[BioC] siggenes R-fold question

wxu at msi.umn.edu wxu at msi.umn.edu
Fri Jul 28 15:21:31 CEST 2006


 I have the following question which I could not find the answer from the
 FAQ. What does the R.fold mean in the siggenes sam? Why does it give such
 a big number such as 2.68E+74, or small number such as 1.18E-25? It is
 different from the fold I got from the Excel SAM that seems the real fold

 Thanks in advance,


 Row	d.value	stdev	rawp	q.value	R.fold	Name
 8374	11.34	15.941	0	0	2.68E+74	208817_at
 43254	-10.78	4.641	0	0	1.18E-25	243391_x_at
 39282	-9.02	3.225	0	0	2.13E-09	239419_at
 5654	8.93	5.959	0	0	4.85E+27	206066_s_at
 19348	8.81	12.15	0	0	4.31E+34	219922_s_at
 17647	8.66	8.413	0	0	1.03E+22	218220_at

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