[R-sig-Geo] enhanced BLAS support in R 2.8.1

Christopher Paciorek paciorek at hsph.harvard.edu
Fri Mar 6 23:48:39 CET 2009

Hi Josh, 

Take a look at the section on BLAS in the R Installation and Admin manual.  

In Linux we've gotten order of magnitude speedups by using GotoBLAS instead of the default BLAS in R.  But it's not available for XP - there are other  BLAS implementations mentioned in the manual that might be faster than the default, though my guess is that they will not be as fast as GotoBLAS (based in part on an email exchange with Brian Ripley through the R-devel mailing list).


Chris Paciorek / Asst. Professor        Email: paciorek at hsph.harvard.edu
Department of Biostatistics             Voice: 617-432-4912
Harvard School of Public Health         Fax:   617-432-5619
655 Huntington Av., Bldg. 2-407         WWW: www.biostat.harvard.edu/~paciorek
Boston, MA 02115 USA                    Permanent forward: paciorek at alumni.cmu.edu

>>> "Myers, Joshua" <Joshua.Myers at norfolk.gov> 03/06/09 8:41 AM >>> 
	I am running Windows XP and R 2.8.1 on a Dell Core 2 Processor
Computer.  I have a question concerning the performance speed of matrix
operations and BLAS.  Is R 2.8.1 already configured to take advantage of
more enhanced BLAS than the old standard R BLAS, or is there something
extra I have to install or do before I can get to that point?
Basically, what I am asking is for any advice on how to speed up these
floating point matrix operations, and how R 2.8.1's BLAS plays into
that.  Thanks.


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