[R-sig-Geo] detrending 3d data

Figen Ramirez figen.ramirez at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 21:34:37 CET 2009


I have a 3D data that I would like to detrend.
       X                Y                 Zm                MC
 Min.   :262472   Min.   :3296543   Min.   : 0.3048   Min.   : 5.00
 1st Qu.:262670   1st Qu.:3296859   1st Qu.: 2.4384   1st Qu.:14.00
 Median :262845   Median :3297034   Median : 4.2672   Median :17.00
 Mean   :262840   Mean   :3297020   Mean   : 8.1005   Mean   :17.81
 3rd Qu.:262977   3rd Qu.:3297193   3rd Qu.:11.5824   3rd Qu.:21.00
 Max.   :263285   Max.   :3297466   Max.   :30.1752   Max.   :37.00
X,Y and Zm are my coordinates all in meters and my variable is MC.
After I checked my variogram I realized that I have trend. My question
is can I use :


Unfortunately I couldn't find much information on 3D spatial problems
and none of the ones I have found tackle the detrending. Now I am
wondering is there something I am missing? I am new in both R and
geostatistics so please forgive me if my question is very simple.

Thanks in advance

Figen Esen Ramirez

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