[R-sig-Geo] RPyGeo Query -- probably easy

Zev Ross zev at zevross.com
Thu Mar 26 21:53:35 CET 2009

Hi All,

I'm wondering if anybody could give me a little guidance on formatting a 
query using RPyGeo. I'm excited to be able to run Python geoprocessing 
functions straight from R but am having trouble with the quote, double 
quote kinds of issues.

Here's an example of what I'd like to run

'walk')", "SelectLayerByAttribute('walk','NEW_SELECTION', ' "hrwk05" 

Where the sticking point is hrwk05 <> 0. In Python my query would be 
double quote, field name, close double quote, comparison, number e.g, 
"hrwk05" <> 0 but I'm not sure how to put this into RPyGeo

If I run like so:

'walk')", "SelectLayerByAttribute('walk','NEW_SELECTION', '')",env=myenv)

it runs.

Thank you in advance for assistance.


Zev Ross
ZevRoss Spatial Analysis
120 N Aurora, Suite 3A
Ithaca, NY 14850
607-277-0004 (phone)
866-877-3690 (fax, toll-free)
zev at zevross.com

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