[R-SIG-Finance] little arrows on quantmod charts

Jeff Ryan jeff.a.ryan at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 17:35:31 CEST 2009

While this isn't yet in the released version of quantmod, the entire
graphical engine underlying charting via quantmod is being rewritten.

The net effect is that it will now render as one graphic, so enabling
the use of charts inside of standard mfcol/layout plot regions, as
well as a more robust mechanism regarding how additions get appended
to charts.  Things are much faster and quite a bit more pleasing to
the eye now.

Another facet of the new engine is that it will allow for base
graphics to be more easily incorporated _into_ the charts.  I will be
adding wrappers to make the process easy, but it will be possible even
without them.  Currently this is a challenge in the current system
(even for me -- having a decent knowledge of what I wrote.)

I will also add a mechanism to add more common types of additions,
like signals.  Requests for additional features would be much

Brave souls are invited to contact me for access and a quick example
or two before the release.  All code is on R-forge as well.


On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Wind <windspeedo99 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Stock charts in quantmod are as good as other commercial softwares'.
> Yet I wonder how to add little arrows to the barChart.   Something as
> http://www.trendprognosis.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/VLE0612.gif
> Sometimes little arrows are better than shaded area on the charts.
>  Several kinds of arrows for buy, sell, stop, warning would be enough.
> Thanks.
> Wind
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Jeffrey Ryan
jeffrey.ryan at insightalgo.com

ia: insight algorithmics

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