July 2006 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Jul 1 09:50:34 CEST 2006
Ending: Mon Jul 31 20:55:11 CEST 2006
Messages: 309
- [BioC] vsn and microarray blank spots
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] simpleaffy and rhesuscdf - error.
- [BioC] retrieve the gene symbols, full names etc given list of Entrez Gene IDs
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] installing Rgraphviz on FC5
Stefan Schmidt
- [BioC] new codelink annotation packages.
Diego Diez
- [BioC] Test: Treatment leads to more variance in groups?
Benjamin Otto
- [BioC] Reference for Volcano plot
Wang, Sue Jane
- [BioC] about understanding contrast matrix
yanju at liacs.nl
- [BioC] Quantile Volcano Plots
William Shannon
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] Run GOHyperG on yeast without specifying a chip
maria at cbm.bio.uniroma2.it
- [BioC] Problem with getBM function in biomaRt package
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
Ana Conesa
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
Ulrik Stervbo
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
Ulrik Stervbo
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
Martin Maechler
- [BioC] OT: question about plots, general R, really...
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] analysis of timeseries with treatment effect
Carlos Calderon
- [BioC] problem to load the "matchprobes" pkg
Florence Combes
- [BioC] problem in gcrma with phenoData
Florence Combes
- [BioC] normalize.AffyBatch.quantiles and NA values
Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] affyio
Khan, Sohail
- [BioC] affyio
Khan, Sohail
- [BioC] spatial plot image of foreground minus background
- [BioC] breast tissue cel files
Rafael A. Irizarry
- [BioC] affypdnn problem
Kathakali Ghosh
- [BioC] biomaRt error: useMart fails
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] analysis of timeseries with treatment effect
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Bioconductor Digest, Vol 41, Issue 4
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Reference for Volcano plot
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] normalize.AffyBatch.quantiles and NA values
odlc at uchicago.edu
- [BioC] last call for Boston bioc Training, 13-15 july, content revised
Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] Reference for Volcano plot
Anthony Bosco
- [BioC] error in annotate-function of cellHTS package
Klaus-Peter Pleissner
- [BioC] Rgraphviz: Setting the edge width
Søren Højsgaard
- [BioC] marrayNorm to exprSet object
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] marray and gathering additional information from GenePix GPR file
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Cell cycle analysis of FACS data
Ulrik Stervbo
- [BioC] Building annotation packages for plant species
Simon, Reinhard (CIP)
- [BioC] Problem of using Affy!
Zeny Feng
- [BioC] Building annotation packages for plant species
John Zhang
- [BioC] Building annotation packages for plant species
Simon, Reinhard (CIP)
- [BioC] Point size for the function plotPrintTipLoess()
Khan, Sohail
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] Gene set analysis/Global test with 3 replicates
Anthony Bosco
- [BioC] Unable to use biomaRt because Rcurl doesn't pick up my proxy server address
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] error in annotate-function of cellHTS package (2. trial)
Klaus-Peter Pleissner
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
John Zhang
- [BioC] Boxplots, different results?
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
Nianhua Li
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
Seth Falcon
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
nli at fhcrc.org
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
nli at fhcrc.org
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] Make a cdf package for unconventional Affymetrix chips
Zhang, Yang
- [BioC] Boxplots, different results?
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] R/beadarray and array decoding files
Mark Dunning
- [BioC] Experimental design for mutiple groups of paired samples
Wu, Xiwei
- [BioC] a question on creating model.matrix using limma
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] Separate channels and common references
Francesco Favero
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("SYMBOL", "GENENAME", etc)
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] Annotation
jmungal at berkeley.edu
- [BioC] annotation package: get probenames from gene names
Georg Otto
- [BioC] biomaRt error in getGene
Georg Otto
- [BioC] How to retrieve locusID from ensembl using biomaRt package version 1.6.0
- [BioC] bioconductor install problem
Di Wu
- [BioC] problem to obtain exprset using GEOquery
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] problem to obtain exprset using GEOquery
Stephen Henderson
- [BioC] Missing chromosomal locations in hgu133a package
Hilmar Berger
- [BioC] Missing chromosomal locations in hgu133a package
John Zhang
- [BioC] Affymetrix expert
Ulrich Pfeffer
- [BioC] Display Chromosome-bands in a plot
Benjamin Otto
- [BioC] Display Chromosome-bands in a plot
Oosting, J. (PATH)
- [BioC] Your FANTASTIC help with soybean
Alvord, Greg (DMS) [Contr]
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
John Zhang
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
John Zhang
- [BioC] bioconductor install problem
Amy Mikhail
- [BioC] Interface to BASE microarray data
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Repository for Bioconductor annotation packages
Daniel Gatti
- [BioC] tiling/SNP microarrays
Jeffrey Blanchard
- [BioC] Repository for Bioconductor annotation packages
Daniel Gatti
- [BioC] Repository for Bioconductor annotation packages
Daniel Gatti
- [BioC] AnnBuilder doesn't work on gene information ("GENENAME", "SYMBOL", etc)
John Zhang
- [BioC] Analysing categorical CGH data
Richard Birnie
- [BioC] How to create expression data packages
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] Comparing normal versus tumor specimens from different studies
- [BioC] promotor tilingArray
Ron Ophir
- [BioC] no direct or inherited method for function phenoData
Lina Hultin-Rosenberg
- [BioC] 2 color data...
milesg at bu.edu
- [BioC] Missing chromosomal locations in hgu133a package
Hilmar Berger
- [BioC] Errors using biocLite on Apple OS X
Steven McKinney
- [BioC] Too many open files error with groupName = "all" in biocLite() call on Apple OS X
Steven McKinney
- [BioC] color venn diagrams
Dane Witmer
- [BioC] qc function missing in Linux version of simpleaffy
Wolfgang Raffelsberger
- [BioC] questions about RLMM
Yen Tsung Huang
- [BioC] Missing chromosomal locations in hgu133a package
John Zhang
- [BioC] 2 color data...
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] GEOquery
- [BioC] color venn diagrams
Dane Witmer
- [BioC] ABPackageBuilder not building GO package?
Eric J. Kort
- [BioC] [biocannotation] Question about mgu74a
Nianhua Li
- [BioC] chickencdf in qcEnv
Lina Hultin-Rosenberg
- [BioC] problem with ReadAffy
Sabrina Carpentier
- [BioC] Limma Modeling
Katarzyna Bryc
- [BioC] color venn diagrams
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] MySQL databases offering gene expression, esp. toxicogenomics data
N. Goodacre
- [BioC] poplarcdf uninstallable
Levi Waldron
- [BioC] Error: cannot allocate vector of size ...
Wall, Dennis Paul
- [BioC] MySQL databases offering gene expression, esp. toxicogenomics data
Arne.Muller at sanofi-aventis.com
- [BioC] artifact in MA plots
Matthew Scholz
- [BioC] error in simpleaffy qc: I'm sorry, I do not know about chip type: poplarcdf
Levi Waldron
- [BioC] Missing chromosomal locations in hgu133a package
John Zhang
- [BioC] Problem regardign ReadAffy()
Nayeem Quayum
- [BioC] ABPackageBuilder not building GO package?
Eric J. Kort
- [BioC] Quick illumina question
Sean Davis
- [BioC] [SPAM?] Bioconductor Digest, Vol 41, Issue 22 (Out of Office)
Todd Nick
- [BioC] BIRD: Fiest internation conference : Bioinformatics in Research and Development
Prof.Roland Wagner
- [BioC] Matthew Nash has left the SGDP
M.Nash at iop.kcl.ac.uk
- [BioC] automatically checking the version of a BioC package
burak kutlu
- [BioC] methods for Differential expression
E Motakis, Mathematics
- [BioC] AnnBuilder package: problem with basefile type of "refseq" or "gbNRef"
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] Quick illumina question
Lynn Amon
- [BioC] chips/array supported by BioC
stefano iacus
- [BioC] lmFit object limma
Andrew Mcdonagh
- [BioC] AnnBuilder package: problem with gbNRef
Craddock, Richard C. (CDC/NCID/VR) (CTR)
- [BioC] AnnBuilder package: problem with gbNRef
Craddock, Richard C. (CDC/NCID/VR) (CTR)
- [BioC] chips/array supported by BioC
stefano iacus
- [BioC] Problem conduction MAS5 on HGU133B data
Nayeem Quayum
- [BioC] limma advice required. Investigating the amplification of small sample RNA
Andrew Mcdonagh
- [BioC] limma advice required. Investigating the amplification of small sample RNA
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] limma advice required. Investigating the amplification of small sample RNA
Andrew Mcdonagh
- [BioC] AnnBuilder package: problem with gbNRef
Craddock, Richard C. (CDC/NCID/VR) (CTR)
- [BioC] Drosophila Genome 2.0 annaffy annotation
Marco Blanchette
- [BioC] Affymetrix exon arrays?
Jesse Salisbury
- [BioC] AnnBuilder package: problem with gbNRef
Nianhua Li
- [BioC] AnnBuilder package: problem with gbNRef - don't put quotes in basefile!
Craddock, Richard C. (CDC/NCID/VR) (CTR)
- [BioC] Dist of exprSet object
Marco Blanchette
- [BioC] Bioconductor Digest, Vol 41, Issue 27
Sylvia.Merk at ukmuenster.de
- [BioC] limma advice required. Investigating the amplification of small sample RNA
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Affymetrix exon arrays?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [BioC] problem with GO annotation data
- [BioC] Problem with coloring histograms
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] siggenes R-fold question
wxu at msi.umn.edu
- [BioC] problem with GO annotation data
John Zhang
- [BioC] problem resolved with GO annotaion data!
- [BioC] BH vs BY in p.adjust + FDR interpretation
lemerle at embl.de
- [BioC] BH vs BY in p.adjust
lemerle at embl.de
- [BioC] BH vs BY in p.adjust + FDR interpretation
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] [limma] 3-Way Factorial design
Ron Ophir
- [BioC] limma: read.maimages possibility to warn the user?
Björn Usadel
- [BioC] how to handle pooled replicate?
Jianping Jin
Last message date:
Mon Jul 31 20:55:11 CEST 2006
Archived on: Mon Jul 31 20:55:18 CEST 2006
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