January 2009 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Jan 2 13:51:59 CET 2009
Ending: Sat Jan 31 14:40:07 CET 2009
Messages: 215
- [R-sig-Geo] [GRASS-stats] Passing a parameter from R to r.mapcalc ?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] A small repository of publicly available Global maps
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] Adehabitats and georegistered outputs
Paulo E. Cardoso
- [R-sig-Geo] analyse geo-time data
Katona Lajos
- [R-sig-Geo] analyse geo-time data
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] analyse geo-time data
Rob Robinson
- [R-sig-Geo] anisotropy
Faye Anderson
- [R-sig-Geo] autologistic model in R
Nicola Batchelor
- [R-sig-Geo] autologistic model in R
Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr
- [R-sig-Geo] autologistic model in R
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate raster values based on vector regions
Alexander.Herr at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate raster values based on vector regions
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate raster values based on vector regions
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate raster values based on vector regions
Alexander.Herr at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate raster values based on vector regions
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate raster values based on vector regions
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate raster values based on vector regions
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] calculate raster values based on vector regions
Alexander.Herr at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] Coercing multiband readGDAL objects to a matrix/vector...
Jonathan Greenberg
- [R-sig-Geo] Coercing multiband readGDAL objects to a matrix/vector...
Jonathan Greenberg
- [R-sig-Geo] Coercing multiband readGDAL objects to a matrix/vector...
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] Coercing multiband readGDAL objects to a matrix/vector...
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] colorkey print order is incorrect??
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] colorkey print order is incorrect??
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] colorkey print order is incorrect??
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] combining two image files into one database
Alok K. Bohara, PhD
- [R-sig-Geo] combining two image files into one database
Greg Lee
- [R-sig-Geo] combining two image files into one database
Alok K. Bohara, PhD
- [R-sig-Geo] combining two image files into one database
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] combining two image files into one database
Alok K Bohara, PhD
- [R-sig-Geo] community support vs. corporate support
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] community support vs. corporate support
van Etten, Jacob (IRRI)
- [R-sig-Geo] community support vs. corporate support
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] community support vs. corporate support
van Etten, Jacob (IRRI)
- [R-sig-Geo] Confused by overlay(x = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", y = "SpatialPoints")
David Wahlund
- [R-sig-Geo] Confused by overlay(x = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", y = "SpatialPoints")
David Wahlund
- [R-sig-Geo] Confused by overlay(x = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", y = "SpatialPoints")
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Maxime Pauwels
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Maxime Pauwels
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
José Manuel Blanco Moreno
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Maxime Pauwels
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Maxime Pauwels
- [R-sig-Geo] contour lines on a plot
Virgilio Gomez Rubio
- [R-sig-Geo] conversion from tessellation in spatstat package to sp classes ???
Volkan Kepoglu
- [R-sig-Geo] conversion from tessellation in spatstat package to sp classes ???
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Henk Sierdsema
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Henk Sierdsema
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Henk Sierdsema
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Greg Lee
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Henk Sierdsema
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Converting kml to shape (readOGR)
Henk Sierdsema
- [R-sig-Geo] correcting for degrees of freedom in correlation tests
Steven G. Cumming
- [R-sig-Geo] covariates and quadrature points
Alok K. Bohara, PhD
- [R-sig-Geo] Different Moran's I correlograms using correlog{ncf} and sp.correlogram{spdep}
Xingli Giam
- [R-sig-Geo] Different Moran's I correlograms using correlog{ncf} and sp.correlogram{spdep}
Xingli Giam
- [R-sig-Geo] Different Moran's I correlograms using correlog{ncf} and sp.correlogram{spdep}
Xingli Giam
- [R-sig-Geo] Different Moran's I correlograms using correlog{ncf} and sp.correlogram{spdep}
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Different Moran's I correlograms using correlog{ncf} and sp.correlogram{spdep}
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Different Moran's I for same model residuals in different runs using moran.mc{spdep}
Xingli Giam
- [R-sig-Geo] Different Moran's I for same model residuals in different runs using moran.mc{spdep}
Xingli Giam
- [R-sig-Geo] Different Moran's I for same model residuals in different runs using moran.mc{spdep}
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] e00 to SpatialPolygons: how to set the correct projection
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] e00 to SpatialPolygons: how to set the correct projection
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] e00 to SpatialPolygons: how to set the correct projection
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] e00 to SpatialPolygons: how to set the correct projection
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Eigenvalues for eigenvectors extracted using ME() of spdep
Xingli Giam
- [R-sig-Geo] Eigenvalues for eigenvectors extracted using ME() of spdep
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] EPIMAP format
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] error in spautolm spdep and model selection?
Michael Denslow
- [R-sig-Geo] error in spautolm spdep and model selection?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] error in spautolm spdep and model selection?
Kingsford Jones
- [R-sig-Geo] error in spautolm spdep and model selection?
Michael Denslow
- [R-sig-Geo] ESRI Ascii Grid
Brian R Miranda
- [R-sig-Geo] ESRI Ascii Grid
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] ESRI Ascii Grid
Brian R Miranda
- [R-sig-Geo] ESRI Ascii Grid
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] ESRI Ascii Grid
Dylan Beaudette
- [R-sig-Geo] ESRI Ascii Grid
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] ESRI Ascii Grid
Dylan Beaudette
- [R-sig-Geo] ESRI Ascii Grid
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Even simpler TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPLE
Jonathan Callahan
- [R-sig-Geo] Even simpler TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPLE
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] Even simpler TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPLE (AND SP???)
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] Even simpler TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPLE (AND SP???)
Jim Burke
- [R-sig-Geo] Even simpler TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPLE (AND SP???)
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Even simpler TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPLE (AND SP???)
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] extracting outer boundary in spedep or GeoDa
Alok K. Bohara, PhD
- [R-sig-Geo] fixed colors in maps (Katona Lajos)
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] FW: How to interpolate a points raster file (gridded)?
Yong Li
- [R-sig-Geo] Help Needed on gwr function
Myers, Joshua
- [R-sig-Geo] Help Needed on gwr function
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Help with anti-clockwise polygon in owin
Corey Sparks
- [R-sig-Geo] Help with anti-clockwise polygon in owin
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] help with spatial neighbors/weights
Michael Denslow
- [R-sig-Geo] help with spatial neighbors/weights
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] How to evaluate cross-validaiton of interpolation?
Yong Li
- [R-sig-Geo] How to extract just the Moran's I values using moran.test{spdep}?
Xingli Giam
- [R-sig-Geo] How to extract just the Moran's I values using moran.test{spdep}?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] How to interpolate a raster-based point data?
Yong Li
- [R-sig-Geo] How to interpolate a raster-based point data?
milton ruser
- [R-sig-Geo] How to interpolate a raster-based point data?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Kriging in gstat - error: cannot allocation vector of size
Richard Feldman
- [R-sig-Geo] Looking for best practice to share Rdata containing country/prov/county polygons
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] matching points by their coordinates
Struve, Juliane
- [R-sig-Geo] matching points by their coordinates
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] matching points by their coordinates
Marcelino de la Cruz
- [R-sig-Geo] matching points by their coordinates - Resolved
Struve, Juliane
- [R-sig-Geo] Material for asdar book
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] Material for asdar book
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Material for asdar book
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] Material for asdar book
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] Material for asdar book
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] memory issue on R with Linux 64
Alexander.Herr at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] memory issue on R with Linux 64
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] memory issue on R with Linux 64
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] memory issue on R with Linux 64
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] memory issue on R with Linux 64
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] memory issue on R with Linux 64
Alexander.Herr at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] memory issue on R with Linux 64
Alexander.Herr at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] NAs returned as from and to IDs in gabrielneigh function in the spdep package
Dan Putler
- [R-sig-Geo] NAs returned as from and to IDs in gabrielneigh function in the spdep package
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] NAs returned as from and to IDs in gabrielneigh function in the spdep package
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Need help in using spdep package for running spatial models
Giam Xingli
- [R-sig-Geo] Need help in using spdep package for running spatial models
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Neighborhood distance calculator
- [R-sig-Geo] Neighborhood distance calculator
Wayne.W.Jones at shell.com
- [R-sig-Geo] Neighborhood distance calculator
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] New release of rgdal
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] New release of rgdal
Rainer Hurling
- [R-sig-Geo] New release of rgdal
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] no boundaries between countries by using unionSpatialPolygons
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] no boundaries between countries by using unionSpatialPolygons
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] no boundaries between countries by using unionSpatialPolygons
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] OCK in gstat and co-located [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Jin.Li at ga.gov.au
- [R-sig-Geo] OCK in gstat and co-located [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Jin.Li at ga.gov.au
- [R-sig-Geo] OCK in gstat and co-located [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Passing a parameter from R to r.mapcalc ?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting Football field ball pattern data
srinivasa raghavan
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting Football field ball pattern data
Miguel Eduardo Gil Biraud
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting Football field ball pattern data
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting Football field ball pattern data
Stéphane Dray
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting Football field ball pattern data
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting Football field ball pattern data
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] plotting Football field ball pattern data
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with SpatialPolygons containing a hole
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with SpatialPolygons containing a hole
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with SpatialPolygons containing a hole
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with SpatialPolygons containing a hole
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with SpatialPolygons containing a hole
Kjetil Halvorsen
- [R-sig-Geo] R in The New York Times
Alok K Bohara, PhD
- [R-sig-Geo] R-sig-Geo Digest, Vol 65, Issue 1
Christopher Moore
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Sebastian P. Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Sebastian P. Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Sebastian P. Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Sebastian P. Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Sebastian P. Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] readGDAL() and HDF5 files
Sebastian P. Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] reading *.grd files - revisited
Monica Pisica
- [R-sig-Geo] reading *.grd files - revisited
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] reading *.grd files - revisited
Monica Pisica
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
Juliane Struve
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
milton ruser
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
milton ruser
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
van Etten, Jacob (IRRI)
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
Juliane Struve
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
Juliane Struve
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading an Ascii file
Kamran Safi
- [R-sig-Geo] Scale shapefile for Lattice Cloud Plot
James Crosby
- [R-sig-Geo] seamless maps
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] seamless maps
Matt Oliver
- [R-sig-Geo] seamless maps
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] seamless maps
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] seamless maps
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] seamless maps
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] seamless maps
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] seamless maps
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] semivariance analysis of categorical variable
Satterthwaite, Paul
- [R-sig-Geo] shortest realistic distance for fish travel
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] Spatial data analysis in MATLAB / Comparison of MATLAB vs R
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] Spatial data analysis in MATLAB / Comparison of MATLAB vs R
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] Spatial data analysis in MATLAB / Comparison of MATLAB vs R
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] Spatial data analysis in MATLAB / Comparison of MATLAB vs R
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Spatial Lags Excluding Neighbors' Missing Attribute Values
Christopher Moore
- [R-sig-Geo] Spatial Lags Excluding Neighbors' Missing Attribute Values
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Specifying neighbourhood structure for Spatial Eigenvector Mapping (SEVM) using ME() in spdep
Giam Xingli
- [R-sig-Geo] Specifying neighbourhood structure for Spatial Eigenvector Mapping (SEVM) using ME() in spdep
Xingli Giam
- [R-sig-Geo] strange performances of R graphic window under Linux and MS WIndows
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] strange performances of R graphic window under Linux and MS WIndows
Enrico Guastaldi
- [R-sig-Geo] strange performances of R graphic window under Linux and MS WIndows
Enrico Guastaldi
- [R-sig-Geo] strange performances of R graphic window under Linux and MS WIndows
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] The geonames.org server changed / geonames package
Tomislav Hengl
- [R-sig-Geo] The geonames.org server changed / geonames package
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] Vector to raster conversion...
Jonathan Greenberg
- [R-sig-Geo] Vector to raster conversion...
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Wald statistics
Annachiara Saguatti
- [R-sig-Geo] Wald statistics
Roger Bivand
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 14:40:07 CET 2009
Archived on: Tue Feb 10 17:20:05 CET 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).