March 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Mar 1 00:17:03 CET 2009
Ending: Tue Mar 31 19:37:12 CEST 2009
Messages: 238
- [R-sig-Geo] Zero Inflated Poisson
Sven Adler
- [R-sig-Geo] Help with suggestion to finish to write a "layer/bins density index"
- [R-sig-Geo] minimum distance between polygons' edges
Adrian Baddeley
- [R-sig-Geo] Point pattern analysis | Kernel estimation and GoogleMaps
Michel Barbosa
- [R-sig-Geo] Point pattern analysis | Kernel estimation and GoogleMaps
Michel Barbosa
- [R-sig-Geo] Point pattern analysis | Kernel estimation and Google Maps
Michel Barbosa
- [R-sig-Geo] extract values to points
Frauke Barthold
- [R-sig-Geo] extract values to points
Frauke Barthold
- [R-sig-Geo] imaging geoRglm binomial krig
Nicola Batchelor
- [R-sig-Geo] FW: Factor Analysis using R and grass
Dylan Beaudette
- [R-sig-Geo] downloading MODIS data, individual pixels
Pieter Beck
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialLines to SpatialPolygons convertion
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialLines to SpatialPolygons convertion
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] spatio-temporal cluster: R package
Donal Bisanzio
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem loading GRASS 6.3.0 raster
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem loading GRASS 6.3.0 raster
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] large shapefiles; zip code data
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] error "not a numeric vector" when use function "localG"
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in if (dxsd > tolerance) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in Moran eigenvector GLM filtering ("base correlation higher than alpha")
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in multiple && !outer : invalid 'x' type in 'x && y'
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Running analysis on DEMs using GRASS (from R?)
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] help pages for CRS duplicated?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Search engine for R-sig-Geo archives??
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Converge problems with spgwr
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] spgrass6 : diferent values from original
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] import ASCII file via RGDAL to SpatialPixelsDataFrame'
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Convergence problems with spgwr
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with overlay(x="SpatialGridDataFrame", y="SpatialPoints")
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with overlay(x="SpatialGridDataFrame", y="SpatialPoints")
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] R: Inverse distance weighting
Clint Bowman
- [R-sig-Geo] RSAGA .asc morphology loop question
Alexander Brenning
- [R-sig-Geo] RSAGA .asc morphology loop question
Alexander Brenning
- [R-sig-Geo] HELP with RPyGeo and RSAGA slope function
Alexander Brenning
- [R-sig-Geo] testing DEM geoprocessing in RSAGA, SAGA GIS and ARCGIS: different of results in value range
Alexander Brenning
- [R-sig-Geo] RPyGeo: merge geoprocessing problems with "field_mappings" option
Alexander Brenning
- [R-sig-Geo] extract values to points
Alexander Brenning
- [R-sig-Geo] Using the Z value for 3-D polygons?
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] mapping by zip codes
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] Using the Z value for 3-D polygons?
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] Using the Z value for 3-D polygons?
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] shape file for Boston
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and SpatialLinesDataFrame
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in multiple && !outer : invalid 'x' type in 'x && y'
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in multiple && !outer : invalid 'x' type in 'x && y'
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] point and click visualization of data
Chuanwen Chen
- [R-sig-Geo] Factor Analysis using R and grass
Brian Cooper
- [R-sig-Geo] Factor Analysis using R and grass
Brian Cooper
- [R-sig-Geo] error "not a numeric vector" when use function "localG"
Marcelino de la Cruz
- [R-sig-Geo] convert point and map coordinates UTM to WSG
Marc Marí Dell'Olmo
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in Moran eigenvector GLM filtering ("base correlation higher than alpha")
Jamie Mihoko Doyle
- [R-sig-Geo] large shapefiles; zip code data
Ben Fissel
- [R-sig-Geo] large shapefiles; zip code data
Ben Fissel
- [R-sig-Geo] large shapefiles; zip code data
Ben Fissel
- [R-sig-Geo] Using an image, produced via the predict.ppm() command, as a covariate in a ppm
Honey-Marie de la Giroday
- [R-sig-Geo] simple help to calculate max statistic in data.frame
Tom Gottfried
- [R-sig-Geo] overplotting on png map tile in R
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-sig-Geo] Search engine for R-sig-Geo archives??
Kjetil Halvorsen
- [R-sig-Geo] 'Cleaning' unioned polygons using sp and maptools...
Peter S. Hayes
- [R-sig-Geo] mapping by zip codes
Hengl, T.
- [R-sig-Geo] Download and resampling of MODIS images (automated)
Hengl, T.
- [R-sig-Geo] GEOSTAT 2009 Summer School, 3-10 May 2009 MEDILS, Split, Croatia 2nd call
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] meuse coordinates in lat/lon available ?
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] residuals by subtracting point values from grid values
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] Running analysis on DEMs using GRASS (from R?)
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] Running analysis on DEMs using GRASS (from R?)
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] FW: Factor Analysis using R and grass
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] mapping by zip codes
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] Area Under the ROC curve (AUC)
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] mapping by zip codes
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] extract values to points
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] extract values to points
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] help to obtain the list of the ID
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and SpatialLinesDataFrame
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] automap available from CRAN
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] Inverse distance weighting
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] delete shapefile in the directory
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] convert point and map coordinates UTM to WSG
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] Search engine for R-sig-Geo archives??
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] extract values to points
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Help to count in apply(...)
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Help to count in apply(...)
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Help to count in apply(...)
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] comparing confusion matrices
Koen Hufkens
- [R-sig-Geo] Repost: Find boundaries between two SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects?
Peter Jepsen
- [R-sig-Geo] create coordinates of columbus data for knearneigh
Nikhil Jha
- [R-sig-Geo] create coordinates of columbus data for knearneigh
Nikhil Jha
- [R-sig-Geo] error "not a numeric vector" when use function "localG"
Huang Juying
- [R-sig-Geo] "clustered" Random distribution of statial points
Roland Kaiser
- [R-sig-Geo] readOGR and writeOGR: encoding?
Roland Kaiser
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem loading GRASS 6.3.0 raster
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem loading GRASS 6.3.0 raster
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with overlay(x="SpatialGridDataFrame", y="SpatialPoints")
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with overlay(x="SpatialGridDataFrame", y="SpatialPoints")
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with overlay(x="SpatialGridDataFrame", y="SpatialPoints")
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] "clustered" Random distribution of statial points
- [R-sig-Geo] as.psp don't work for big shapefiles?
- [R-sig-Geo] as.psp don't work for big shapefiles?
- [R-sig-Geo] How to calculate the area of polygons with holes?
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging data frame for SpPolDF
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging data frame for SpPolDF
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] Extract coordinates from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] delete shapefile in the directory
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] readOGR and writeOGR: encoding?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] readOGR and writeOGR: encoding?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] Running analysis on DEMs using GRASS (from R?)
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] Running analysis on DEMs using GRASS (from R?)
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] FW: Factor Analysis using R and grass
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] Factor Analysis using R and grass
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] overplotting on png map tile in R
Markus Loecher
- [R-sig-Geo] meuse coordinates in lat/lon available ?
Markus Loecher
- [R-sig-Geo] Using the Z value for 3-D polygons?
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialLines to SpatialPolygons convertion
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] Using the Z value for 3-D polygons?
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] Using the Z value for 3-D polygons?
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] mapping by zip codes
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] simple help to calculate max statistic in data.frame
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] problem to caclulate in a data frame
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] Smallest distance from one point feature to a pointlayer
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] error "not a numeric vector" when use function "localG"
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] help to obtain the list of the ID
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging data frame for SpPolDF
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging data frame for SpPolDF
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] Extract coordinates from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] Extract coordinates from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] as.psp don't work for big shapefiles?
Torleif Markussen Lunde
- [R-sig-Geo] help pages for CRS duplicated?
Don MacQueen
- [R-sig-Geo] help pages for CRS duplicated?
Don MacQueen
- [R-sig-Geo] R: Inverse distance weighting
Alessandro Montaghi
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialPoints symbols cut off in PNG produced with GE_SpatialGrid() and kmlOverlay()
Christopher Moore
- [R-sig-Geo] enhanced BLAS support in R 2.8.1
Myers, Joshua
- [R-sig-Geo] comparing confusion matrices
Andrew Niccolai
- [R-sig-Geo] imaging geoRglm binomial krig
Ken Nussear
- [R-sig-Geo] imaging geoRglm binomial krig
Ken Nussear
- [R-sig-Geo] "clustered" Random distribution of statial points
- [R-sig-Geo] spatio-temporal cluster: R package
Matt Oliver
- [R-sig-Geo] enhanced BLAS support in R 2.8.1
Christopher Paciorek
- [R-sig-Geo] surface area calculation
- [R-sig-Geo] Using the Z value for 3-D polygons?
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Using the Z value for 3-D polygons?
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Zero Inflated Poisson
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting directional variograms
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and SpatialLinesDataFrame
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in if (dxsd > tolerance) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] import ASCII file via RGDAL to SpatialPixelsDataFrame'
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Converge problems with spgwr
Adalberto Pineda
- [R-sig-Geo] Convergence problems with spgwr
Adalberto Pineda
- [R-sig-Geo] Dividing a polygon into several smaller polygons of different sizes
Guillermo Podesta
- [R-sig-Geo] detrending 3d data
Figen Ramirez
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in if (dxsd > tolerance) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Wesley Roberts
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in if (dxsd > tolerance) { : missing valuewhere TRUE/FALSE needed
Wesley Roberts
- [R-sig-Geo] Search engine for R-sig-Geo archives??
Wesley Roberts
- [R-sig-Geo] Feature Extraction - object based image analysis
Stephen Roecker
- [R-sig-Geo] RPyGeo Query -- probably easy
Zev Ross
- [R-sig-Geo] Point pattern analysis | Kernel estimation and GoogleMaps
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] 'Cleaning' unioned polygons using sp and maptools...
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] Point pattern analysis | Kernel estimation and Google Maps
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] point and click visualization of data
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] Zero Inflated Poisson
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] large shapefiles; zip code data
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] large shapefiles; zip code data
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] [Fwd: SAGA gis and geostatistics-request for expressions of interest]
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] Looking for a zero-inflated spatial data
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] Generate lines using start and end coordinates
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Extract coordinates from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Generate lines in ascii format using X1Y1 and X2Y2
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] distmap of polylines
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Search engine for R-sig-Geo archives??
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] distmap of polylines
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Generate lines using start and end coordinates
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Tyler Dean Rudolph
- [R-sig-Geo] Smallest distance from one point feature to a point layer
Gustaf Rydevik
- [R-sig-Geo] Inverse distance weighting
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialLines to SpatialPolygons convertion
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] help for select two columns in a data frame
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and SpatialLinesDataFrame
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] question about spatial bootstrapping
Satterthwaite, Paul
- [R-sig-Geo] mapping by zip codes
Alina Sheyman
- [R-sig-Geo] mapping by zip codes
Alina Sheyman
- [R-sig-Geo] shape file for Boston
Alina Sheyman
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialLines to SpatialPolygons convertion
Henk Sierdsema
- [R-sig-Geo] RSAGA .asc morphology loop question
Tim Sippel
- [R-sig-Geo] downloading MODIS data, individual pixels
Tim Sippel
- [R-sig-Geo] residuals by subtracting point values from grid values
Jon Olav Skoien
- [R-sig-Geo] overplotting on png map tile in R
Greg Snow
- [R-sig-Geo] Converge problems with spgwr
Corey Sparks
- [R-sig-Geo] Extract coordinates from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
- [R-sig-Geo] minimun distance between polygons' edges
- [R-sig-Geo] Repost: Find boundaries between two SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects?
Jonathan Boyd Thayn
- [R-sig-Geo] how to avoid manual trimming of polygons from map() ?
Stephen Tucker
- [R-sig-Geo] minimun distance between polygons' edges
Mihai Valcu
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting directional variograms
Els Verfaillie
- [R-sig-Geo] residuals by subtracting point values from grid values
Els Verfaillie
- [R-sig-Geo] residuals by subtracting point values from grid values
Els Verfaillie
- [R-sig-Geo] Error in if (dxsd > tolerance) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
David Wahlund
- [R-sig-Geo] help to find this function
baptiste auguie
- [R-sig-Geo] help to find this function
baptiste auguie
- [R-sig-Geo] as.psp doesn't work for big shapefiles?
Adrian.Baddeley at
- [R-sig-Geo] Search engine for R-sig-Geo archives??
contact at
- [R-sig-Geo] moran.boot
jean gaudart
- [R-sig-Geo] Area Under the ROC curve (AUC)
yacine kouba
- [R-sig-Geo] HELP with RPyGeo and RSAGA slope function
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] Help with RPyGeo and RSAGA to SLOPE code
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] testing DEM geoprocessing in RSAGA, SAGA GIS and ARCGIS: different of results in value range
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] RPyGeo: merge geoprocessing problems with "field_mappings" option
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] help for select two columns in a data frame
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] simple help to calculate max statistic in data.frame
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] problem to caclulate in a data frame
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] Help to count in apply(...)
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] Help to count in apply(...)
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] Help to count in apply(...)
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] help to obtain the list of the ID
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] direct operation with two data.frame in elegant code
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] HELP please with a "list" to change column name
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] delete shapefile in the directory
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] help to find this function
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] help to find this function
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] import ASCII file via RGDAL to SpatialPixelsDataFrame'
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] dissolve boundaries between adjacent polygon in R
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] problem with readOGR
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate max and min distance vertex in a polygon shape
gianni lavaredo
- [R-sig-Geo] about cross h scattergram
facrimas at
- [R-sig-Geo] Smallest distance from one point feature to a pointlayer
rick reeves
- [R-sig-Geo] spgrass6 : diferent values from original
milton ruser
- [R-sig-Geo] spgrass6 : diferent values from original
milton ruser
- [R-sig-Geo] spgrass6 : diferent values from original
milton ruser
- [R-sig-Geo] point and click visualization of data
van Etten, Jacob (IRRI)
- [R-sig-Geo] Map thinning/generalisation
hadley wickham
- [R-sig-Geo] Help to count in apply(...)
hadley wickham
- [R-sig-Geo] Extract coordinates from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
hadley wickham
- [R-sig-Geo] Extract coordinates from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
hadley wickham
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 19:37:12 CEST 2009
Archived on: Tue Mar 31 19:38:23 CEST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).