finance] GLM correcting for serial correlation
David St John
- [R-SIG-Finance] Regression & quantmod
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] GLM correcting for serial correlation
Brecknock, Peter
- [R-SIG-Finance] GLM correcting for serial correlation
Karl Schriek
- [R-SIG-Finance] dlm: dldMod Reg with constant alpha time-varying beta
Hubert Colt
- [R-SIG-Finance] dlm: dldMod Reg with constant alpha time-varying beta
Hubert Colt
- [R-SIG-Finance] seasonal model
Fabrizio Cipollini
- [R-SIG-Finance] R/Rmetrics: Singapore Conference, Februar 19/20, 2010
Diethelm Wuertz
- [R-SIG-Finance] Retrieving latest day's data
Martin Jenkins
- [R-SIG-Finance] tseries and xts - time indexing in an easier way?
Zhang, Ivan
- [R-SIG-Finance] tseries and xts - time indexing in an easier way?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Retrieving latest day's data
Martin Jenkins
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols and PD-UN
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols and PD-UN
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols and PD-UN
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] getSymbols and PD-UN
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Examples IBrokers Code
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] direct data download from metastock
SNV Krishna
- [R-SIG-Finance] direct data download from metastock
Cedrick W. Johnson
- [R-SIG-Finance] direct data download from metastock
SNV Krishna
- [R-SIG-Finance] direct data download from metastock
- [R-SIG-Finance] direct data download from metastock
SNV Krishna
- [R-SIG-Finance] Counting consecutive equally signed items in a time series
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] Counting consecutive equally signed items in a time series
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Counting consecutive equally signed items in a time series
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] API based Trading Lowest Commission
- [R-SIG-Finance] API based Trading Lowest Commission
Arthur Kreitman
- [R-SIG-Finance] FinData provider Xiginte and R
me at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Cannot connect with tws
Peter Rote
- [R-SIG-Finance] FinData provider Xiginte and R
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] FinData provider Xiginte and R
Tobias Verbeke
- [R-SIG-Finance] Cannot connect with tws
Arthur Kreitman
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to deal with time series in R ??
Edouard Tallent
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to deal with time series in R ??
Edouard Tallent
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to deal with time series in R ??
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] how to deal with time series in R ??
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] FinData provider Xiginte and R
me at
- [R-SIG-Finance] IBrokers
Peter Rote
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data service
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with plot.xts
Pierre Lapointe
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data service
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fitting ACD model
R_help Help
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data service
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with plot.xts
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to estimate SV type models in R more efficiently?
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to estimate SV type models in R more efficiently?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fitting ACD model
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with plot.xts
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non parametric, unequal variance, equality of mean significance test
Reena Bansal
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non parametric, unequal variance, equality of mean significance test
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non parametric, unequal variance, equality of mean significance test
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non parametric, unequal variance, equality of mean significance test
Reena Bansal
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data service
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Data service
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] error correction model - general specification
- [R-SIG-Finance] error correction model - general specification
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non parametric, unequal variance, equality of mean significance test
Moshe Olshansky
- [R-SIG-Finance] general zoo tutorial available?
Stephen J. Barr
- [R-SIG-Finance] general zoo tutorial available?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to estimate SV type models in R more efficiently?
- [R-SIG-Finance] general zoo tutorial available?
Eric Zivot
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to estimate SV type models in R more efficiently?
markleeds at
- [R-SIG-Finance] general zoo tutorial available?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] general zoo tutorial available?
Stephen J. Barr
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non parametric, unequal variance, equality of mean significance test
Adams, Zeno
- [R-SIG-Finance] error correction model - general specification
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-SIG-Finance] error correction model - general specification
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
Nick Torenvliet
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
ustaudinger at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] Live Algo Trading
- [R-SIG-Finance] newbie
Andre de Boer
- [R-SIG-Finance] Screeningn with IBrokers
Peter Rote
- [R-SIG-Finance] newbie
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Analysis of market impact
- [R-SIG-Finance] Analysis of market impact
Mark Breman
- [R-SIG-Finance] newbie
Hannu Kahra
- [R-SIG-Finance] Analysis of market impact
Bjorn Hertzberg
- [R-SIG-Finance] FW: Questions related to R- Credit Risk
Lisete Fernandes de Noronha (DGR)
- [R-SIG-Finance] Questions related to R-Credit Risk
Hans Radtke
- [R-SIG-Finance] Screeningn with IBrokers
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Non parametric, unequal variance, equality of mean significance test
Reena Bansal
- [R-SIG-Finance] histogram, sd and mean questions
donahchoo at
- [R-SIG-Finance] histogram, sd and mean questions
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] histogram, sd and mean questions
donahchoo at
- [R-SIG-Finance] read data
ShyhWeir Tzang
- [R-SIG-Finance] read data
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] EGARCH and R
- [R-SIG-Finance] EGARCH and R
- [R-SIG-Finance] MSSV model with R?
Last message date:
Thu Dec 31 15:15:49 CET 2009
Archived on: Thu Dec 31 15:16:22 CET 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).