April 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Apr 1 00:08:35 CEST 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 22:38:46 CEST 2009
Messages: 441
- [BioC] Up- or down- regulated pathways or GO terms?
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Visulising KEGG pathways using KEGGSOAP - example code
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Gene symbol to KEGG gene ids
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Gene symbol to KEGG gene ids
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Visualize KEGG pathway
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Introductory BioC Course 27-29 April 09: Analyzing Microarray Experiments
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] BioC2009 Conference Registration Open
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] error while loading the genefilter package [R 2.8.1. on Mac OSX 10.5.6]
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] error while loading the genefilter package [R 2.8.1. on Mac OSX 10.5.6]
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] Bioconductor 2.4 is released
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP problem
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] Rredland installation difficulties
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] Installation of hmyriB36
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] 24h Pillen Online einkaufen
- [BioC] How to obtain a CDF file
Elsa Aguera
- [BioC] function approximation
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] sample size for microarray experiments having 2 factors with one random effect
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] sample size for microarray experiments having 2 factors with one random effect
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] flowClust results in subset filters
Bastian Angermann
- [BioC] Message From Egg Bank...
Egg Bank
- [BioC] reading binary .CEL files in MACOSX
Martino Barenco
- [BioC] Finding transcription factors controlling hk1 gene In timecourse experiment
Martino Barenco
- [BioC] Problem with subset in beadarray
Julien Bauer
- [BioC] Problem loading data for Agi4x44PreProcess
Bernal-Mizrachi, Leon
- [BioC] Problem loading data for Agi4x44PreProcess
Bernal-Mizrachi, Leon
- [BioC] combining GSA and lmFit
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] combining GSA and lmFit
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] combining GSA and lmFit
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] BioC2009 Conference?
Michal Blazejczyk
- [BioC] P-values returned from siggenes's sam() function
Michal Blazejczyk
- [BioC] limma and 2-array divided probe sets
Jorrit Boekel
- [BioC] KEGG analysis
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] KEGG analysis
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] How to check if gene name is an alias or misspelt
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Visualise KEGG pathway and highlight genes
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Gene symbol to KEGG gene ids
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Gene symbol to KEGG gene ids
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] KEGG pathway IDs ,issing
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Gene symbol to KEGG gene ids
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] How to get a development version of a package?
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] How to get a development version of a package?
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] How to get a development version of a package?
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Best way to find genes that represent a group
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Summarization of cDNA microarray data
Boyke Bunk
- [BioC] Limma design: paired samples, batch effect
John Burger
- [BioC] How to run bioHMM on Affymetrix data?
Stacey Burrows
- [BioC] CISP'09-BMEI'09: Submission Deadline 20 April
- [BioC] CISP'09-BMEI'09 Final Call: Extended Deadline 20 May
- [BioC] flow Installation Problems
John Campbell
- [BioC] seeking help to remove outliers in normalized data
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP problem
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] Rredland installation difficulties
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] Installation of hmyriB36
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] Rredland installation difficulties
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] AnnotationDbi problem.
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] hyperGTest, different Results using different annotation packages
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Help me understand org.Hs.eg.db
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Up- or down- regulated pathways or GO terms?
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] ChrMapHyperGParams and linearMTest in Category
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] stuck with creating CDF file for Affymetrix yeast tiling array.
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Visualise KEGG pathway and highlight genes
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Gene symbol to KEGG gene ids
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] KEGG pathway IDs ,issing
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP (installation?) problem
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Bioconductor package to map probe set ids from one chip to another chip
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Bioconductor package to map probe set ids from one chip to another chip
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Bioconductor package to map probe set ids from one chip to another chip
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] (no subject)
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Visualizing KEGG pathways
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Probe IDs from Sentrix chips not appearing in Human annotation file
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Difference between hgu133a.db and hgu133b.db
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Multiple Platforms: Beyond Gene Symbols as Identifiers
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Re : "Testing" the connection of getBM() ?
- [BioC] Den Tists Directory in the USA
Anna Carrillo
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
arnaud Le Cavorzin
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
arnaud Le Cavorzin
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
arnaud Le Cavorzin
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
arnaud Le Cavorzin
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
arnaud Le Cavorzin
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
arnaud Le Cavorzin
- [BioC] maNormScale() equivalent for scale-normalizing AffyBatch objects
- [BioC] possible bug in getBM{biomaRt}
Teresa Colombo
- [BioC] The joint EMBL/Affymetrix workshop on whole transcript microarray data analysis
EMBL Courses & Conferences
- [BioC] The joint EMBL/Affymetrix workshop on whole transcript microarray data analysis
EMBL Courses & Conferences
- [BioC] Summarization of cDNA microarray data
Sean Davis
- [BioC] How to check if gene name is an alias or misspelt
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Exon Array analysis
Sean Davis
- [BioC] How to go from affymetrix to Ensembl transcript IDs
Sean Davis
- [BioC] evaluating a character string as a variable name in an ExpressionSet object
Sean Davis
- [BioC] categorical and numeric factors
Sean Davis
- [BioC] cdna normalization problem
Sean Davis
- [BioC] How to get a development version of a package?
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Best way to find genes that represent a group
Sean Davis
- [BioC] (no subject)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] (no subject)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Breaking the "most genes not differentially expressed" assumption
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Compilation or syntax error in IRanges sort_util.c package
Michael Dondrup
- [BioC] changing gpr files?
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] limma: duplicates handling
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] limma: duplicates handling
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] limma: analyzing randomized duplicate spots on Nimblegen array
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] Help needed: Beadarray
Mark Dunning
- [BioC] Probe IDs from Sentrix chips not appearing in Human annotation file
Mark Dunning
- [BioC] Extended draft paper submission: BCBGC-09 call for papers
John Edward
- [BioC] Installation of hmyriB36
David Edwards
- [BioC] PFAM analysis packages?
Paul Evans
- [BioC] changing gpr files?
Furge, Kyle
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Laurent Gautier
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Laurent Gautier
- [BioC] Pearson Correlation & log transformed data.
Paul Geeleher
- [BioC] [Fwd: [biocore] Rgraphviz on 64bit systems]
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] anyway to speed up anova on every row of a 280k-row matrix
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] BioC2009 Conference?
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] How to get a development version of a package?
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] R graphs: all paths lengths between two nodes in a directed graph
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] (no subject)
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] annotate incompatible with RdbiPgSQL !?!
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] qc in simpleaffy
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] RdbiPgSQL problem: SET_VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'character'
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] combining GSA and lmFit
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] STdev after eBayes
Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP problem
Glazko, Galina
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP problem
Glazko, Galina
- [BioC] EBImage Runtime Error;
Glazko, Galina
- [BioC] EBImage Runtime Error;
Glazko, Galina
- [BioC] Script for filtering
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] R: Script for filtering
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] flowViz Plots Gate Outline and grid.newpage()/viewport Issue
Aric Gregson
- [BioC] flowViz Plots Gate Outline and grid.newpage()/viewport Issue
Aric Gregson
- [BioC] AnnotationDbi problem.
Marcus Gry
- [BioC] Exon Array analysis
Junjie Guo
- [BioC] LASR2009: Registration is now open
A Gusnanto
- [BioC] Question about Rgraphviz
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] KEGG analysis
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] flowCore / flowViz: densityplot of FCS file without time channel
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] flowViz Plots Gate Outline and grid.newpage()/viewport Issue
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] flowViz Plots Gate Outline and grid.newpage()/viewport Issue
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] RGraphviz
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] RGraphviz
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] PieGlyph - labels do not show
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] RGraphviz
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] flow Installation Problems
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] flowClust results in subset filters
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] Post Doc position, Berlin Germany
Paul Hammer
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
Thomas Hampton
- [BioC] (no subject)
Thomas Hampton
- [BioC] Difference between hgu133a.db and hgu133b.db
Thomas Hampton
- [BioC] Multiple Platforms: Beyond Gene Symbols as Identifiers
Thomas Hampton
- [BioC] anyway to speed up anova on every row of a 280k-row matrix
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] RdbiPgSQL problem: SET_VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'character'
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Bioconductor package to map probe set ids from one chip to another chip
Hattem, Gaye
- [BioC] vacancy postdoc or PhD in the Netherlands
Hendriks, M.
- [BioC] tilingArray: error message
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] possible bug in getBM{biomaRt}
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] possible bug in getBM{biomaRt}
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] "Testing" the connection of getBM() ?
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Is retrieving exon sequences with biomaRt a random process?
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Unable to install KEGGgraph
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] limma and 2-array divided probe sets
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Genome Graphs question
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Breaking the "most genes not differentially expressed" assumption
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] hyperGTest, different Results using different annotation packages
Wiebke Iffert
- [BioC] hyperGTest, different Results using different annotation packages
Wiebke Iffert
- [BioC] Yet another nested design in limma
Paolo Innocenti
- [BioC] Breaking the "most genes not differentially expressed" assumption
Paolo Innocenti
- [BioC] Breaking the "most genes not differentially expressed" assumption
Paolo Innocenti
- [BioC] Breaking the "most genes not differentially expressed" assumption
Paolo Innocenti
- [BioC] EBImage_2.6.0/R2.8.1 installation problems
Bernd Jagla
- [BioC] EBImage_2.6.0/R2.8.1 installation problems
Bernd Jagla
- [BioC] EBImage installation
Bernd Jagla
- [BioC] EBImage installation
Bernd Jagla
- [BioC] smooth correlation from genespring
Duhaime Johanne
- [BioC] MEDME for MeDIP on Affymetrix promoter arrays
Adrian Johnson
- [BioC] GoStats - getting genes from categories
Adrian Johnson
- [BioC] Probe IDs from Sentrix chips not appearing in Human annotation file
Nikhil Joshi
- [BioC] Up- or down- regulated pathways or GO terms?
Narendra Kaushik
- [BioC] Exon Array analysis
Narendra Kaushik
- [BioC] Masking feature in rma analysis
Khan, Sohail
- [BioC] possible bug in getBM{biomaRt}
Rhoda Kinsella
- [BioC] possible bug in getBM{biomaRt}
Rhoda Kinsella
- [BioC] biomaRt error
Rhoda Kinsella
- [BioC] Bioc 2.4 biocLite() install error
Elliot Kleiman
- [BioC] Bioc 2.4 biocLite() install error
Elliot Kleiman
- [BioC] Bioc 2.4 biocLite() install error
Elliot Kleiman
- [BioC] mget() error with NA values
Christian Kohler
- [BioC] mget() error with NA values
Christian Kohler
- [BioC] (no subject)
Ashwin Kumar
- [BioC] seeking help to remove outliers in normalized data
Ashwin Kumar
- [BioC] assistance to understand MEDME
Ashwin Kumar
- [BioC] GO.db constants and oneGOgraph
Karin Lagesen
- [BioC] finding GO terms that are close in the GO graph
Karin Lagesen
- [BioC] [R] easier way to print heatmap on multiple pages?
Julian Lee
- [BioC] Lumi normalization and VST help
Paul Leo
- [BioC] Genome Graphs question
Paul Leo
- [BioC] GenomeGraphs
Paul Leo
- [BioC] Two positions (PhD or PostDoc) in Berlin/Germany in biomedical data management and analysis
Ulf Leser
- [BioC] How to go from affymetrix to Ensembl transcript IDs
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Mapping chromosome and nucleotide position to gene name
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] How to obtain a CDF file
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] RdbiPgSQL problem: SET_VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'character'
Philip Lijnzaad
- [BioC] annotate incompatible with RdbiPgSQL !?!
Philip Lijnzaad
- [BioC] annotate incompatible with RdbiPgSQL !?!
Philip Lijnzaad
- [BioC] annotate incompatible with RdbiPgSQL !?!
Philip Lijnzaad
- [BioC] R graphs: all paths lengths between two nodes in a directed graph
Li Long
- [BioC] Agi4x44PreProcess: filtration of probes using filter.probes() returns an empty RGList (re-posted, due to earlier post failure)
Pedro Lopez-Romero
- [BioC] Agi4x44PreProcess: filtration of probes using filter.probes() returns an empty RGList (re-posted, due to earlier post failure)
Pedro Lopez-Romero
- [BioC] Problem loading data for Agi4x44PreProcess
Pedro Lopez-Romero
- [BioC] "Testing" the connection of getBM() ?
- [BioC] Re : "Testing" the connection of getBM() ?
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Mfuzz package
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] limma: duplicates handling
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] limma: duplicates handling
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] GO.db constants and oneGOgraph
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Mfuzz plot -pdf
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Script for filtering
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] R: Script for filtering
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] GoStats - getting genes from categories
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] annotate incompatible with RdbiPgSQL !?!
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] mget() error with NA values
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] RdbiPgSQL problem: SET_VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'character'
Ben Madin
- [BioC] Der neue Status - neue Aussichten
Nicolasa Maid
- [BioC] How to determine if clinical variables are responsible for gene expression with limma
Jon Manning
- [BioC] Interaction estimation i R for Conjoint Analysis
- [BioC] Lumi normalization and VST help
Christina Markunas
- [BioC] GenomeGraphs
Kauer Max
- [BioC] Question regarding Affy SNP 5.0/BI_SNP arrays
Mayer, Claus-Dieter
- [BioC] Question regarding Affy SNP 5.0/BI_SNP arrays
Mayer, Claus-Dieter
- [BioC] Mapping chromosome and nucleotide position to gene name
Steven McKinney
- [BioC] Mapping chromosome and nucleotide position to gene name
Steven McKinney
- [BioC] avereps function
Erika Melissari
- [BioC] avereps function
Erika Melissari
- [BioC] avereps function
Erika Melissari
- [BioC] building enzyme centric metabolic network
Saroj Mohapatra
- [BioC] Visualise KEGG pathway and highlight genes
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Visualise KEGG pathway and highlight genes
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] evaluating a character string as a variable name in an ExpressionSet object
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Retrieving KEGG pathway diagrams via KEGGSOAP
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Visualize KEGG pathway
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] building enzyme centric metabolic network
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Visualizing KEGG pathways
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Beadarray error: comparison of types not implemented
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] HuGene-1_0-st-v1.r4.pgf
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] HuGene-1_0-st-v1.r4.pgf
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] evaluating a character string as a variable name in an ExpressionSet object
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] evaluating a character string as a variable name in an ExpressionSet object
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] building enzyme centric metabolic network
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Bioc 2.4 biocLite() install error
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] qc in simpleaffy
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP problem
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Help needed: Beadarray
Na, Jie
- [BioC] Visualise KEGG pathway and highlight genes
Georg Otto
- [BioC] Compilation or syntax error in IRanges sort_util.c package
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Help me understand org.Hs.eg.db
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Help me understand org.Hs.eg.db
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] How to check if gene name is an alias or misspelt
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Error in pamr.predict
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] RdbiPgSQL problem: SET_VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'character'
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] annotate incompatible with RdbiPgSQL !?!
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] EBImage_2.6.0/R2.8.1 installation problems
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] mget() error with NA values
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] EBImage_2.6.0/R2.8.1 installation problems
Gregoire Pau
- [BioC] Problems with EBImage installation
Gregoire Pau
- [BioC] EBImage problem - requested image not found or could not be loaded
Gregoire Pau
- [BioC] Problems with EBImage installation
Gregoire Pau
- [BioC] EBImage installation
Gregoire Pau
- [BioC] EBImage Runtime Error;
Gregoire Pau
- [BioC] error while loading the genefilter package [R 2.8.1. on Mac OSX 10.5.6]
Richard Pearson
- [BioC] error while loading the genefilter package [R 2.8.1. on Mac OSX 10.5.6]
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] error while loading the genefilter package [R 2.8.1. on Mac OSX 10.5.6]
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] Agi4x44PreProcess: filtration of probes using filter.probes() returns an empty RGList.
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] Agi4x44PreProcess: filtration of probes using filter.probes() returns an empty RGList (re-posted, due to earlier post failure)
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] Agi4x44PreProcess: filtration of probes using filter.probes() returns an empty RGList (re-posted, due to earlier post failure)
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] limma: duplicates handling
Andres Pinzon
- [BioC] limma: duplicates handling
Andres Pinzon
- [BioC] limma: duplicates handling
Andres Pinzon
- [BioC] limma: duplicates handling
Andres Pinzon
- [BioC] R graphs: all paths lengths between two nodes in a directed graph
Victoria V Plamadeala
- [BioC] R graphs: all paths lengths between two nodes in a directed graph
Victoria V Plamadeala
- [BioC] Online Banking Update
Abbey National Plc
- [BioC] flowCore / flowViz: densityplot of FCS file without time channel
Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] categorical and numeric factors
Paco Recca
- [BioC] crlmm and Illumina Infinium arrays
Matthew Ritchie
- [BioC] RMA implemented in oligo package vs affy package
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] Exon Array analysis
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] How to obtain a CDF file
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] How to go from affymetrix to Ensembl transcript IDs
Peter Robinson
- [BioC] beadarraySNP and GenomeStudio report file
Christian Ruckert
- [BioC] crlmm - computeCopynumber error
Christian Ruckert
- [BioC] crlmm - computeCopynumber error
Christian Ruckert
- [BioC] crlmm and Illumina Infinium arrays
Christian Ruckert
- [BioC] Problem in downloading GSE
Harpreet Saini
- [BioC] Bioc 2.4 biocLite() install error
Keith Satterley
- [BioC] crlmm - computeCopynumber error
Robert Scharpf
- [BioC] KEGGgraph, error
Markus Schmidberger
- [BioC] KEGGgraph package: KGML files working again
Markus Schmidberger
- [BioC] avereps function
Claus-Jürgen Scholz
- [BioC] avereps function
Claus-Jürgen Scholz
- [BioC] Rredland installation difficulties
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] Rredland installation difficulties
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] Limma and ANOVA with repeated measures
- [BioC] (no subject)
Pete Shepard
- [BioC] (no subject)
Pete Shepard
- [BioC] Differential anlaysis (limma)
Wei Shi
- [BioC] time course analysis using LIMMA
Wei Shi
- [BioC] RGraphviz
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] RGraphviz
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] PieGlyph - labels do not show
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] PieGlyph - labels do not show
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] RGraphviz
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] RGraphviz
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
Sim, Fraser
- [BioC] stuck with creating CDF file for Affymetrix yeast tiling array.
Karthikeyan Sivaraman
- [BioC] Finding transcription factors controlling hk1 gene In timecourse experiment
Peter Smith
- [BioC] Visualize KEGG pathway
Tim Smith
- [BioC] Visualizing KEGG pathways
Tim Smith
- [BioC] Visualizing KEGG pathways
Tim Smith
- [BioC] Limma: NA handling in contrasts.fit
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Limma design: paired samples, batch effect
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] How to check if gene name is an alias or misspelt
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] combining GSA and lmFit
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] combining GSA and lmFit
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Up- or down- regulated pathways or GO terms?
Paolo Sonego
- [BioC] Visualise KEGG pathway and highlight genes
Paolo Sonego
- [BioC] Retrieving KEGG pathway diagrams via KEGGSOAP
Paolo Sonego
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP (installation?) problem
Paolo Sonego
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP (installation?) problem
Paolo Sonego
- [BioC] EBImage problem - requested image not found or could not be loaded
Paolo Sonego
- [BioC] EBImage problem - requested image not found or could not be loaded
Paolo Sonego
- [BioC] Is retrieving exon sequences with biomaRt a random process?
Straubhaar, Juerg
- [BioC] biomaRt error
Straubhaar, Juerg
- [BioC] HuGene-1_0-st-v1.r4.pgf
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] xps and RMA
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] qc in simpleaffy
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] qc in simpleaffy
Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] ChrMapHyperGParams and linearMTest in Category
Daren Tan
- [BioC] Help me understand org.Hs.eg.db
Daren Tan
- [BioC] ChrMapHyperGParams and linearMTest in Category
Daren Tan
- [BioC] Example in SLqPCRdata package
Daren Tan
- [BioC] Retrieving KEGG pathway diagrams via KEGGSOAP
Daren Tan
- [BioC] Retrieving KEGG pathway diagrams via KEGGSOAP
Daren Tan
- [BioC] Visualise KEGG pathway and highlight genes
Daren Tan
- [BioC] Gene symbol to KEGG gene ids
Daren Tan
- [BioC] FDR control in conditional Hypergeometric test
Tarca, Adi
- [BioC] limma: analyzing randomized duplicate spots on Nimblegen array
Vishal Thapar
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
Tipney, Hannah
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
Tipney, Hannah
- [BioC] Appropriate Probe annotation for HT-HGU133A chips
Tipney, Hannah
- [BioC] April R/S+ Courses: Back2back (1) R/S+ Fundamentals and (2) R/S-Plus Advanced Programming. in San Francisco and New York City
Sue Turner
- [BioC] evaluating a character string as a variable name in an ExpressionSet object
Kavitha Venkatesan
- [BioC] evaluating a character string as a variable name in an ExpressionSet object
Kavitha Venkatesan
- [BioC] evaluating a character string as a variable name in an ExpressionSet object
Kavitha Venkatesan
- [BioC] Question regarding Affy SNP 5.0/BI_SNP arrays
Williams, Alan
- [BioC] Help me understand org.Hs.eg.db
Christof Winter
- [BioC] Bioconductor Digest, Vol 74, Issue 7
Christof Winter
- [BioC] [R] easier way to print heatmap on multiple pages?
Yannick Wurm
- [BioC] Error in pamr.predict
Richard Yanicky
- [BioC] Bioconductor package to map probe set ids from one chip to another chip
Andrew Yee
- [BioC] Bioconductor package to map probe set ids from one chip to another chip
Andrew Yee
- [BioC] time course analysis using LIMMA
Assa Yeroslaviz
- [BioC] KEGGgraph, error
Jitao Zhang
- [BioC] KEGGgraph, error
Jitao (David) Zhang
- [BioC] Visualise KEGG pathway and highlight genes
Jitao David Zhang
- [BioC] KEGGgraph package: KGML files working again
Jitao David Zhang
- [BioC] RdbiPgSQL problem: SET_VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'character'
John Zhang
- [BioC] anyway to speed up anova on every row of a 280k-row matrix
Zheng, Xin (NIH) [C]
- [BioC] cdna normalization problem
samaneh asgari
- [BioC] Problems with EBImage installation
Perry_D_Haaland at bd.com
- [BioC] Dentists Directory in America
Pickett councilman
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
- [BioC] HuGene-1_0-st-v1.r4.pgf
- [BioC] library xps
- [BioC] xps and RMA
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
- [BioC] HuGene annotation and htmls
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
- [BioC] Xps package : errors and RMA difference with Partek GS
- [BioC] Mfuzz package
- [BioC] Mfuzz plot -pdf
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] expresso: performing RMA on NON-Affy data?
J.delasHeras at ed.ac.uk
- [BioC] Les associations pour developper vos affaires pour bioconductor
- [BioC] How to run bioHMM on Affymetrix data?
J.Oosting at lumc.nl
- [BioC] MEDME for MeDIP on Affymetrix promoter arrays
mattia pelizzola
- [BioC] assistance to understand MEDME
mattia pelizzola
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
- [BioC] installation of Rgraphviz
- [BioC] Exon Array analysis
- [BioC] Bioconductor Digest, Vol 74, Issue 7
vasantika s
- [BioC] Dent ists Database in the USA
- [BioC] Unable to install KEGGgraph
anupam sinha
- [BioC] building enzyme centric metabolic network
anupam sinha
- [BioC] Up- or down- regulated pathways or GO terms?
- [BioC] library xps
carissimo at tigem.it
- [BioC] function approximation
carol white
- [BioC] question about normalization of Nimblegen expresssion array
xiao wu
- [BioC] RMA implemented in oligo package vs affy package
heyi xiao
- [BioC] RMA implemented in oligo package vs affy package
heyi xiao
- [BioC] Le site Web de votre bien immobilier pour bioconductor
- [BioC] sample size for microarray experiments having 2 factors with one random effect
shirley zhang
- [BioC] sample size for microarray experiments having 2 factors with one random effect
shirley zhang
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 22:38:46 CEST 2009
Archived on: Thu Apr 30 22:40:31 CEST 2009
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