Second quarter 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Apr 1 09:50:02 CEST 2012
Ending: Sat Jun 30 21:31:59 CEST 2012
Messages: 652
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Andrzej T Galecki 1
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate Multilevel Mixed-Effects Model
David Afshartous
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting multilevel model to a recipe and simulating the model.
Justice Moses K. Aheto
- [R-sig-ME] Help needed: Fitting and Simulating multilevel model in R.
Justice Moses K. Aheto
- [R-sig-ME] Help needed: Fitting and Simulating multilevel model in R.
Justice Moses K. Aheto
- [R-sig-ME] Help needed: Fitting and Simulating multilevel model in R.
Justice Moses K. Aheto
- [R-sig-ME] Prior for multi-response model MCMCglmm
Mirjam Amcoff
- [R-sig-ME] Bootstrapping glmer random effects
Ali Nasiri Amini
- [R-sig-ME] Plotting results of interaction from GLMM using model summary coefficients
Roslyn Anderson
- [R-sig-ME] Plotting results of interaction from GLMM using model summary coefficients
Roslyn Anderson
- [R-sig-ME] Predictions and/or confidence (or prediction) intervals on predictions
- [R-sig-ME] How to obtain t-values from mer objects
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm for binomial models? -- updated to use rcppbugs
Whit Armstrong
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm for binomial models? -- updated to use rcppbugs
Whit Armstrong
- [R-sig-ME] Is glmmADMB the only package in R which can handle, a zero-inflated Poisson model for repeated measures?
Whit Armstrong
- [R-sig-ME] 0-inflated GLMM in R
David Atkins
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Baldwin, Jim -FS
- [R-sig-ME] plot glmmPQL
Mario V. Balzan
- [R-sig-ME] plot glmmPQL
Mario V. Balzan
- [R-sig-ME] Zero-inflated mixed effects model - clarification of zeros modeled and R package questions
Jennifer Barrett
- [R-sig-ME] extracting gradient and hessian matrix from lme4
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Does glm (and glmer) no longer vectorize proportions when estimating a binomial GLM(M)?
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Extracting variances of the estimated variance components in lme4
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Variance estimate at 0 with lmer - not with lme - issue or rounding ?
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] How to obtain t-values from mer objects
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Error in lme4 0.999902344-0: "Object 'multResp' not found" ?
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] extracting random effect stddev from glmer
Kathryn Benton
- [R-sig-ME] Group level predictors in mixed models
Samadori Honoré Biaou
- [R-sig-ME] Very odd parameter estimates using GEE with AR-1 correlation structure
Anne Bjorkman
- [R-sig-ME] Very odd parameter estimates using GEE with AR-1 correlation structure
Anne Bjorkman
- [R-sig-ME] lme4a installation
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] extracting gradient and hessian matrix from lme4
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] interpreting random effects
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] cannot connect to
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Problem with lmer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] graphing fixed effects from mixed effects model
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Is there a final-ish format for lme4 objects now?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] predictions from a binomial GLMM
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Continuous variables interaction plot
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Random& fixed variables
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] predictions from a binomial GLMM
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] using MuMIn with glmmADMB
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Nested longitudinal
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Gene expression lme
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] effective degrees of freedom
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Nested longitudinal
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] plot glmmPQL
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Correlation of random effects in lmer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Correlation of random effects in lmer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] ordinal response: GLMM in LME4
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Covariance structure specification
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Nested subject-longitudinal logit design
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Extracting variances of the estimated variance components in lme4
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Trouble running full ZINB or ZANB model: NaNs produced and errors in optim()
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Very small random effect estimation in lmer but not in stata xtmixed
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Very small random effect estimation in lmer but not in stata xtmixed
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Very small random effect estimation in lmer but not in stata xtmixed
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] lme with heteroscedacity- how to plot within-person variability
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to capture the warning message when a lmer model fails to converge or have singular convergence
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] request for help with glmm
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] problem with ranef
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure in lme
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to use nlmer on a dataset with multiple fixed and random effects
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Help! What are the typical diagnosis that one can do when facing "fail to converge"?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to convert the formula from LME4 to NLME?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Help! What are the typical diagnosis that one can do when, facing
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Help! What are the typical diagnosis that one can do when, facing
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to use nlmer on a dataset with multiple fixed and random effects
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Help! "Singular convergence problem" and "Singular precision matrix"!
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] constraining interactions to include a specified variable
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to obtain t-values from mer objects
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Error in lme4 0.999902344-0: "Object 'multResp' not found" ?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Error in lme4 0.999902344-0: "Object 'multResp' not found" ?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Is glmmADMB the only package in R which can handle a zero-inflated Poisson model for repeated measures?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] problems installing the new lme4 (forthcoming 1.0) on Linux server
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Problem in simulate() with GLMMs when a link function is specified ?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] getting between groups variance when using (1|x:y)in the formula
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Testing out glmmADMB
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] HPD intervals for fixed parameters in model with crossed and correlated random effects
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Using R, how to present mixed models vs. regular linear regression models?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] multiple variance structure in lmer giving zero variances
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] HPD intervals for fixed parameters in model
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] multiple variance structure in lmer giving zero variances
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmPQL Question
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmPQL Question
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmPQL Question
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] HPD intervals for fixed parameters in model
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Error with glmmADMB and beta distribution
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] mcmcglmm and parallel chains
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Avoid errors in pwrssUpdate ?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: Re: [R-sig-eco] cozigam
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: Fwd: Re: [R-sig-eco] cozigam
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] 0-inflated GLMM in R
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] need help with predicted values from lmer with newdata
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Matrix of predicted values using lme or lmer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] meaning of the use.u argument in bootMer and simulateMerMod
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] lme random effects in additive models with interaction
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] STD file not found error with glmmADMB
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] (no subject)
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Weights
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] BLUPs in relation to fixed effect interaction
Luca Borger
- [R-sig-ME] spatial correlation structure in nlme
Luca Borger
- [R-sig-ME] Extract a variance estimate per level of random effect
Luca Borger
- [R-sig-ME] Extract a variance estimate per level of random effect
Luca Borger
- [R-sig-ME] How to include autocorrelation in GLMM and what to do with false convergence warning message appearing after including an interaction term
Luca Borger
- [R-sig-ME] MCMC model selection reference
Steven Brady
- [R-sig-ME] convert stddev of fixed to random
Mollie Brooks
- [R-sig-ME] Estimating p-value for fixed effect which occurs also ininteraction
Geoff Brookshire
- [R-sig-ME] newbie repeated measures regression questions
Charlie Brown
- [R-sig-ME] newbie repeated measures regression questions
Charlie Brown
- [R-sig-ME] redo: newbie repeated measures regression questions
Charlie Brown
- [R-sig-ME] STD file not found error with glmmADMB
Melanie Browne
- [R-sig-ME] (no subject)
Melanie Browne
- [R-sig-ME] BLUPs in relation to fixed effect interaction
Bunnefeld, Nils
- [R-sig-ME] BLUPs in relation to fixed effect interaction
Bunnefeld, Nils
- [R-sig-ME] cannot connect to
Federico Calboli
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
Federico Calboli
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
Federico Calboli
- [R-sig-ME] Gene expression lme
Federico Calboli
- [R-sig-ME] Gene expression lme
Federico Calboli
- [R-sig-ME] Calculating repeatability with ordinal data
Federico Calboli
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting multilevel model to a recipe and simulating the model.
Federico Calboli
- [R-sig-ME] Rescaling in MCMCglmm
Ewan Carr
- [R-sig-ME] Extract a variance estimate per level of random effect
Alecia Carter
- [R-sig-ME] lmer model evaluation vs fixed-effect significance
Cecile De Cat
- [R-sig-ME] Variance estimate at 0 with lmer - not with lme - issue or rounding ?
Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
- [R-sig-ME] Bayesian Inference on Variance Components
Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
- [R-sig-ME] Do glmer and glmmadmb calculate log likelihood on the same scale ?
Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
- [R-sig-ME] Do glmer and glmmadmb calculate log likelihood on thesame scale ?
Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
- [R-sig-ME] meaning of the use.u argument in bootMer and simulateMerMod
Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
- [R-sig-ME] meaning of the use.u argument in bootMer and simulateMerMod
Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
- [R-sig-ME] meaning of the use.u argument in bootMer and simulateMerMod (Ben Bolker)
Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
- [R-sig-ME] Error in variance estimation using bivariate animal model
Stephane Chantepie
- [R-sig-ME] How to convert the formula from LME4 to NLME?
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] How to obtain t-values from mer objects
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] How to obtain t-values from mer objects
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] How to obtain t-values from mer objects
Gang Chen
- [R-sig-ME] Bayesian Inference on Variance Components
Yi (Charlie) Chen
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
Chuck Cleland
- [R-sig-ME] Summarising Model fit using PML in R package 'blme'
Heidi Colleran
- [R-sig-ME] help with MANOVE with mixed effects
David Costantini
- [R-sig-ME] help with MANOVE with mixed effects
David Costantini
- [R-sig-ME] variance components (and confidence intervals) for both fixed and random effects
Dylan Craven
- [R-sig-ME] lme with heteroscedacity- how to plot within-person variability
Emmanuel Curis
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting random intercept model in R?
Emmanuel Curis
- [R-sig-ME] request for help with glmm
- [R-sig-ME] Correlation of random effects in lmer
R. Scott Davidson
- [R-sig-ME] looping with multiple response variables lme4
Justus Deikumah
- [R-sig-ME] Loops lme4
Justus Deikumah
- [R-sig-ME] Random& fixed variables
Justus Deikumah
- [R-sig-ME] spatial correlation structure in nlme
Gary Dong
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, Irtrees, and Outcomes Measured at Multiple and Nested Levels of Geography and Time
Rex W. Douglass
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 64, Issue 3
Szymek Drobniak
- [R-sig-ME] Group selection and multi-level modeling
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Loops lme4
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Binary clustered data with negative intraclasscorrelation
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] pedigreemm and heritability of binary data
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] some questions about "lmer" in GLMM
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Estimating p-value for fixed effect which occurs also ininteraction
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] pedigreemm and heritability of binary data
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Error in variance estimation using bivariate animal model
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] lmekin complains about dimnames
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] error from clmm
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Use LRT to assess the effect of lower order terms in the presence of a significant higher order term (e.g., interaction)
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] help with MANOVE with mixed effects
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Ordinal Package and post hoc test
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Ordinal Package and post hoc test
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] large discrepancy between p-values from mcmc-samplingand t-test
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, cloglog vs. binomial link
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Bayesian Inference on Variance Components
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Bootstrapping glmer random effects
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] binomial GLMM with small upper limit
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Do glmer and glmmadmb calculate log likelihood on thesame scale ?
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Do glmer and glmmadmb calculate log likelihood on thesame scale ?
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Understanding/plotting fixed effects estimates &standard errors
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Understanding/plotting fixed effects estimates &standard errors
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] 2-level null versus 1 level null model
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, Irtrees, and Outcomes Measured at Multiple and Nested Levels of Geography and Time
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Multilevel Ordinal Logistic Regression: clmm warnings
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Assessing interaction effects for GLMM
Luke Duncan
- [R-sig-ME] Bootstrapping glmer random effects
Ian Dworkin
- [R-sig-ME] "mixed" MANOVAs
Andrés Egea
- [R-sig-ME] getting between groups variance when using (1|x:y) in the formula
Hans Ekbrand
- [R-sig-ME] getting between groups variance when using (1|x:y) in the formula
Hans Ekbrand
- [R-sig-ME] getting between groups variance when using (1|x:y)in the formula
Hans Ekbrand
- [R-sig-ME] Caterpillarplots that compares two models
Hans Ekbrand
- [R-sig-ME] mcmcglmm and parallel chains
Hans Ekbrand
- [R-sig-ME] large discrepancy between p-values from mcmc-sampling and t-test
Martin Eklund
- [R-sig-ME] contrasts in lmer models
Frei Esther
- [R-sig-ME] contrasts in lmer models
Frei Esther
- [R-sig-ME] request for help with glmm
Πίττα Eύα
- [R-sig-ME] request for help with glmm
Πίττα Eύα
- [R-sig-ME] Xj correlated with Uj?
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] Xj correlated with Uj?
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] predictions from a binomial GLMM
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate Multilevel Mixed-Effects Model
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] predictions from a binomial GLMM
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] problem with ranef
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] spatial simultaneous autoregressive models
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] error from clmm
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] fitting model for repeated measures cross-over design?
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 66, Issue 11
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] Continuous variables interaction plot
Flores-de-Gracia, Eric
- [R-sig-ME] Cook's distance in for lme?
Beatriz De Francisco
- [R-sig-ME] Extract a variance estimate per level of random effect
Beatriz De Francisco
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate Multilevel Mixed-Effects Model
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] Time-varying vs. time-invariant covariates in longitudinal multivariate mixed-models
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm & multilevel multivariate models
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate Multilevel Mixed-Effects Model
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm & multilevel multivariate models
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] Comparison of predictors in lme4
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm & multilevel multivariate models
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] Comparison of predictors in lme4
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] ordinal response: GLMM in LME4
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] LME4: interpretation of multivariate interaction effect
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] LME4: output interpretation of tricky model
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] Random-Intercept Random-Slope Models
Eiko Fried
- [R-sig-ME] ZERO variance and ZERO sd of random effect in lmer - justified to run a glm instead?
Kenneth Frost
- [R-sig-ME] How to test if two gamm-predictions are significantly different?
Kenneth Frost
- [R-sig-ME] Help with simple LME model specification in MCMCglmm
Chris Gast
- [R-sig-ME] Help with simple LME model specification in MCMCglmm
Chris Gast
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm - detecting covariance patterns?
James Gilbert
- [R-sig-ME] warnings in lmer estimation after mice
Raquel Guimaraes
- [R-sig-ME] warnings in lmer estimation after mice
Raquel Guimaraes
- [R-sig-ME] Extracting variances of the estimated variance components in lme4
Freedom Gumedze
- [R-sig-ME] Extracting variances of the estimated variance components in lme4
Freedom Gumedze
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 Installation on R 2.13.2
Anshul Gupta
- [R-sig-ME] Random effects in glmmADMB
Kirsty E. B. Gurney
- [R-sig-ME] Zero-inflated mixed effects models: random effects / "function maximizer failed"?
Kirsty E. B. Gurney
- [R-sig-ME] constraining interactions to include a specified variable
Chris Habeck
- [R-sig-ME] MCMC model selection reference
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm warning: observations with zero weight not used for calculating dispersion
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Binary clustered data with negative intraclass correlation
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Prior for multi-response model MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm & multilevel multivariate models
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm & multilevel multivariate models
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Calculating repeatability with ordinal data
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] statistical basis for using mixed model in a situation
Juliet Hannah
- [R-sig-ME] Interpreting clmm results with ordinal effect
Rune Haubo
- [R-sig-ME] error from clmm
Rune Haubo
- [R-sig-ME] Multilevel Ordinal Logistic Regression: clmm warnings
Rune Haubo
- [R-sig-ME] Predictions and/or confidence (or prediction) intervals on predictions
Yann Hautier
- [R-sig-ME] Predictions and/or confidence (or prediction) intervals on predictions
Yann Hautier
- [R-sig-ME] gls and lme?
Alan Haynes
- [R-sig-ME] effective degrees of freedom
Alan Haynes
- [R-sig-ME] Mean separation test in lmer/glmer models
Alan Haynes
- [R-sig-ME] Extract a variance estimate per level of random effect
Alan Haynes
- [R-sig-ME] Weights
Alan Haynes
- [R-sig-ME] How to capture the warning message when a lmer model fails to converge or have singular convergence
Xiao He
- [R-sig-ME] How to capture the warning message when a lmer model fails to converge or have singular convergence
Xiao He
- [R-sig-ME] Use LRT to assess the effect of lower order terms in the presence of a significant higher order term (e.g., interaction)
Xiao He
- [R-sig-ME] specifying priors in MCMCglmm with interactions inside random effects,
Xiao He
- [R-sig-ME] Estimating p-value for fixed effect which occurs also in interaction
Martin Heggli
- [R-sig-ME] fitting model for repeated measures cross-over design?
Kirstin-Friederike Heise
- [R-sig-ME] fitting model for repeated measures cross-over design?
Kirstin-Friederike Heise
- [R-sig-ME] Binary clustered data with negative intraclass correlation
Henrik Hermansson
- [R-sig-ME] MCMC model selection reference
Daniel Hocking
- [R-sig-ME] two trials of RCBD with subsampling
Steve Hong
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Steve Hong
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Steve Hong
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Steve Hong
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Steve Hong
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Steve Hong
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Steve Hong
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Steve Hong
- [R-sig-ME] How to use nlmer on a dataset with multiple fixed and random effects
Lauren Hooton
- [R-sig-ME] How to use nlmer on a dataset with multiple fixed and random effects
Lauren Hooton
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm variance query
Thomas Houslay
- [R-sig-ME] Comparison of predictors in lme4
Chris Howden
- [R-sig-ME] Comparison of predictors in lme4
Chris Howden
- [R-sig-ME] Very odd parameter estimates using GEE with AR-1 correlation structure
Chris Howden
- [R-sig-ME] How to test if two gamm-predictions are significantly different?
Chris Howden
- [R-sig-ME] Running multinomial models with random effects
Chris Howden
- [R-sig-ME] Specification of design matrix for random effects (Z)
James Hughes
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] looping with multiple response variables lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about porting pedigreemm to the new lme4
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 broken ?
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Patches for lme4 / pedigreemm
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Updated patch on lme4 and pedigreemm interoperability
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] How to obtain t-values from mer objects
Joehanes, Roby (NIH/NHLBI) [F]
- [R-sig-ME] Is there a final-ish format for lme4 objects now?
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm for binomial models? -- updated to use rcppbugs
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Using R, how to present mixed models vs. regular linear regression models?
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] need help with predicted values from lmer with newdata
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Zero-inflated mixed effects model - clarification of zeros modeled and R package questions
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Understanding/plotting fixed effects estimates &standard errors
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] need help with predicted values from lmer with newdata
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Understanding/plotting fixed effects estimates &standard errors
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] need help with predicted values from lmer with newdata
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] How to estimate variance components with lmer for models with random effects and compare them with lme results
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting random intercept model in R?
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Question of ineraction in LMM model
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, cloglog vs. binomial link (peter dalgaard)
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, cloglog vs. binomial link (peter dalgaard)
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, cloglog vs. binomial link (peter dalgaard)
Murray Jorgensen
- [R-sig-ME] gls and lme?
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] gls and lme?
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] VC covariance structure for lme model?
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] VC covariance structure for lme model?
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: VC covariance structure for lme model?
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] conflict of degrees of freedom or f value in lme
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Charles Determan Jr
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed-effects model with varying slope and intercept (multiple regression)
Tommaso Jucker
- [R-sig-ME] Xj correlated with Uj?
Markus Jäntti
- [R-sig-ME] Weights
Markus Jäntti
- [R-sig-ME] Error with glmmADMB and beta distribution
Heather Kharouba
- [R-sig-ME] Error with glmmADMB and beta distribution
Heather Kharouba
- [R-sig-ME] Bootstrapping glmer random effects
Joe King
- [R-sig-ME] Bootstrapping glmer random effects
Joe King
- [R-sig-ME] Bootstrapping glmer random effects
Joe King
- [R-sig-ME] MCMC model selection reference
Ryan King
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, cloglog vs. binomial link
Tibor Kiss
- [R-sig-ME] Kinship vs. Pedigreemm
Jonas Klasen
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Reinhold Kliegl
- [R-sig-ME] Binomial GLMM -- denominator of proportion as fixed effect predictor?
Jeremy Koster
- [R-sig-ME] Does glm (and glmer) no longer vectorize proportions when estimating a binomial GLM(M)?
Jeremy Koster
- [R-sig-ME] Syntax for lme function to model random factors and interactions
Daisuke Koya
- [R-sig-ME] crossed random
Sara Krause
- [R-sig-ME] multiple variance structure in lmer giving zero variances
Sara Krause
- [R-sig-ME] multiple variance structure in lmer giving zero variances
Sara Krause
- [R-sig-ME] 0-inflated GLMM in R
Katarzyna Kulma
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
Robert Kushler
- [R-sig-ME] Nested longitudinal
Robert Kushler
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 64, Issue 44
Shankar Lanke
- [R-sig-ME] Interpreting clmm results with ordinal effect
Petri Lankoski
- [R-sig-ME] interpreting random effects
Keith Larson
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Mike Lawrence
- [R-sig-ME] non-linear mixed effects model with binomial error
Mike Lawrence
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 65, Issue 68
Nicholas Lewin-Koh
- [R-sig-ME] Mean separation test in lmer/glmer models
Bin Liu
- [R-sig-ME] warnings in lmer estimation after mice
W Robert Long
- [R-sig-ME] New book: Zero Inflated Models and GLMM with R
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Help! What are the typical diagnosis that one can do when, facing "fail to converge"?
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Which package handles both auto-correlation and, heteroskedacity?
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Is glmmADMB the only package in R which can handle, a zero-inflated Poisson model for repeated measures?
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Zero-inflated mixed effects model - clarification, of zeros modeled and R package questions
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] How to include autocorrelation in GLMM and what to do with, false convergence warning message appearing after including an, interaction term (Lucia)
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] How to include autocorrelation in GLMM and what to do with, false convergence warning message appearing after including an, interaction term (Lucia)
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] How to estimate variance components with lmer for models with random effects and compare them with lme results
Kay Lucek
- [R-sig-ME] How to include autocorrelation in GLMM and what to do with false convergence warning message appearing after including an interaction term
- [R-sig-ME] How to include autocorrelation in GLMM and what to do with false convergence warning message appearing after including an interaction term
- [R-sig-ME] Very small random effect estimation in lmer but not in stata xtmixed
Joerg Luedicke
- [R-sig-ME] Very small random effect estimation in lmer but not in stata xtmixed
Joerg Luedicke
- [R-sig-ME] Which package handles both auto-correlation and heteroskedacity?
- [R-sig-ME] Time-varying vs. time-invariant covariates in longitudinal multivariate mixed-models
Stuart Luppescu
- [R-sig-ME] Running multinomial models with random effects
- [R-sig-ME] Running multinomial models with random effects
- [R-sig-ME] Running multinomial models with random effects
- [R-sig-ME] Running multinomial models with random effects
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 false convergence
Mabille, Geraldine
- [R-sig-ME] lme4a installation
Martin Maechler
- [R-sig-ME] Is there a final-ish format for lme4 objects now?
Martin Maechler
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 broken ?
Martin Maechler
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 broken ?
Martin Maechler
- [R-sig-ME] Understanding/plotting fixed effects estimates & standard errors
Rafael Maia
- [R-sig-ME] Understanding/plotting fixed effects estimates &standard errors
Rafael Maia
- [R-sig-ME] Understanding/plotting fixed effects estimates &standard errors
Rafael Maia
- [R-sig-ME] statistical basis for using mixed model in a situation
John Maindonald
- [R-sig-ME] using MuMIn with glmmADMB
Rafael Mares
- [R-sig-ME] using MuMIn with glmmADMB
Rafael Mares
- [R-sig-ME] Weights
Francois Maurice
- [R-sig-ME] theoretical question about random effects specifications
Dan McCloy
- [R-sig-ME] Error in lme4 0.999902344-0: "Object 'multResp' not found" ?
Bertolt Meyer
- [R-sig-ME] Error in lme4 0.999902344-0: "Object 'multResp' not found" ?
Bertolt Meyer
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed-model formulation: repeated-measures and covariate
Jokel Meyer
- [R-sig-ME] How to convert the formula from LME4 to NLME?
- [R-sig-ME] How to convert the formula from LME4 to NLME?
- [R-sig-ME] Help! What are the typical diagnosis that one can do when facing "fail to converge"?
- [R-sig-ME] Help! My lme function had been running for more than 24 hours...
- [R-sig-ME] Help! My lme function had been running for more than 24 hours...
- [R-sig-ME] Replicating the lmer weighted LMM case manually...
- [R-sig-ME] Replicating the lmer weighted LMM case manually...
- [R-sig-ME] Replicating the lmer weighted LMM case manually...
- [R-sig-ME] Help! "Singular convergence problem" and "Singular precision matrix"!
- [R-sig-ME] Using R, how to present mixed models vs. regular linear regression models?
- [R-sig-ME] Using R, how to present mixed models vs. regular linear regression models?
- [R-sig-ME] Using R, how to present mixed models vs. regular linear regression models?
- [R-sig-ME] LME: is the Gaussian distribution sensitive to outliers?
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting random intercept model in R?
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting random intercept model in R?
- [R-sig-ME] glmmPQL Question
John Michel
- [R-sig-ME] Xj correlated with Uj?
Andrew Miles
- [R-sig-ME] Very small random effect estimation in lmer but not in stata xtmixed
Mohammed Mohammed
- [R-sig-ME] Problem in simulate() with GLMMs when a link function is specified ?
Pierre Morel
- [R-sig-ME] Avoid errors in pwrssUpdate ?
Pierre Morel
- [R-sig-ME] Avoid errors in pwrssUpdate ?
Pierre Morel
- [R-sig-ME] Bayesian Inference on Variance Components
William Morris
- [R-sig-ME] Is glmmADMB the only package in R which can handle a zero-inflated Poisson model for repeated measures?
Mueller,John Martin
- [R-sig-ME] Is glmmADMB the only package in R which can handle a zero-inflated Poisson model for repeated measures?
Mueller,John Martin
- [R-sig-ME] Is glmmADMB the only package in R which can handle, a zero-inflated Poisson model for repeated measures? (Whit Armstrong)
Mueller,John Martin
- [R-sig-ME] Is glmmADMB the only package in R which can handle, a zero-inflated Poisson model for repeated measures? (Highland Statistics Ltd)
Mueller,John Martin
- [R-sig-ME] Gene expression lme
Angelina Mukherjee
- [R-sig-ME] Gene expression lme
Angelina Mukherjee
- [R-sig-ME] Gene expression lme
Angelina Mukherjee
- [R-sig-ME] Covariance structure specification
Angelina Mukherjee
- [R-sig-ME] Covariance structure specification
Angelina Mukherjee
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure in lme
Angelina Mukherjee
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure in lme
Angelina Mukherjee
- [R-sig-ME] Xy plot help
Jeff Newmiller
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 64, Issue 44
Jeff Newmiller
- [R-sig-ME] Bug in lme4?
- [R-sig-ME] Bug in lme4?
- [R-sig-ME] ordinal response: GLMM in LME4
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 64, Issue 44
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
- [R-sig-ME] Specification of design matrix for random effects (Z)
- [R-sig-ME] Extracting variances of the estimated variance components in lme4
- [R-sig-ME] lmer, formula composition, repeated measurement
- [R-sig-ME] How to convert the formula from LME4 to NLME?
- [R-sig-ME] Plotting results of interaction from GLMM using model summary coefficients
- [R-sig-ME] LME4: output interpretation of tricky model
- [R-sig-ME] ZERO variance and ZERO sd of random effect in lmer - justified to run a glm instead?
- [R-sig-ME] theoretical question about random effects specifications
- [R-sig-ME] Assessing interaction effects for GLMM
- [R-sig-ME] [R] GLMMPQL spatial autocorrelation
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed-effects model with varying slope and intercept (multiple regression)
- [R-sig-ME] Plotting interactions from lme with ggplot
- [R-sig-ME] Bootstrapping glmer random effects
Cornelia Oedekoven
- [R-sig-ME] Loops lme4
C. E. Timothy Paine
- [R-sig-ME] Calculating repeatability with ordinal data
Samantha Patrick
- [R-sig-ME] Calculating repeatability with ordinal data
Samantha Patrick
- [R-sig-ME] Calculating repeatability with ordinal data
Samantha Patrick
- [R-sig-ME] Calculating repeatability with ordinal data
Samantha Patrick
- [R-sig-ME] Extract a variance estimate per level of random effect
Samantha Patrick
- [R-sig-ME] Extract a variance estimate per level of random effect
Samantha Patrick
- [R-sig-ME] 2-level null versus 1 level null model
Ben Pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] Plotting interactions from lme with ggplot
Isaac Petersen
- [R-sig-ME] MCMC model selection reference
Steven J. Pierce
- [R-sig-ME] statistical basis for using mixed model in a situation
Steven J. Pierce
- [R-sig-ME] problem with ranef
Gabriela de Queiroz
- [R-sig-ME] problem with ranef
Gabriela de Queiroz
- [R-sig-ME] problem with ranef
Gabriela de Queiroz
- [R-sig-ME] problem with ranef
Gabriela de Queiroz
- [R-sig-ME] reaped measures with unequal intervals
Ahmad Rabiee
- [R-sig-ME] lme4a installation
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] question about contrast package with lme model
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] error while trying to get predictions from a lme object
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: error while trying to get predictions from a lme object
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: error while trying to get predictions from a lme object
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] bug in predict.lme ?
Antonio P. Ramos
- [R-sig-ME] lme with heteroscedacity- how to plot within-person variability
Rapsomaniki, Eleni
- [R-sig-ME] Correlation of random effects in lmer
Andrew Robinson
- [R-sig-ME] Questions on model selection and nested random effects for multiresponse models with MCMCglmm
Raphael Royaute
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm warning: observations with zero weight not used for calculating dispersion
Julie Rushmore
- [R-sig-ME] Multilevel Ordinal Logistic Regression: clmm warnings
Nicholas Sabin
- [R-sig-ME] Group selection and multi-level modeling
Dominick Samperi
- [R-sig-ME] Group selection and multi-level modeling
Dominick Samperi
- [R-sig-ME] gls and lme?
Christoph Scherber
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM random-effect conceptualization
Philip Shirk
- [R-sig-ME] Post requested
Stephanie L. Simek
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Gavin Simpson
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Gavin Simpson
- [R-sig-ME] Specifying correlation structure
Gavin Simpson
- [R-sig-ME] Repeated Measures MANOVA in R
Matthew Smith
- [R-sig-ME] Matrix of predicted values using lme or lmer
Matthew Smith
- [R-sig-ME] Help needed: Fitting and Simulating multilevel model in R.
Greg Snow
- [R-sig-ME] ZERO variance and ZERO sd of random effect in lmer - justified to run a glm instead?
Julia Sommerfeld
- [R-sig-ME] ZERO variance and ZERO sd of random effect in lmer - justified to run a glm instead?
Julia Sommerfeld
- [R-sig-ME] ZERO variance and ZERO sd of random effect in lmer - justified to run a glm instead?
Julia Sommerfeld
- [R-sig-ME] ZERO variance and ZERO sd of random effect in lmer - justified to run a glm instead?
Julia Sommerfeld
- [R-sig-ME] ZERO variance and ZERO sd of random effect in lmer - justified to run a glm instead?
Julia Sommerfeld
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate Multilevel Mixed-Effects Model
Shige Song
- [R-sig-ME] mcmcglmm and parallel chains
Dale Steele
- [R-sig-ME] interpretation of main effect when interaction term being significant (ex. lme)
Ron Stone
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm: uninformative priors for covariance matrices
Stott, Iain
- [R-sig-ME] Trouble running full ZINB or ZANB model: NaNs produced and errors in optim()
J Straka
- [R-sig-ME] Trouble running full ZINB or ZANB model: NaNs produced and errors in optim()
J Straka
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Szumiloski, John
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
- [R-sig-ME] Group level predictors in mixed models
Edwin Lebrija Trejos
- [R-sig-ME] Group level predictors in mixed models
Edwin Lebrija Trejos
- [R-sig-ME] looping with multiple response variables lme4
Antoine Tremblay
- [R-sig-ME] Loops lme4
Drew Tyre
- [R-sig-ME] How to test if two gamm-predictions are significantly different?
Karel Viaene
- [R-sig-ME] How to test if two gamm-predictions are significantly different?
Karel Viaene
- [R-sig-ME] How to test if two gamm-predictions are significantly different?
Karel Viaene
- [R-sig-ME] How to test if two gamm-predictions are significantly different?
Karel Viaene
- [R-sig-ME] crossed effects with lmer but correlation structure with lme
Denis Vile
- [R-sig-ME] pedigreemm and heritability of binary data
Pierre de Villemereuil
- [R-sig-ME] pedigreemm and heritability of binary data
Pierre de Villemereuil
- [R-sig-ME] Calculating repeatability with ordinal data
Pierre de Villemereuil
- [R-sig-ME] some questions about "lmer" in GLMM
Maddie Wang
- [R-sig-ME] How to include autocorrelation in GLMM and what to do with, false convergence warning message appearing after including an, interaction term (Lucia)
Jake Westfall
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Jake Westfall
- [R-sig-ME] extracting gradient and hessian matrix from lme4
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] Extracting variances of the estimated variance components in lme4
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] gls vs lme covariance structures
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] Help! What are the typical diagnosis that one can do when facing "fail to converge"?
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] Help! What are the typical diagnosis that one can do when, facing
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] extracting random effect stddev from glmer
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] lmekin complains about dimnames
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] lmekin complains about dimnames
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] 2nd attempt - conflict of dfs or f value in lme
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] Random-Intercept Random-Slope Models
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] Random effects in glmmADMB
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] Do glmer and glmmadmb calculate log likelihood on thesame scale ?
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] Do glmer and glmmadmb calculate log likelihood on thesame scale ?
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] need help with predicted values from lmer with newdata
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] need help with predicted values from lmer with newdata
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] need help with predicted values from lmer with newdata
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] STD file not found error with glmmADMB
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] Help needed: Fitting and Simulating multilevel model in R.
Joshua Wiley
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
David Winsemius
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
David Winsemius
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
David Winsemius
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
David Winsemius
- [R-sig-ME] interpretation of main effect when interaction term being significant (ex. lme)
David Winsemius
- [R-sig-ME] binomial GLMM with small upper limit
Wojdak, Jeremy
- [R-sig-ME] Bayesian Inference on Variance Components
Kevin Wright
- [R-sig-ME] sas to R
Kevin Wright
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-ME] lme interaction result strange
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-ME] Nested longitudinal
- [R-sig-ME] lmer model comparison
- [R-sig-ME] Correlation of random effects in lmer
- [R-sig-ME] Correlation of random effects in lmer
- [R-sig-ME] Correlation of random effects in lmer
- [R-sig-ME] Xy plot help
- [R-sig-ME] Xy plot help
- [R-sig-ME] Nested subject-longitudinal logit design
- [R-sig-ME] Nested subject-longitudinal logit design
- [R-sig-ME] Nested subject-longitudinal logit design
- [R-sig-ME] Fw: Nested subject-longitudinal logit design
- [R-sig-ME] Fw: problem with ranef
- [R-sig-ME] problem with ranef
- [R-sig-ME] Lmer- Convergence issues
- [R-sig-ME] Help! What are the typical diagnosis that one can do when facing "fail to converge"?
- [R-sig-ME] [R] Random effect in an Incomplete block design
- [R-sig-ME] Ordinal Package and post hoc test
fernando barbero
- [R-sig-ME] Ordinal Package and post hoc test
fernando barbero
- [R-sig-ME] contrasts in lmer models
fernando barbero
- [R-sig-ME] Mean separation test in lmer/glmer models
fernando barbero
- [R-sig-ME] Question of ineraction in LMM model
- [R-sig-ME] HPD intervals for fixed parameters in model with crossed and correlated random effects
John.Morrongiello at
- [R-sig-ME] HPD intervals for fixed parameters in model
John.Morrongiello at
- [R-sig-ME] HPD intervals for fixed parameters in model
John.Morrongiello at
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 66, Issue 8
John.Morrongiello at
- [R-sig-ME] repeated measures: lme(r) vs manova
peter dalgaard
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, cloglog vs. binomial link
peter dalgaard
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, cloglog vs. binomial link (peter dalgaard)
peter dalgaard
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, cloglog vs. binomial link (peter dalgaard)
peter dalgaard
- [R-sig-ME] "mixed" MANOVAs
peter dalgaard
- [R-sig-ME] Likelihood drops on adding random effect
dave fournier
- [R-sig-ME] graphing fixed effects from mixed effects model
jude girard
- [R-sig-ME] problems installing the new lme4 (forthcoming 1.0) on Linux server
gregor.hochschild at
- [R-sig-ME] Avoid errors in pwrssUpdate ?
ken knoblauch
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
- [R-sig-ME] lme4.0
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 broken ?
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 broken ?
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 broken ?
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 broken ?
- [R-sig-ME] Outcome~predictor model evaluation, repeated measurements
rad mac
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
david oseguera montiel
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
david oseguera montiel
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
david oseguera montiel
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
david oseguera montiel
- [R-sig-ME] How to extract num. of observations and groups used in a mixed model using gee package
david oseguera montiel
- [R-sig-ME] lme random effects in additive models with interaction
elifnurdogruoz at
- [R-sig-ME] lme random effects in additive models with interaction
elifnurdogruoz at
- [R-sig-ME] LME4 to MCMCglmm
tw at
- [R-sig-ME] LME4 to MCMCglmm
tw at
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate Multilevel Mixed-Effects Model
Tom_Philippi at
- [R-sig-ME] Problem with lmer
victoriah nyawira
- [R-sig-ME] differences estimates between nlme vs nlmer
gabriela escati peñaloza
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 Installation on R 2.13.2
- [R-sig-ME] Re : Variance estimate at 0 with lmer - not with lme - issue or rounding ?
laurent stephane
- [R-sig-ME] Re : Bayesian Inference on Variance Components
laurent stephane
- [R-sig-ME] Re : Bayesian Inference on Variance Components
laurent stephane
- [R-sig-ME] how to get posterior simulations of the variance components with mcmcsamp() ?
laurent stephane
- [R-sig-ME] meaning of the use.u argument in bootMer and simulateMerMod
laurent stephane
- [R-sig-ME] crash with the latest update of lme4
laurent stephane
- [R-sig-ME] profile likelihood confidence interval
laurent stephane
- [R-sig-ME] profile likelihood confidence interval
laurent stephane
- [R-sig-ME] Running multinomial models with random effects
florian.wickelmaier at
- [R-sig-ME] lmer, formula composition, repeated measurement
rad ushan
- [R-sig-ME] Xy plot help
Hugo.Mildenberger at
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: error while trying to get predictions from a lme object
Hugo.Mildenberger at
- [R-sig-ME] Variance estimate at 0 with lmer - not with lme - issue or rounding ?
nospamjehol-lists at
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 21:31:59 CEST 2012
Archived on: Sat Jun 30 21:33:09 CEST 2012
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