[R-sig-Geo] Issues importing BIG shapefile - Limitations of R or something else?
Roger Bivand
Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Mon Mar 30 09:48:13 CEST 2009
On Sun, 29 Mar 2009, Tyler Dean Rudolph wrote:
> As you've indicated Roger there does appear to be an error in
> readShapeLines() under maptools. However I can't help but wonder why I do
> not have any problems using the same command sequence for a subset of
> the same data (even after updating my version of sp)...? With said subset I
> am able to import and convert the .shp file to a SpatialLinesDataFrame
> object and then (end result) a psp object. This latter transformation is
> critical in order to produce the type of output I am trying to model using
> distmap().
> Now via the alternate path, readOGR() successfully imported the spatial
> lines polygon (full coverage) as a SpatialLinesDataFrame object;
> **
> *> roads<-readOGR("D:/GIS", layer="road2004")*
> OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
> Source: "D:/GIS", layer: "road2004"
> with 51218 rows and 4 columns
> Feature type: wkbLineString with 2 dimensions
> However from this point when I try to convert it to a psp object it fails:
Thanks again for a full report. The failure in readShapeLines() was caused
by a line with only a single coordinate (two, in fact). This isn't a
problem in the readOGR() code, and will not be in the latest release of
In spatstat, if spatstat.options("checkpolygons") is TRUE, (xrange[2] <
xrange[1]) and (yrange[2] < yrange[1]) are both expected to hold, and
cannot, because for single coordinate lines, the min and max are equal.
You have two choices - based on the files you made available, either drop
the two single coordinate lines:
ncrds <- sapply(slot(roads, "lines"), function(x) sapply(slot(x, "Lines"),
function(y) nrow(slot(y, "coords"))))
keep <- sapply(ncrds, function(x) all(x > 1))
roads_gt_1 <- roads[keep]
length(slot(roads, "lines"))
length(slot(roads_gt_1, "lines"))
test <- as(roads_gt_1, "psp")
or set checkpolygons to FALSE in spatstat.options(). I'm running the
former at the moment - deleting the SpatialLinesDataFrame object after
coercing to SpatialLines would save some memory.
Hope this helps,
> ** *> test<-as(roads, "psp")*
> Error in owin(xr, yr, poly = list(x = xr[c(1, 2, 2, 1)], y = yr[c(1, 1, :
> xrange should be a vector of length 2 giving (xmin, xmax)
> Here I will provide similar information as before, in hopes that we might be
> able to shed light on the issue, which appears to involve the window
> being used to spatially frame the data:
> *> sessionInfo()*
> R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
> i386-pc-mingw32
> locale:
> LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_Canada.1252
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base
> other attached packages:
> [1] rgdal_0.6-7 spatstat_1.15-0 deldir_0.0-7 gpclib_1.4-3
> mgcv_1.4-1.1 maptools_0.7-20 sp_0.9-32 foreign_0.8-29
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] grid_2.8.1 lattice_0.17-17 nlme_3.1-89 tools_2.8.1
> *> traceback()
> *14: stop("xrange should be a vector of length 2 giving (xmin, xmax)")
> 13: owin(xr, yr, poly = list(x = xr[c(1, 2, 2, 1)], y = yr[c(1, 1,
> 2, 2)]), unitname = unitname(W))
> 12: switch(W$type, rectangle = {
> xr <- W$xrange
> yr <- W$yrange
> return(owin(xr, yr, poly = list(x = xr[c(1, 2, 2, 1)], y = yr[c(1,
> 1, 2, 2)]), unitname = unitname(W)))
> }, polygonal = {
> return(W)
> }, mask = {
> stop("A mask cannot be converted to a polygon")
> })
> 11: as.polygonal(x)
> 10: owin2gpc(B)
> 9: union.owin(W, Wlist[[i]])
> 8: superimposePSP(y, window = window)
> 7: FUN(X[[24798L]], ...)
> 6: lapply(lin, as.psp.Lines)
> 5: as.psp.SpatialLines(y, window = window, marks = marks)
> 4: as.psp(y, window = window, marks = marks)
> 3: as.psp.SpatialLinesDataFrame(from)
> 2: asMethod(object)
> 1: as(roads, "psp")
> Why does this error occur now when it works fine for a subset of the same
> data? Is there a fix that could help with this problem?
> Tyler
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
>> On Sat, 28 Mar 2009, Tyler Dean Rudolph wrote:
>> Here are the sessionInfo() and traceback() results following the failed
>>> import. It looks like I am not using the most recent version of sp so I
>>> am
>>> trying to figure out the terms in the call to update.package() and with
>>> the
>>> most recent version I will try again.
>> Thanks! The indications are that coordinates is being passed a numeric
>> vector, not a matrix, at:
>> Line(coords = shape$verts[from[i]:to[i], ])
>> so if from[i] == to[i], the code as shown converts a single coordinate (one
>> row) matrix into a numeric vector (omitted drop=FALSE in "[" method, perhaps
>> the most common coding error in S/R).
>> That is fixable, but a better workaround may be to use readOGR() in rgdal
>> rather than readShapeLines() in maptools.
>> Roger
>> The .shp file is ~30 megabytes and
>>> the associated .dbf is ~15 megabytes, though I don't think the latter is
>>> included in the import. I have 2G of memory on this machine....
>>> Tyler
>>> **
>>> *> roads<-as(as(readShapeLines(fn="D:\\GIS\\road2004.shp"),
>>> "SpatialLines"),
>>> "psp")
>>> *Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
>>> unable to find an inherited method for function "coordinates", for
>>> signature "numeric"
>>> *> sessionInfo()*
>>> R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
>>> i386-pc-mingw32
>>> locale:
>>> LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_Canada.1252
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base
>>> other attached packages:
>>> [1] spatstat_1.15-0 deldir_0.0-7 gpclib_1.4-3 mgcv_1.4-1.1
>>> maptools_0.7-20 foreign_0.8-29 sp_0.9-29
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] grid_2.8.1 lattice_0.17-17 tools_2.8.1
>>> *> traceback()*
>>> 13: stop("unable to find an inherited method for function \"",
>>> fdef at generic,
>>> "\", for signature ", cnames)
>>> 12: function (classes, fdef, mtable)
>>> {
>>> methods <- .findInheritedMethods(classes, fdef, mtable)
>>> if (length(methods) == 1)
>>> return(methods[[1]])
>>> else if (length(methods) == 0) {
>>> cnames <- paste("\"", sapply(classes, as.character),
>>> "\"", sep = "", collapse = ", ")
>>> stop("unable to find an inherited method for function \"",
>>> fdef at generic, "\", for signature ", cnames)
>>> }
>>> else stop("Internal error in finding inherited methods; didn't
>>> return a unique method")
>>> }(list("numeric"), function (obj)
>>> standardGeneric("coordinates"), <environment>)
>>> 11: coordinates(coords)
>>> 10: Line(coords = shape$verts[from[i]:to[i], ])
>>> 9: .shapes2LinesList(shapes[[i]], ID = IDs[i])
>>> 8: .shp2LinesDF(Map, proj4string = proj4string)
>>> 7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w)
>>> invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
>>> 6: suppressWarnings(.shp2LinesDF(Map, proj4string = proj4string))
>>> 5: readShapeLines(fn = "D:\\GIS\\road2004.shp")
>>> 4: .class1(object)
>>> 3: as(readShapeLines(fn = "D:\\GIS\\road2004.shp"), "SpatialLines")
>>> 2: .class1(object)
>>> 1: as(as(readShapeLines(fn = "D:\\GIS\\road2004.shp"), "SpatialLines"),
>>> "psp")
>>> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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>> --
>> Roger Bivand
>> Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
>> Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
>> Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
>> e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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