Fourth quarter 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Oct 1 09:35:45 CEST 2016
Ending: Sat Dec 31 12:07:14 CET 2016
Messages: 256
- [R-sig-ME] GLM for comparing relative growth rates under different conditions
Daniel Rubi
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Fox, John
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Model diagnostics show slope in residuals plot and slope on the observed vs fitted plot is different than y = x
Fox, John
- [R-sig-ME] fit correlation between two random effects
Nicolas Rode
- [R-sig-ME] Priors for MCMCglmm with haplodiploid relatedness matrix
Michael Sheehan
- [R-sig-ME] Priors for MCMCglmm with haplodiploid relatedness matrix
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Priors for MCMCglmm with haplodiploid relatedness matrix
Matthew Wolak
- [R-sig-ME] Priors for MCMCglmm with haplodiploid relatedness matrix
Michael Sheehan
- [R-sig-ME] Managing person identifier variable
- [R-sig-ME] Managing person identifier variable
Marc Schwartz
- [R-sig-ME] Managing person identifier variable
Theodore Lytras
- [R-sig-ME] Managing person identifier variable
Marc Schwartz
- [R-sig-ME] Managing person identifier variable
- [R-sig-ME] equation for linear mixed model for repeated measures data
- [R-sig-ME] call for help
- [R-sig-ME] equation for linear mixed model for repeated measures data
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] call for help
Carlos Familia
- [R-sig-ME] Stats course in Montreal
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] equation for linear mixed model for repeated measures data
- [R-sig-ME] equation for linear mixed model for repeated measures data
David Winsemius
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] Erratic cross-platform behavior of glmmADMB
Gionata Bocci
- [R-sig-ME] Erratic cross-platform behavior of glmmADMB
dave fournier
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Poe, John
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Laura Dee
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Jake Westfall
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Poe, John
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Jake Westfall
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Poe, John
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Laura Dee
- [R-sig-ME] 答复: Non-normal random effect in glmm
Chen Chun
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Poe, John
- [R-sig-ME] Assumptions of random effects for unbiased estimates
Laura Dee
- [R-sig-ME] question about an unbalanced design using lmer
Xiyue Liao
- [R-sig-ME] 答复: Non-normal random effect in glmm
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] assumptions of discrete time survival analysis
shahla ebrahimi
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] bootstrapping random effects using confint() in lme4
Jonathan Miller
- [R-sig-ME] bootstrapping random effects using confint() in lme4
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] lmertest - pairwise comparison p-value correction
S Ellison
- [R-sig-ME] lmertest - pairwise comparison p-value correction
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] lmertest - pairwise comparison p-value correction
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] question about an unbalanced design using lmer
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] question about an unbalanced design using lmer
Henrik Singmann
- [R-sig-ME] question about an unbalanced design using lmer
Henrik Singmann
- [R-sig-ME] question about an unbalanced design using lmer
Henrik Singmann
- [R-sig-ME] question about an unbalanced design using lmer
Henrik Singmann
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Jon Bischof
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Jon Bischof
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (SP)
- [R-sig-ME] Error in glmmADMB: no PSV file found -- link to known fix is broken
Mark Albins
- [R-sig-ME] Error in glmmADMB: no PSV file found -- link to known fix is broken
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] FW: [Lme4-authors] sandwich estimators in lme4?
DeCesare, Nicholas
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Jon Bischof
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Jon Bischof
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm multivariate meta-analysis with covariance
Jon Bischof
- [R-sig-ME] Beginner help for mixed effects model
Isabella Mandl
- [R-sig-ME] Beginner help for mixed effects model
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] package "ordinal" - failure to converge and slow calculations
Diana Michl
- [R-sig-ME] How to estimate the standard error of every single random intercept in a mixed linear model?
Chen Chun
- [R-sig-ME] G vs R posterior correlation in bivariate MCMCglmm
Xav Harrison
- [R-sig-ME] G vs R posterior correlation in bivariate MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] G vs R posterior correlation in bivariate MCMCglmm
Xav Harrison
- [R-sig-ME] questions about parsimonious mixed models
Wing Yee Chow
- [R-sig-ME] Differences in standard and mixed effects logistic regression - rounding error or conceptual mistake?
mio nome
- [R-sig-ME] questions about parsimonious mixed models
Reinhold Kliegl
- [R-sig-ME] Using as.formula with glmmADMB
Alison Fairbrass
- [R-sig-ME] Question about the predict function in MCMCglmm
Joelle Mbatchou
- [R-sig-ME] Modeling crossed/non-nested effects for a binomial probability
Devin McCabe
- [R-sig-ME] Question about the predict function in MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Question about the predict function in MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Help with Linear Model
Joseph Aidoo
- [R-sig-ME] Question about the predict function in MCMCglmm
Joelle Mbatchou
- [R-sig-ME] Question about the predict function in MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Question about the predict function in MCMCglmm
Joelle Mbatchou
- [R-sig-ME] Help with Linear Model
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] How to estimate the standard error of every single random intercept in a mixed linear model?
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] Help with Linear Model
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] Help with Linear Model
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] glmer function in lme4
Bares, Valerie
- [R-sig-ME] FW: Exponent random effect in nlmer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Help with Linear Model
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] Exponent random effect in nlmer
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] Poisson or Gaussian when modelling count data + heteroscedasticity in predictor variables
Luciana Motta
- [R-sig-ME] Poisson or Gaussian when modelling count data + heteroscedasticity in predictor variables
Tom Wilding
- [R-sig-ME] Poisson or Gaussian when modelling count data + heteroscedasticity in predictor variables
Luciana Motta
- [R-sig-ME] Poisson or Gaussian when modelling count data + heteroscedasticity in predictor variables
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Poisson or Gaussian when modelling count data + heteroscedasticity in predictor variables
Anthony R. Ives
- [R-sig-ME] underdispersion, (Poisson vs Gaussian)
Luciana Motta
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed model for compositional data
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed model for compositional data
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Specify the appropriate model for an Event Related Potentials (ERPs) study: what should I do with trial order (and other terms)
Paolo Canal
- [R-sig-ME] request
- [R-sig-ME] parsimonious mixed models
Wing Yee Chow
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed model for compositional data
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed model for compositional data
Stéphanie Périquet
- [R-sig-ME] Specify the appropriate model for an Event Related Potentials (ERPs) study: what should I do with trial order (and other terms)
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] parsimonious mixed models
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] Specify the appropriate model for an Event Related Potentials (ERPs) study: what should I do with trial order (and other terms)
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] How to estimate the standard error of every single random intercept in a mixed linear model?
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] Specify the appropriate model for an Event Related Potentials (ERPs) study: what should I do with trial order (and other terms)
Paolo Canal
- [R-sig-ME] nlme & varIdent
Louisell, Paul T PW
- [R-sig-ME] nlme & varIdent
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] How to do exponential regression mixed effect model with function 'negexp.SSival'?
Ronny Steen
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed Models convergence problems, Jordi Rosich
Jordi Rosich
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm phylogenetically controlled categorical R structure and priors help
ben hogan
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: Re: unplausible zero intercept variance in lmer
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed Models convergence problems, Jordi Rosich
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm phylogenetically controlled categorical R structure and priors help
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed effect model, Hurdle function
Pin chanratana
- [R-sig-ME] nlme, nlmer and gradient
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed effect model, Hurdle function
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed effect model, Hurdle function
Pin chanratana
- [R-sig-ME] About glmer.nb
Levine, Michael
- [R-sig-ME] About glmer.nb
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed Models convergence problems, Jordi Rosich
Jordi Rosich
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM - Firefly Flash
Vickly Mobilim
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM -Firefly Flash
Vickly Mobilim
- [R-sig-ME] Generalized Linerar Model vs Logistic regression
Cleber Iack
- [R-sig-ME] Questions on Mixed Model analysis
Cleber Iack
- [R-sig-ME] Generalized Linerar Model vs Logistic regression
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Generalized Linerar Model vs Logistic regression
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM -Firefly Flash
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM -Firefly Flash
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Questions on Mixed Model analysis
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Time-varying random effects
Marc Jacobs
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM -Firefly Flash
Vickly Mobilim
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 119, Issue 26
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm zero inflated poisson model issue
Rebecca Hooper
- [R-sig-ME] Time-varying random effects
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Time-varying random effects
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Time-varying random effects
Marc Jacobs
- [R-sig-ME] Time-varying random effects
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Gustaf Granath
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm zero inflated poisson model issue
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Houslay, Tom
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Gustaf Granath
- [R-sig-ME] How does lmer treat a date.format (as.Date) variable?
Meytar Sorek-Hamer
- [R-sig-ME] predict() with cumulative link mixed models fitted with clmm2
Miina Jari (Luke)
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] ROC Curve - Mixed Model
Cleber Iack
- [R-sig-ME] How does lmer treat a date.format (as.Date) variable?
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Gustaf Granath
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Zero-inflation with glmmadmb
Pin chanratana
- [R-sig-ME] binary trait
Mohamed Salem
- [R-sig-ME] binary trait
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] GEE and GLMM convergence issues
Arianna Cecchetti
- [R-sig-ME] binary trait
Mohamed Salem
- [R-sig-ME] binary trait
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] predict() with cumulative link mixed models fitted with clmm2
Rune Haubo
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Gustaf Granath
- [R-sig-ME] zero-inflated models in MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] Using individual differences from model A as predictor in model B
Koen Neijenhuijs
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed Models convergence problems, Jordi Rosich
Toni Hernandez-Matias
- [R-sig-ME] Using individual differences from model A as predictor in model B
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Using individual differences from model A as predictor in model B
Koen Neijenhuijs
- [R-sig-ME] Using individual differences from model A as predictor in model B
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed Models convergence problems, Jordi Rosich
David Duffy
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed Models convergence problems, Jordi Rosich
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] parameter estimates for all factor levels MCMCglmm
Dena Paris
- [R-sig-ME] parameter estimates for all factor levels MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
- [R-sig-ME] variable-and person-centered approaches and multilevel models
Elisabeth Schubach
- [R-sig-ME] Notebooks on some topics in mixed-effects modeling
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] parameter estimates for all factor levels MCMCglmm
Dena Paris
- [R-sig-ME] parameter estimates for all factor levels MCMCglmm
Conor Michael Goold
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Simone Santoro
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 120, Issue 10: Doug Bates Notebooks on Mixed Models in Julia
Carl Von Ende
- [R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 120, Issue 10: Doug Bates Notebooks on Mixed Models in Julia
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] clmm2() thresholds - forcing symmetry around zero
Kristin Precoda
- [R-sig-ME] Using individual differences from model A as predictor in model B
Koen Neijenhuijs
- [R-sig-ME] FW: R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 120, Issue 10: Doug Bates Notebooks on Mixed Models in Julia
Carl Von Ende
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Mollie Brooks
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Weighting analysis in Lme4
justine briaux
- [R-sig-ME] Weighting analysis in Lme4
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Jonathan Judge
- [R-sig-ME] Weighting analysis in Lme4
Ben Pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Simone Santoro
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm Prior-set for zipoisson with continuous and categorical randoms
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Paul Buerkner
- [R-sig-ME] p-values from lme::anova VS fixed-effects of lme
K Imran M
- [R-sig-ME] p-values from lme::anova VS fixed-effects of lme
Karl Ove Hufthammer
- [R-sig-ME] Questions of nlme package in R
- [R-sig-ME] clmm2() thresholds - forcing symmetry around zero
Rune Haubo
- [R-sig-ME] Questions of nlme package in R
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Questions of nlme package in R
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Dan Jackson
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (SP)
- [R-sig-ME] metafor: estimate correlation between response variables (meta-analysis)
Gustaf Granath
- [R-sig-ME] metafor: estimate correlation between response variables (meta-analysis)
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (SP)
- [R-sig-ME] metafor: estimate correlation between response variables (meta-analysis)
Gustaf Granath
- [R-sig-ME] Hi
- [R-sig-ME] multivariate normality (MVN) assumption in MCMCglmm
John Morrongiello
- [R-sig-ME] metafor: estimate correlation between response variables (meta-analysis)
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (SP)
- [R-sig-ME] metafor: estimate correlation between response variables (meta-analysis)
Gustaf Granath
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Mollie Brooks
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Simone Santoro
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm Prior-set for zipoisson with continuous and categorical randoms
martin agirre barreña
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM for underdispersed count data: Conway-Maxwell-Poisson and Ordinal
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] metafor: estimate correlation between response variables (meta-analysis)
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (SP)
- [R-sig-ME] metafor: estimate correlation between response variables (meta-analysis)
Gustaf Granath
- [R-sig-ME] metafor: estimate correlation between response variables (meta-analysis)
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (SP)
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Dan Jackson
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Dan Jackson
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
dan jackson
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Dan Jackson
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] "varFunc" classes
Dan Jackson
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM with bounded parameters
Pierre de Villemereuil
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM with bounded parameters
Pierre de Villemereuil
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM with bounded parameters
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Random intercept for subgroup
Luca Corlatti
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM with bounded parameters
François Rousset
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM with bounded parameters
Pierre de Villemereuil
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM with bounded parameters
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Advice on GLMM with verIdent
Diego Pavon
- [R-sig-ME] Advice on GLMM with verIdent
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Advice on GLMM with verIdent
Diego Pavon
- [R-sig-ME] Advice on GLMM with verIdent
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: Error using nlme; Malformed factors
Wong Yoke Yong
- [R-sig-ME] Fwd: Error using nlme; Malformed factors
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] gamm error/problem fitting a smooth by factor
Mathew Guilfoyle
- [R-sig-ME] gamm error/problem fitting a smooth by factor
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] How to perform a latent variable model over a random effect,
Ren-Huai Huang
- [R-sig-ME] Latent class in Gaussian Mixture model
jas ni
Last message date:
Sat Dec 31 12:07:14 CET 2016
Archived on: Sat Dec 31 12:07:25 CET 2016
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