[R-sig-Geo] Error in if (dxsd > tolerance) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Edzer Pebesma
edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Wed Mar 18 20:56:00 CET 2009
A quick solution could be to convert it into a SpatialPointsDataFrame
object (gridded(x) = FALSE), before doing the selection that broke your
script. If it still breaks, you might check whether the selection is empty.
Roger Bivand schrieb:
> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, David Wahlund wrote:
>> Hi
>> I got the same error trying to do something similar. For me the
>> problem was with the polygon data. One of the shapes was corrupted. My
>> tip is to try and identify what polygon renders the error and confirm
>> that it is OK.
> Yes, the underlying problem is that the "[" method for a SpatialGrid
> is trying to re-assemble an object from the remaining data, and the
> heuristic being used to "guess" the step of the grid when many rows
> and columns are missing is failing. If you manage to find out which it
> is, you might consider sending me a copy of the objects (save()), so
> that I can have a look at the heuristic. In general, you can drill
> down to the failing function by using traceback() afterwards - here it
> is points2grid() that has failed.
> Roger
>> -David Wahlund
>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 16:01, Wesley Roberts <wroberts at csir.co.za>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear R-sig-Geo'ers
>>> I am currently trying to extract some NDVI values from a group of
>>> NDVI images for specific shapefile polygons. I have 17 individual
>>> polygons and 23 NDVI images. I have written the script below to
>>> select individual polygons and to then extract the average NDVI
>>> within each polygon and store this in a list. Once all 23 images
>>> have been processed the script moves to the next polygon and so on
>>> and so on, until all polygons have been average for all 23 images.
>>> The code essentially extracts the NDVI data as a time series for
>>> each polygon.
>>> Unfortunately, as everyone knows, Landsat 7 ETM has a broken scan
>>> line corrector meaning that all post 2003 data have large areas of
>>> missing data. In my pre-processing I convert these areas to nan
>>> using gdal_merge.py (I have to stich and subset two scenes). The
>>> code below works well until a large portion of a polygon lies on the
>>> nan area of the image (some polygons that only have a small area in
>>> the nan process fine). When this happens I get the following error
>>> message
>>> Error in if (dxsd > tolerance) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE
>>> needed
>>> The error is related to the following command
>>> x.clip <- temp[!is.na(overlay(temp, brede_add)),]
>>> I have no idea how to solve this error, as a backup plan I am using
>>> r.fillnulls in grass to get rid of the stripes but this takes a very
>>> long time and is not ideal.
>>> Any additional help or pointers would be greatly appreciated
>>> Many thanks and kind regards
>>> ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
>>> library(maptools)
>>> library(rgdal)
>>> library(spatstat)
>>> input <-
>>> "/media/win-drive/wes2006/Projects/Evapotranspiration/Data/Landsat_NDVI"
>>> maps <- data.frame((list.files(input,
>>> pattern=".img",full.names=FALSE)),(list.files(input, pattern=".img",
>>> full.names=TRUE)))
>>> names(maps) <- c("File", "Path")
>>> fn=data.frame(maps$File)
>>> rastx<-284055.000
>>> rasty<-6302475.000
>>> Lst <- list()
>>> brede <- readShapePoly("BredeCatchmentSites.shp", IDvar="COUNT",
>>> proj4string=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=34 +south +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84
>>> +units=m +no_defs"))
>>> x=0
>>> while (x <= 17)
>>> {
>>> x<-x+1
>>> nfiles <- length(maps$Path)
>>> for (n in 1:nfiles)
>>> {
>>> brede_add <- brede[brede$COUNT[x], ]
>>> box <- as.list(as.numeric(bbox(brede_add)))
>>> xstart <- (as.numeric(box[1])-rastx)/30
>>> ystart <- abs((as.numeric(box[4])-rasty)/30)
>>> row <-
>>> round((as.numeric(box[3])-as.numeric(box[1]))/30)
>>> col <-
>>> round((as.numeric(box[4])-as.numeric(box[2]))/30)
>>> temp <-
>>> readGDAL(as.character(maps$Path[n]),silent=TRUE,
>>> offset=c(ystart,xstart), region.dim=c(col,row))
>>> fullgrid(temp)=FALSE
>>> x.clip <- temp[!is.na(overlay(temp, brede_add)),]
>>> <<<<<<<<<<<-------------HERE IS THE PROBLEM-------------
>>> a <- mean(as.data.frame(x.clip$band1))
>>> Lst[n] <- list(as.numeric(a))
>>> print(n)
>>> x.clip<-0
>>> }
>>> data <- as.numeric(Lst)
>>> data2 <- cbind(data,fn)
>>> write.table(data, paste(brede$NBALID[x]))
>>> print(paste(brede$NBALID[x]))
>>> }
>>> Wesley Roberts MSc.
>>> Researcher: Earth Observation (Ecosystems)
>>> Natural Resources and the Environment
>>> CSIR
>>> Tel: +27 (21) 888-2490
>>> Fax: +27 (21) 888-2693
>>> "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
>>> - Chinese proverb
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>>> The full disclaimer details can be found at
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>>> and is believed to be clean. MailScanner thanks Transtec Computers
>>> for their support.
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