[R-sig-ME] Fitting random intercept model in R?

Emmanuel Curis curis at pharmacie.univ-paris5.fr
Sat Jun 23 08:56:35 CEST 2012


Your model will be a random intercept model if you assume that the
group is a random effect factor; typically, that you have observed
only a few levels of the "infinite" possible levels of the groups (for
instance, if group is a town, a school...). It will be a fixed effect
model if you assume that the group is a fixed effects factor;
typically, that you have observed all possible levels of the groups
(for instance, if group is sex, treatment...)

If I correctly understood both linear mixed models and your problem,
the equation for a single observation (groupe f, individual i) would
be something like

y(f, i) = mu0 + beta_1 F1(f,i) + sum_{k=1 to m} alpha_k 1(F2==m_k)
        + Sum_{k = 1 to f} u_k 1(F0==k)   ] random part
        + epsilon( f, i )                 ]

with 1(f) the indicator variable, that is 1(a) equals 1 if a is true,
0 otherwise; u_f a realisation of a random variable ; mu0 the average
intercept in the whole population ; beta_1 the commun slope ; F1(f,i)
the value of F1 for individual i of group f. This is assuming that F2
as k levels, m_1 to m_k.

Be writing such lines for each observation, you can get the X and Z

b is the vector of the u_k above and Z is a matrix of indicators of
the groups, which allows to use the correct b for a given individual,
according to the group he belongs to.

The exact form of X will depend on the way you decide to code the
different levels of F2 ("contrasts"); by default in R, would be
alpha_1=0 and all others alpha_k free, leading to a column of 0 in the
X matrix which is in fact removed together with the alpha_1

For more precise answer, if think you should give more informations,
like the number of levels for F2, the nature of "groups"...

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 06:47:42PM -0500, Michael wrote:
« Hi all,
« Could anybody please shed some light on me?
« N individuals, divided into K groups. N>K.
« Some groups have 1 individuals only, some other groups have more
« individuals.
« Each individual has 4 features (4 variables): F0, F1, F2, and F3, where F0
« is simply the group indicator.
« Therefore the data matrix is of size N x 4.
« There is also a weight vector w, which is of length N, which gives the
« weights for each of the N individuals in the regression.
« May I ask if the following model is a random-intercept model?
« 1. There is a common beta for all N individuals.
« 2. Each group has a different within group regression line (same slope but
« different intercepts).
« 3. The regression line within each group crosses the "cloud" consisting of
« the group members. And the individual residuals scatter around the
« regression line, within each group.
« This sounds like a "random-intercept" model to me.
« However, how do I explicitly write out the equation?
« y = X * beta + Z * b + eps
« More specifically, with the three feature variables F1, F2 and F3 and the
« group indicator variable F0,
« I am having difficulty writing out X and Z explicitly.
« Moreover, my F2 is a factor variable.
« Could anybody please show me how the X and Z matrices look like explicitly?
« And what do the "b"'s represent here?
« And how do I set up the weights in LME in R? If I would like to have
« "group"-weights and "individual"-weights, how shall I do it?
« Thank you!
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                                Emmanuel CURIS
                                emmanuel.curis at univ-paris5.fr

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