[R-sig-Geo] extracting outer boundary in spedep or GeoDa

Alok K. Bohara, PhD bohara at unm.edu
Fri Jan 2 19:11:40 CET 2009

Hi Cory

I saw this message and thought of asking you  a question.  Or anyone 
else..  I am new to R and I am trying to learn GeoRglm.  I have used 
spdep to read state shape file to extract centroids, neighbors etc...Is 
there anyway I can extract just the outer polygon  boundary as a n by 2 
text file from such a state shape file?  I tried using GeoDa to export 
such a file using a command Shape to  Boundary,  but it gives a file 
with boundaries for all the counties (I think).  All I want is the state 
outline polygon. 

Alok Bohara

"Have you tried just reading the shapefile directly into R using the  readShapePoly command in maptools.  spdep can form the neighbors and  weights matrices from the shapefile, then you don't have to bother  
with the export.  Corey"

Alok K. Bohara, Ph.D.
Department of Economics
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131,USA
Ph: 505-277-5903/5304(w)
email: bohara at unm.edu
Nepal Study Center: http://nepalstudycenter.unm.edu

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