May 2011 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun May 1 01:53:25 CEST 2011
Ending: Tue May 31 20:35:12 CEST 2011
Messages: 478
- [BioC] problems with estimateGLMTrendedDisp()
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] getGEO for very large files
Sean Davis
- [BioC] RNASeq: normalization issues
ywchen at
- [BioC] problems with Affymetrix probes id using exonmap and xmapcore
Tim Yates
- [BioC] R crash when using xps package
Xi Chen
- [BioC] Error in installing packages from bioconductor using R version 2.13.0 on Windows 7
gabriel teku
- [BioC] Help for GEOquery installation on window 7
Gaurav Kumar
- [BioC] 4-way venn diagram with ChIPpeakAnno
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] UCSC: convert from hg18 to hg19 - rtracklayer?
Tim Smith
- [BioC] Combining data from different versions of Illumina HumanHT-12 v3
Gavin Koh
- [BioC] UK Beginner bioconductor courses
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] collapsing redundant probe sets of Affymetrix Chips
Amos Folarin
- [BioC] gene SOX6 in HT HG-U133A
Andreas Heider
- [BioC] Ggallus BS genome package
Namyoung Jung
- [BioC] Data Requst
Moein Lak
- [BioC] affy vignette examples
Omar Gutierrez Arenas
- [BioC] Reading Illumina files using Limma package
Rahul Maurya
- [BioC] Failure loading "arrayQualityMetrics" package.
Omar Gutierrez Arenas
- [BioC] Problem using justGCRMA
Antonio Mendes
- [BioC] PICS: vignette code outdated (use of GenomeData-object)
Samuel Wuest
- [BioC] Fast way to find which gene a snp located.
Fabrice Tourre
- [BioC] Gene Lists and Genomes
Radhouane Aniba
- [BioC] new error: when running gage
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] BrainArray custom CDF repository missing in biocReposList()
M Behnke
- [BioC] Having trouble with new brainarray CDF
M Behnke
- [BioC] Rgraphviz windows version incompatible with current Graphviz
Gregory D.Rodd
- [BioC] getSequence ensmebl biomaRt
Shi, Tao
- [BioC] SAGE datasets
Tan, Yifang
- [BioC] IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db crashes!!
- [BioC] mapping a gene id to determine if it's ribosomal
Jon BR
- [BioC] [maSigPro] Splitting data - how?
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Human Gene array data analysis workflow
Moshe Olshansky
- [BioC] R CMD check : biocLite warning
swaraj basu
- [BioC] GOstats : KEGGHyperGParams error
Radhouane Aniba
- [BioC] Problem with BGandNorm() from the Agi4x44PreProcess package
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] IRanges: Request for a "step" argument in runsum
Arnaud Amzallag
- [BioC] calcNormFactors - normalization
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] error coming when testing total no of possible clusters in k-means
Budhayash Gautam
- [BioC] How to Plot Top 100 Differential Gene Expression Values
Budhayash Gautam
- [BioC] (no subject)
Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] request for help
Pawan Kakchingtabam
- [BioC] Error in AnnotationDbi package - makeProbePackage
Helga Garcia
- [BioC] empty go terms with bioMart
- [BioC] miRNA target prediction algorithm setting used in RmiR.Hs.miRNA package.
Paul Geeleher
- [BioC] Error in FUN(c("AFFX-b-ActinMur/M12481_3_at", "AFFX-b-ActinMur/M12481_5_at", : , subscript out of bounds
pratibha.mani at
- [BioC] justPLIER output log scale
Andreas Heider
- [BioC] ChIP-Seq Normalization - Quantile (Rank) normalization
Henry Paik
- [BioC] Regarding GEOqury
Reema Singh
- [BioC] problem with rat database
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] gcrma on affy xlaevis arrays
Tobias Straub
- [BioC] Define alternate design matrix in EdgeR
josquin.tibbits at
- [BioC] Methylation status using lumi
Richard Mc Eachin
- [BioC] help request. repost Define alternate design matrix in R
josquin.tibbits at
- [BioC] [Bioc-sig-seq] interaction factor in edgeR
Biase, Fernando
- [BioC] lumi: estimateMethylationBG problem
Pan Du
- [BioC] methylumi problem with subsetting samples
Dario Greco
- [BioC] Job opening in Boston, USA
Wittner, Ben, Ph.D.
- [BioC] coefficient not estimable (limma warning)
- [BioC] analysing NimbleGen MeDIP-chip data
Adeolu Adewoye
- [BioC] issue with graph package in using RBGL -‘'graph' is not a valid installed package’"
joe j
- [BioC] RNA-Seq/edgeR reproducability between lanes
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] gammaFitEM()
Richard C. McEachin
- [BioC] Problems Reading SNPs into snpMatrix
Chris K. Fuller
- [BioC] Heatmaps and correlation
john herbert
- [BioC] HTqPCR reading data
john herbert
- [BioC] [R] issue with graph package in using RBGL -‘'graph' is not a valid installed package’"
joe j
- [BioC] FW: RE: heat map
Reddy.Thumma at
- [BioC] How to determine genes from BAM file and extract SNPs
Vincenzo Capece
- [BioC] survcomp: weighted concordance index
Benjamin Haibe-Kains
- [BioC] packege for presence of motifs or protein domains
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] Mouse/Human Affy Gene ST 1.0 arrays
somnath bandyopadhyay
- [BioC] conditions to apply BH correction
Loredana Le Pera
- [BioC] Average based on group
Fabrice Tourre
- [BioC] GO enrichement and Ensembl ID
Radhouane Aniba
- [BioC] How to get defenitive Amp/del/nochange using DNAcopy package?
Chiho Kwon
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Delta CT data distribution and cluster analyses; machine learning or other
john herbert
- [BioC] Any changes in Biomart regarding GO terms? Script crashing today
J.delasHeras at
- [BioC] why kOverA function has 6
wang peter
- [BioC] reference manual
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] more on reference manual
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] How to filter a list of SNPs?
Simon Noël
- [BioC] alternative to matchprobes
kloytyno at
- [BioC] microRNA hg build?
Tim Smith
- [BioC] Go terms attributes not available on Biomart ensembl
- [BioC] Human Exon array annotation problem.
Fabrice Tourre
- [BioC] how to import xls file R
avinash gupta
- [BioC] LambdaSets converting the results into a data.frame
joe j
- [BioC] bitmap() extremely slow!
Groot, Philip de
- [BioC] about limma linear models
- [BioC] Error loading ShortRead
- [BioC] LaTeX - R CMD check
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] [Fwd: help in annotation ILLUMINA probes]
Nathalie Conte
- [BioC] SSOAP functions
Michael Gormley
- [BioC] FYI: Plea to Support KEGG
Diego Diez
- [BioC] connecting to ensembl
Stefan Kroeger
- [BioC] Problems loading EBImage-package in R
Peter Mueller
- [BioC] extract intensity values from AffyBatch
Assa Yeroslaviz
- [BioC] getEnrichedGo in ChIPPeakAnno Error
Gillian Bob
- [BioC] Go terms attributes not available on Biomart, ensembl
- [BioC] Query Gene Ontology
LEMAITRE Hervé Université Paris Sud
- [BioC] [Fwd: Problem with DNAcopy plot function ??]
Nathalie Conte
- [BioC] Tumor and Normal samples copy number estimation with CRLMM
Sole Acha, Xavi
- [BioC] DESeq: Error: attempt to apply non-function
João Barbosa
- [BioC] ConsensusClusterPlus updated to 1.5.1
Matt Wilkerson
- [BioC] call for BioC2011 posters
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Empty featureData in ExpressionSet generated by affy::justRMA
David Shih
- [BioC] raw counts for edgeR
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] lumi on 450K question
Pan Du
- [BioC] How to extract Phenotype data from GSE
Gaurav Kumar
- [BioC] understanding siggenes results
Assa Yeroslaviz
- [BioC] Chromosome: HSCHR17_1
Fabrice Tourre
- [BioC] Eliminating Absent Data
Supriya Munshaw
- [BioC] BAM format?
Brezo, Jelena
- [BioC] Help with
Guillaume Meurice
- [BioC] biomart Ensembl Regulatory Build
Fabrice Tourre
- [BioC] Biomart server down?
Alistair Rust
- [BioC] Filtering out tags with low counts in DESeq and EgdeR?
Xiaohui Wu
- [BioC] How to quikly know whether two genes are in the same pathway or not?
Fabrice Tourre
- [BioC] edgeR - multiple comparisions
Sridhara Gupta Kunjeti
- [BioC] DESeq and paired samples - pairing vs pooling
Timothy Hughes
- [BioC] Update to FlowMerge
Finak, Greg
- [BioC] limma analysis of 2-color experiment with tech reps [was: Help with]
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Creating a graph showing Affy probe-set alignments along a small segment of chromosome
Richard Student
- [BioC] Creating a figure showing Affy probe-set alignments along a small segment of chromosome
Richard Student
- [BioC] How to: design matrices for multi organism parts experiment
- [BioC] Ensembl mouse proteins
Stefanie Carola Gerstberger
- [BioC] EdgeR- equal number of columns per group?
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] lumi : Problems with the gammaFitEM() and lumiMethyStatus() lumi
- [BioC] question on the cutoff for limma package
Yi, Ming (NIH/NCI) [C]
- [BioC] Question about raw p-value function in oneChannelGUI
Guido Leoni
- [BioC] Get all 3'utr and 5'utr region from GenomicFeatures
Fabrice Tourre
- [BioC] quantile Normalization in Limma/Ringo using M-values directly?
Wlasiuk Battagliotti, Gabriela - (wlasiuk)
- [BioC] oligo read celfile
- [BioC] Statistical Bioinformatics Position In Oxford
Stephen Taylor
- [BioC] rtracklayer gff import
Kathi Zarnack
- [BioC] how to map choromosome location to gene ID
Yan Jiao
- [BioC] arrayQualityMEtrics
Guillaume Meurice
- [BioC] rtracklayer - browserSession error
Tim Smith
- [BioC] using Ringo and ACME package for NimbleGen MeDIP-chip data
Adeolu Adewoye
- [BioC] Evidence-based guidelines for use the method="robust" option in lmFit
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] working with large dataframes in R
Elena Sorokin
- [BioC] Chip version of Illumina HT 12 data [ lumi getChipInfo() method ]
Mamunur Rashid
- [BioC] coloring heatmap
Assa Yeroslaviz
- [BioC] paired sample LIMMA
elliott harrison
- [BioC] CGHcall
Yan Jiao
- [BioC] Conversion of pfm to pwm using PWM()
Ravi Karra
- [BioC] image matching
avinash gupta
- [BioC] R package modreg
Ilya Lipkovich
- [BioC] error message in edgeR
Sridhara Gupta Kunjeti
- [BioC] dendrograms on heatmap.2 (gplots)
Gavin Koh
- [BioC] RMA (affy) followed by SAM (samr)
Richard Student
- [BioC] help with Starr
- [BioC] maSigPro and "subscript out of bounds"
andrea.grilli at
- [BioC] question/issue with multtest mt.maxT
Les Dethlefsen
- [BioC] About the installation of ChIPsim
- [BioC] heatmap without scaling the data
- [BioC] Agilent Mouse annotation and using methods of AnnotationDbi
john herbert
- [BioC] Packages "clusterProfiler" and "illuminaHumanv4.db" not available for installation
Luke Pilling
- [BioC] log intensity plots with colours
john herbert
- [BioC] IRanges package: findOverlaps on blobs
Fahim Mohammad
Last message date:
Tue May 31 20:35:12 CEST 2011
Archived on: Wed Jun 1 19:00:29 CEST 2011
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