[R-sig-Geo] point and click visualization of data

Chuanwen Chen chuanwen9302 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 4 14:56:26 CET 2009

Dear all,

I am not sure if this question is related to spatial analysis or not. 
I searched CRAN task View, it seems this is the only place.

The data we are working on is multivariate data, where each observation has p features(variables). For each observation, all features are computed/subtract from a picture, i.e., one observation correspondents to one picture, which is then summarized by a p-dimension vector( features). 

Now in a x-y plot of two features ( variables), we want to click or select some observations, could it possible to bring up the correspondent pictures of those observations ? In R, I know identify() function. But here we want to bring up the pictures. Any package can do this ?

Thank you very much for your time!

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