[R-sig-Geo] [Fwd: SAGA gis and geostatistics-request for expressions of interest]

Virgilio Gomez Rubio Virgilio.Gomez at uclm.es
Fri Mar 13 17:22:00 CET 2009

Dear all,

Although this is not an R question, I believe that this may be of
interest to some people on this list.

Best wishes,


--------- Mensaje reenviado --------
De: Ivens, Rob <Rob.Ivens at MOLEVALLEY.GOV.UK>
Reply-to: "Ivens, Rob" <Rob.Ivens at MOLEVALLEY.GOV.UK>
Para: allstat at JISCMAIL.AC.UK
Asunto: SAGA gis and geostatistics-request for expressions of interest
Fecha: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 15:16:06 -0000

I hope this is an acceptable post.


I work for a local authority with duties to inspect contamination on
parcels of land. 


*	Usually we collect data sets for individual contaminants of
100-500 values
*	Total data sets are 3000-9000 values.


I am interested in trying to use regression and variogramme analysis and

to obtain an estimate of upper and lower bounds of a particular
contaminant within spatially clustered subsets of this data.


R is to complex for me, SAGA gis looks interesting Sgems and Geosem have
also been recommended not to mention windows version of Gslib.

As an unskilled user, with a complicated but very specific question is
anyone interested in assisting us?


I would like to pay for 3 days consultancy to study a data set we are
about to acquire in the next 6 months or so as part of an inspection
under Part IIA of the contaminated land regulations combined with 1 days
training on that particular data set. The most likely distribution of
the data will be some sort of localised hot spots within areas of
relatively clean material


I have 2 other historical sites with associated data that show the way
we make decisions.


If I can get 3 expressions of interest I can develop a proposal to build
into my funding bid for next year.




Rob Ivens

Scientific Officer

01306 879232



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