[R-SIG-Finance] how to use xts in setClass()

Guillaume Yziquel guillaume.yziquel at citycable.ch
Wed Oct 28 03:55:17 CET 2009

Wind a écrit :
> Does the OCaml-R support windows edition of OCaml?

Haven't tried yet (I do not have Windows). As it stands, no. 
Nevertheless, here's the current state of the whole stuff:

-1- You would need to have dynamic libraries for R. On Debian, it's 
there by default, but on Windows, I do not know.

-2- You would have to adjust the build system of OCaml-R on Windows. 
There's probably no real issue there, except taking time for it.

-3- Should stick with 0.1 of OCaml-R. 0.2 uses some trickery and Unix 
system calls to set environment variables to avoid launching everything 
with R CMD. Help on making it work on Windows would be appreciated.

Aside from these issues, I do not believe there is any real problem with 
using it on Windows. I'd nevertheless recommend using GODI & Cygwin & MinGW.

But all this talk would perhaps be better off on the ocaml-r-devel 
mailing list.


> Thanks for your works making both R and OCaml more powerful.

Thanks for your interest.

> Wind
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:55 AM, Guillaume Yziquel <
> guillaume.yziquel at citycable.ch> wrote:
>> Wind a écrit :
>>> I am a little curious on your functional closures design plan. I know
>>> functional language such as OCaml or kdb+ are good for time series
>>> calcualtions.
>>> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 11:29 PM, Jeff Ryan <jeff.a.ryan at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>  slightly less OO style in some sense) functional closures.  Yes
>>>> _functional closures_...
>> Grin...
>> Slightly off-topic: There's a binding allowing to embed R in OCaml.
>>        http://home.gna.org/ocaml-r/gettingstarted.en.html
>> And a debian package:
>>        http://yziquel.homelinux.org/topos/debian-ocamlr.html
>> A 0.2 version should be available in the coming month or so, with tricks
>> inspired from littler to avoid calling R CMD all the time. Hopefully the
>> whole stuff will be in Debian soon enough.
>> All the best,
>> --
>>     Guillaume Yziquel
>> http://yziquel.homelinux.org/

      Guillaume Yziquel

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