[R-sig-ME] Problem with lmer

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 22:18:10 CEST 2012

victoriah nyawira <nyaga.nyawira at ...> writes:

> Am running this code
> fixdslope <- lmer(score ~ logtime + (1 | id), data)
> but I get this error:
> Error in asMethod(object) : could not find function ".M.classEnv"
> The code ran in windows 7, R 1.14.2, but am currently using OpenSUSE 12.1,
> with the latest R 2.15.0.


  That's a rather odd error message.

.M.classEnv appears to be an internal Matrix function (e.g.
see [broken URL!]


).  Have you run update.packages() [and/or update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE),
and/or install.packages("Matrix")]?  What are the results of 
sessionInfo()?  Can you provide a reproducible

   Ben Bolker

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