[R-sig-Geo] combining two image files into one database
Alok K Bohara, PhD
bohara at unm.edu
Thu Jan 8 16:43:22 CET 2009
Hi Tomislav:
I tried what you suggested, and it works for the first part with the
built-in data example "bei.extra". (By the way, my script could not find
achan.asc file????)
Anyway, for me, I actually wanted to build the bei.extra type file
itself which contains a list of pixel images "elev" and "grad".
To replicate this, I took X_im and Y_im (two pixel image files)
X_im <- im(....)
Y_im <- im(...)
Now, I want to create/save a file "XY.extra" that contains a list of
two pixel images X_im and Y_im.
Tomislav Hengl wrote:
> Dear Alok,
> Maybe you should consider converting the im data to sp class. Then, you have as many grids in a
> single SpatialGridDataFrame e.g.:
>> library(maptools)
>> library(rgdal)
>> grids <- as(bei.extra[[1]], "SpatialGridDataFrame")
>> names(grids)[1] <- "elev"
>> grids$grad <- as(bei.extra[[2]], "SpatialGridDataFrame")$v
>> spplot(grids["elev"])
> ...
>> grids$achan <- readGDAL("achan.asc")$band1
>> save(grids, "grids.image")
> see also: http://spatial-analyst.net/wiki/index.php?title=Species_Distribution_Modelling
> HTH,
> T. Hengl
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: r-sig-geo-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch [mailto:r-sig-geo-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf
>> Of Alok K. Bohara, PhD
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 4:21 PM
>> To: Greg Lee
>> Cc: r-sig-geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] combining two image files into one database
>> Thanks Greg for your response:
>> I want to do what the examples in Spatstat do with regard to the point
>> and pixel/image data bei and bei.extra.. (bei.extra contains a list of
>> two image files --elevation and gradient. They plot these two items
>> (and also take log, I believe)
>> In my case:
>> X_image
>> Y_image
>> (I converted both from text matrix to pixel/image using "im(...)" command)
>> I want to combine (or list) X_image and Y.image as a part of a single
>> file -- XY_image, and save and do the following
>> load("XY.image")
>> plot(XY_image) # plot both images side by side
>> plot(XY_image$X_image) # plot just the X_image
>> etc...
>> Thank you for your help.
>> #########
>> I tried doing the list command:
>> XY_image <-list(X_image,Y_image)
>> but it returns NULL when I do "XY$X_image"
>> Sincerely,
>> Alok Bohara
>> Greg Lee wrote:
>>> Hello Alok,
>>> We really need more details about what you are trying to acheive in
>>> order to help you.
>>> c(X, Y) concatenates the objects X and Y. The result will be a vector.
>>> If X and Y happen to be m x n matrices, the result will be a vector of
>>> length 2 * m * n: probably not what you want.
>>> You can see this for yourself. Eg:
>>> X <- matrix(1, 3, 3)
>>> Y <- matrix(2, 3, 3)
>>> c(X, Y)
>>> If you were hoping to combine the information in corresponding pixels
>>> of the matrices X and Y, you will need to have a clear idea of *how*
>>> you would like the information to be combined. ie: Are you looking for
>>> the mean value of the pixels, or is some other operation required?
>>> Eg 2:
>>> X <- matrix(1:9, 3, 3)
>>> Y <- matrix(2, 3, 3)
>>> X + Y / 2
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> Greg
>>> 2009/1/7 Alok K. Bohara, PhD <bohara at unm.edu <mailto:bohara at unm.edu>>
>>> Hi:
>>> Let me start by saying that I am new to R. I converted two pixel
>>> ascii matrices into image files:
>>> X_im <- im(X) # X is an ascii pixel matrix
>>> Y_im <- im(Y) # Y is an ascii pixel matrix
>>> How can I combine these two images into 1) one datafile "XY_im",
>>> 2) save it and 3) read it after loading (e.g., x <- XY_im$X_im.
>>> and plot it.)
>>> I tried doing this:
>>> XY_im <- c(X_im,Y_im)
>>> save(XY _im, file = "XM_im.Rdata")
>>> load("XY_im.Rdata")
>>> x<- XY_im$X_im # It does not like $ and says it is atomic
>>> something...
>>> plot(x) # of course it does not work either.
>>> What am I doing wrong? Any tips?
>>> Thanks you.
>>> Alok Bohara
>>> --
>>> Alok K. Bohara, Ph.D.
>>> Professor
>>> Department of Economics
>>> University of New Mexico
>>> Albuquerque, NM 87131,USA
>>> Ph: 505-277-5903/5304(w)
>>> Fax:505-277-9445
>>> email: bohara at unm.edu <mailto:bohara at unm.edu>
>>> http://www.unm.edu/~econ/faculty/professors.html
>>> <http://www.unm.edu/%7Eecon/faculty/professors.html>
>>> Nepal Study Center: http://nepalstudycenter.unm.edu
>>> <http://nepalstudycenter.unm.edu/>
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>> --
>> Alok K. Bohara, Ph.D.
>> Professor
>> Department of Economics
>> University of New Mexico
>> Albuquerque, NM 87131,USA
>> Ph: 505-277-5903/5304(w)
>> Fax:505-277-9445
>> email: bohara at unm.edu
>> http://www.unm.edu/~econ/faculty/professors.html
>> Nepal Study Center: http://nepalstudycenter.unm.edu
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>> R-sig-Geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
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Alok K. Bohara, Ph.D.
Department of Economics
MSC 05 3060
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001, USA
Ph: 505-277-5903/5304(w)
email: bohara at unm.edu
Nepal Study Center: http://nepalstudycenter.unm.edu
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