[R-sig-Geo] Specifying neighbourhood structure for Spatial Eigenvector Mapping (SEVM) using ME() in spdep
Xingli Giam
xingli.giam at adelaide.edu.au
Tue Jan 27 09:38:42 CET 2009
Dear people of the R-sig-Geo list,
I am very interested in the Spatial Eigenvector Mapping (SEVM) method in
analysing my spatial data as described in your papers (Griffith and Peres-Neto
2006, Dormann et al. 2007).
However I am rather new to spatial analysis and therefore have some questions
regarding the script provided in the appendix of Dormann et al. 2007.
nb1.0 <- dnearneigh(coordinates(snouter_sp), 0, 1.0)
nb1.0_dists <- nbdists(nb1.0, coordinates(snouter_sp))
nb1.0_sims <- lapply(nb1.0_dists, function(x) (1-((x/4)^2)) )
ME.listw <- nb2listw(nb1.0, glist=nb1.0_sims, style="B")
sevm1 <- ME(snouter1.1 ~ rain + djungle, data=snouter.df, family=gaussian,
# modify the arguments "family" according to your error distribution
I hope someone who has experience in suing SEVM can give me a hand with some of
the questions I have.
Regarding the weights, is it imperative for me to use (1-((x/4t)^2)? Can we
just do an inverse weighting system like (1/x)? Can I also use weighted (C or
W) instead of binary (B) weighting in this line -ME.listw <- nb2listw(nb1.0,
glist=nb1.0_sims, style="B")? Lastly, can I specify t, the threshold distance
instead of using a spanning tree algorithm?
Some background information about my data - it is in long-lat coordinates, and
I have calculated great circle distances.
And the code I was trying to use:
nb <- dnearneigh(as.matrix(dat$x_long, dat$y_lat), 0, 4000, longlat=T)
nb_dists <- nbdists(nb, as.matrix(dat$x_long, dat$y_lat))
nb_sims <- lapply(nb_dists, function(x) (1/x))
ME.listw <- nb2listw(nb, glist=nb_sims, style="W", zero.policy=T)
sevm1 <- ME(lg.sp1 ~ lg.area, data=dat, family=gaussian, listw=ME.listw)
lmlag1 <- lm(lg.sp1 ~ lg.area + fitted(sevm1), data=dat)
moran<- moran.test(residuals(lmlag1), listw=ME.listw, na.action=na.omit,
Thank you in advance for your help! Hope to hear from you soon!
Many thanks,
Xingli Giam
Research Visitor
Research Institute of Climate Change and Sustainability
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
The University of Adelaide
Mobile: +61 (0) 425 150 966
Email: xingli.giam at adelaide.edu.au
Alt email: giam at nus.edu.sg
M.Sc. Candidate
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
(on study leave till 30 June 2009)
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