[R-sig-ME] convert stddev of fixed to random
Mollie Brooks
mbrooks at ufl.edu
Sat May 5 19:16:11 CEST 2012
I have 4 plots in my dataset, too few to fit them as a random effect. So I'm fitting a different fixed effect intercept for each plot.
I also have individuals within plots and everything measured repeatedly for 10 years.
My formula in glmer looks like this:
response~-1 + plot + size + (1 | individual) + (1 | year)
I'm interested in parsing out the variability. I realize that the intercepts for year and individual have shrinkage because they're fit as random effects, while the intercepts of plot do not have shrinkage. Other than that, can I compare the standard deviation among plot intercepts to the standard deviation of the random effects? Or do I need to subtract out some variation expected from the individuals within plots?
Mollie Brooks
Ph.D. Candidate
Biology Department
University of Florida
mbrooks at ufl.edu
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