June 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Jun 1 15:30:52 CEST 2009
Ending: Tue Jun 30 23:49:15 CEST 2009
Messages: 487
- [BioC] Random effects and variance components (was: Yet another nested design in limma)
Paolo Innocenti
- [BioC] Installation of a custom cdf hs133phsentrezgcdf
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] MAS5 to selected average
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Random effects and variance components
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Beta score of DNA methylation assays
Sonia Shah
- [BioC] Beta score of DNA methylation assays
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] Random effects and variance components
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Beta score of DNA methylation assays
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Affy Exon arrays
Tarca, Adi
- [BioC] More iterations for median polish using Expresso
jchayes at mcb.umass.edu
- [BioC] More iterations for median polish using Expresso
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] More iterations for median polish using Expresso
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Error in masks for Dmelanogaster BSGenome
David Rossell
- [BioC] variable as argument to makeContrasts (limma)
Georg Otto
- [BioC] variable as argument to makeContrasts (limma)
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Error in masks for Dmelanogaster BSGenome
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] variable as argument to makeContrasts (limma)
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Mille km d'assurance auto offerts avec Amaguiz
Amaguiz par MailandGo
- [BioC] rtracklayer: Problems running vignette
Simon Anders
- [BioC] Affy Exon arrays
Lasse Folkersen
- [BioC] variable as argument to makeContrasts (limma)
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] affylmGUI error
Glyn Bradley
- [BioC] Methods in decideTests (limma)
Michal Kolář
- [BioC] Affy Exon arrays
- [BioC] variable as argument to makeContrasts (limma)
Georg Otto
- [BioC] Error in masks for Dmelanogaster BSGenome
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] variable as argument to makeContrasts (limma)
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] dbSNP build for R package SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20080617
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] dbSNP build for R package SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20080617
Lin Tang
- [BioC] FlowViz graphics problems
Anja Schiel
- [BioC] FlowViz graphics problems
Nishant Gopalakrishnan
- [BioC] rtracklayer: Problems running vignette
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Detection with Lumi package VS Detection pvalue in illumina
Mohamed lajnef
- [BioC] FlowViz graphics problems
Anja Schiel
- [BioC] R and Microarray Analysis in R courses from Imperial College
North, Bernard V
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Profitez de 30 euros offerts pour en gagner plus
PMU par MailandGo
- [BioC] XStringViews with strand?
Cei Abreu-Goodger
- [BioC] Regions InterAct Confirmation Form.
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] interoperability between IRanges/ShortRead and rtracklayer
Simon Anders
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] rtracklayer: Problems running vignette
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Bug in GenomeGraphs: makeGeneRegion fails on regions devoid of genes
Simon Anders
- [BioC] dbSNP build for R package SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20080617
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] variable as argument to makeContrasts (limma)
Georg Otto
- [BioC] dbSNP build for R package SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20080617
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] dbSNP build for R package SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20080617
Lin Tang
- [BioC] XStringViews with strand?
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] XStringViews with strand?
Cei Abreu-Goodger
- [BioC] pathway score for individual arrays
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] extracting phenotypic data from GEO (i.e. GSE8671)
Andrew Yee
- [BioC] extracting phenotypic data from GEO (i.e. GSE8671)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] pathway score for individual arrays
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] extracting SNPs in a given region
Kay Jaja
- [BioC] variable as argument to makeContrasts (limma)
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] interoperability between IRanges/ShortRead and rtracklayer
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] extracting SNPs in a given region
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
Steve Pederson
- [BioC] interoperability between IRanges/ShortRead and rtracklayer
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Methods in decideTests (limma)
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] rtracklayer: Problems running vignette
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] profitez du pret à taux promo simulation et réponse en ligne
Sofinco par MailandGo
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
Paul Leo
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] biomaRt not working?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Output problem in biomaRt 2.0.0
David Rossell
- [BioC] Output problem in biomaRt 2.0.0
David Rossell
- [BioC] Toute l'offre Meetic gratuitement
Meetic par MailandGo
- [BioC] EMBL PhD Programme
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] FW: biomaRt not working?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] rtracklayer: Problems running vignette
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] rtracklayer: Problems running vignette
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Methods in decideTests (limma)
Michal Kolář
- [BioC] rtracklayer: Problems running vignette
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] questions regarding ACME
Sean Davis
- [BioC] error massage = subscript out of bounds
Hecker Regina
- [BioC] error message about makeTranscript funciton in package GenomeGraphs
shirley zhang
- [BioC] intraspotcorrelation() in individual channel analysis
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] extracting phenotypic data from GEO (i.e. GSE8671)
Andrew Yee
- [BioC] avereps function
Erika Melissari
- [BioC] extracting phenotypic data from GEO (i.e. GSE8671)
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] RCurl updated to 0.98-0 in BioC 2.4 (release) and BioC 2.5 (devel) {Except Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger}
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] New SNPlocs data package for Human (dbSNP BUILD 130)
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Plotting data from a bedGraph file
Michael Hoffman
- [BioC] Methods in decideTests (limma)
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Methods in decideTests (limma)
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] extracting SNPs in a given region
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] Plotting data from a bedGraph file
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] error massage = subscript out of bounds
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] More iterations for median polish using Expresso
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Plotting data from a bedGraph file
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Information Regarding Your Internet Banking Account
St. George Bank
- [BioC] intraspotcorrelation() in individual channel analysis
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] How to find SNP names
Kay Jaja
- [BioC] 10 annuaires pour votre prospection commercial pour bioconductor
- [BioC] Methods in decideTests (limma)
Michal Kolář
- [BioC] help with filtering
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] FW: biomaRt not working?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] XML and biomaRt problem?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Bluefuse data
Narendra Kaushik
- [BioC] Bluefuse data
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] genes in region of miRNA genes
Iain Gallagher
- [BioC] Problem with two expression sets
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] Problem with two expression sets
Joern Toedling
- [BioC] XML and RCurl and biomaRt problem?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] -50% sur vos magazines pendant 8 mois
Plusdemags.com via MailandGo
- [BioC] IRanges problem: ranges (overlap (range.1, range.2)) does not seem to work
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] XML and RCurl and biomaRt problem?
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] GO package
Joanna Zyprych
- [BioC] Important KEGGgraph update (parse issue solved)
Jitao David Zhang
- [BioC] GO package
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] GO package
anna freni sterrantino
- [BioC] questions about heatmap.2
Wei Xu
- [BioC] questions about heatmap.2
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Important Security Notice
Cahoot Online Banking
- [BioC] IRanges problem: ranges (overlap (range.1, range.2)) does not seem to work
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] Illumina vs Affy chips
Thomas Hampton
- [BioC] questions about heatmap.2
Wei Xu
- [BioC] Illumina vs Affy chips
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Plotting data from a bedGraph file
Michael Hoffman
- [BioC] Illumina vs Affy chips
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Den Tists Directory in the United States
Mauricio S Estrada
- [BioC] How to control allelic levels in LD computing
Basu, Analabha
- [BioC] help with factDesign package
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] help with factDesign package
Richard Pearson
- [BioC] XML and RCurl and biomaRt problem?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] IRanges problem: ranges (overlap (range.1, range.2)) does not seem to work
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] help with estrogen dataset in factdesign package
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Illumina vs Affy chips
- [BioC] Illumina vs Affy chips
Thomas Hampton
- [BioC] Illumina vs Affy chips
- [BioC] siggenes: sam2html + affymetrix zebrafish
Sam Hunter
- [BioC] Jusqu'à 58 pourcent d'economie sur vos frais bancaires
Monabanq par MailandGo
- [BioC] How to find SNP names
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] help with estrogen dataset in factdesign package
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] help with estrogen dataset in factdesign package
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] error massage = subscript out of bounds
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] Change M-value calculation from red/green to green/red
Torsten Waldminghaus
- [BioC] Change M-value calculation from red/green to green/red
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Change M-value calculation from red/green to green/red
Torsten Waldminghaus
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] help with estrogen dataset in factdesign package
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] Nimblegen oligo example; list.xysfiles()
Thomas Hampton
- [BioC] limma and ebayes : error message : differences in versions?
Sue Jones
- [BioC] limma and ebayes : error message : differences in versions?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] siggenes: sam2html + affymetrix zebrafish
Sam Hunter
- [BioC] chi squared test
Hai-Ri Li
- [BioC] Mean column by gene
Mohamed lajnef
- [BioC] Mean column by gene
Sean Davis
- [BioC] chi squared test
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] chi squared test
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] question about ontoCompare() performance change
Scott Markel
- [BioC] Le placement anti-crise est arrive 4,95% pendant 8 ans
GAN patrimoine par MailandGo
- [BioC] Journal Reference Management for the Busy Scientists
Anderson Brown
- [BioC] Fitting DNA histograms - a package
Paul Leo
- [BioC] Affy Gene ST arrays with "oligo"
Cei Abreu-Goodger
- [BioC] Does factDesign deal with two-color data?
Dejian Zhao
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] identification of disease groups
Abhilash Venu
- [BioC] identification of disease groups
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Affy Gene ST arrays with "oligo"
- [BioC] Does factDesign deal with two-color data?
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Does factDesign deal with two-color data?
Denise Scholtens
- [BioC] GO terms for E. coli micro arrays (ecoliK12.db generation)
Gaspard Lequeux
- [BioC] Does factDesign deal with two-color data?
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] Simpleaffy QC
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] problem with org.Hs.egCHRLOCEND
Kay Jaja
- [BioC] Machine Learning Applications in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ICMLA 2009)
Tarca, Adi
- [BioC] problem with org.Hs.egCHRLOCEND
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Change M-value calculation from red/green to green/red
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Does factDesign deal with two-color data?
Dejian Zhao
- [BioC] dye effect in limma
Dejian Zhao
- [BioC] problem with org.Hs.egCHRLOCEND
James F. Reid
- [BioC] missing content in limma documentation pdf
Torsten Waldminghaus
- [BioC] identification of disease groups
Abhilash Venu
- [BioC] problem with org.Hs.egCHRLOCEND
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] missing content in limma documentation pdf
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] missing content in limma documentation pdf
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Simpleaffy QC
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Simpleaffy QC & GAPDH ratios
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] GO terms for E. coli micro arrays (ecoliK12.db generation)
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] problem with org.Hs.egCHRLOCEND
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Simpleaffy QC & GAPDH ratios
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] GenomeGraphs/biomaRt/getBM on older genome builds
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] Error when calling LIMMA's topTable() with an object returned by treat()
Laurent Gautier
- [BioC] Error when calling LIMMA's topTable() with an object returned by treat()
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Error when calling LIMMA's topTable() with an object returned by treat()
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] Error when calling LIMMA's topTable() with an object returned by treat()
Laurent Gautier
- [BioC] PreProcess and Limma 'done'. What directions now?
Massimo Pinto
- [BioC] Error when calling LIMMA's topTable() with an object returned by treat()
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Fixes to limma treat() function
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] error message about makeTranscript funciton in package GenomeGraphs
Steffen at stat.Berkeley.EDU
- [BioC] Affymetrix design
Sarmah, Chintanu
- [BioC] Affymetrix design
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] GenomeGraphs/biomaRt/getBM on older genome builds
Steffen at stat.Berkeley.EDU
- [BioC] Affymetrix design
Sarmah, Chintanu
- [BioC] Increase memory for R
santana sarma
- [BioC] Fwd: Presentation 19th June
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] Fwd: Presentation 19th June
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] Increase memory for R
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Increase memory for R
John Fernandes
- [BioC] help ! microarray 3d smoothed surface plot
Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] help ! microarray 3d smoothed surface plot
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] Fixes to limma treat() function
Laurent Gautier
- [BioC] Affymetrix design
Saroj K Mohapatra
- [BioC] Rgraphviz crashes R (Vista x64)
Sofia Massa
- [BioC] Rgraphviz crashes R (Vista x64)
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Limma for time series analysis
claire pujoll
- [BioC] cosmo: how to search for more than one possible TFBS
Thierry Janssens
- [BioC] Problem with hgu133plus2.db package
Morten Hansen
- [BioC] Problem with hgu133plus2.db package
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] problem about saveHTML
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] Problem with hgu133plus2.db package
Morten Hansen
- [BioC] PCA scree plot question
Paul Geeleher
- [BioC] PCA scree plot question
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] PCA scree plot question
Paul Geeleher
- [BioC] Problem with hgu133plus2.db package
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] PCA scree plot question
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] How do you analize very large affymetrix data?
UsuarioR España
- [BioC] How do you analize very large affymetrix data?
- [BioC] (control vs treatment) in (wildtype vs mutant) microarray analysis
Cheng-Yuan Kao
- [BioC] PCA scree plot question
Paul Geeleher
- [BioC] extracting character string
Hari Easwaran
- [BioC] How do you analize very large affymetrix data?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [BioC] help needed on avereps function
Francois Pepin
- [BioC] extracting character string
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] extracting character string
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Error in assign while calling the vmatchPattern function
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Error in assign while calling the vmatchPattern function
Henrik Bengtsson
- [BioC] PCA scree plot question
Ingunn Berget
- [BioC] PCA scree plot question
Iain Gallagher
- [BioC] GO terms for E. coli micro arrays (ecoliK12.db generation)
Gaspard Lequeux
- [BioC] miRNA and validated/predicted target genes
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] miRNA and validated/predicted target genes
Sean Davis
- [BioC] miRNA and validated/predicted target genes
Wacek Kusnierczyk
- [BioC] miRNA and validated/predicted target genes
Michal Okoniewski
- [BioC] miRNA validated/predicted label
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] extracting character string
Hari Easwaran
- [BioC] miRNA and validated/predicted target genes
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] miRNA validated/predicted label
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Rgraphviz crashes R
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] problem with annaffy package
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Yaniv Semel
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Deepayan Sarkar
- [BioC] R: miRNA and validated/predicted target genes
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] miRNA and validated/predicted target genes
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Degrees of freedom in randomized block test
- [BioC] help needed on avereps function
Erika Melissari
- [BioC] question about ontoCompare() performance change
Jean-Pierre Desvignes
- [BioC] problem with the structure of a list of pathways
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] problem with the structure of a list of pathways
James MacDonald
- [BioC] question about CORNA
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] merging (Combining) microarray datasets on different platforms
- [BioC] Check out the eCard I sent you from Yahoo! Greetings
Jane Moore
- [BioC] Read a first ligne
Mohamed Lajnef
- [BioC] Read a first ligne
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] How to permute the CEL files
Javier Pérez Florido
- [BioC] GSEABase on none affy data/mapping problem(?)
Lina Cekaite
- [BioC] GSEABase on none affy data/mapping problem(?)
Laurent Gautier
- [BioC] FlowCore covariance matrix for ellipsoidGate
Aric Gregson
- [BioC] How to permute the CEL files
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] GSEABase on none affy data/mapping problem(?)
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Les associations pour developper vos affaires pour bioconductor
- [BioC] Problem in installing "AnnotationDbi"
vivek modi
- [BioC] Problem in installing "AnnotationDbi"
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Annotation Tools package
Giusy Della Gatta
- [BioC] You have 1 unread message
HSBC Online Banking
- [BioC] GSEABase on none affy data/mapping problem(?)
Lina Cekaite
- [BioC] ANNOUNCEMENT: 20% discount on the most recent bioconductor/R books from Chapman & Hall/CRC!
Calver, Rob
- [BioC] GSEABase on none affy data/mapping problem(?)
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] How to permute the CEL files
Javier Perez Florido
- [BioC] SNPs in High Linkage Disequilibrium
palermogp at libero.it
- [BioC] Rgraphviz crashes R
Sofia Massa
- [BioC] Problem with Hopach: "Error in dmat[ord, ]"
Paolo Innocenti
- [BioC] Variance
David martin
- [BioC] R/maanova warnings(): coercing argument of type 'double' to logical
Thierry Janssens
- [BioC] Variance
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] plotProfiles (goProfiles) and bitmap
Jean-Pierre Desvignes
- [BioC] Variance
David martin
- [BioC] Variance
David martin
- [BioC] bioinformatics programmer position
Wall, Dennis Paul
- [BioC] [Bioc-devel] help with limma design
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Variance
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Annotation Tools package
Alexandre Kuhn
- [BioC] [Bioc-devel] help with limma design
James MacDonald
- [BioC] limma design question - technical replicates
Georg Otto
- [BioC] Rgraphviz crashes R
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Message from Australian Government
Australian Taxation Office
- [BioC] GO.db: how to get GO Term
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] GO.db: how to get GO Term
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] GO.db: how to get GO Term
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] GO.db: how to get GO Term
Wacek Kusnierczyk
- [BioC] Error message of read.AgilentFE() using package Agi4x44PreProcess
xiangxue Guo
- [BioC] Error using crlmm
mcoyne at boninc.com
- [BioC] Error message of read.AgilentFE() using package Agi4x44PreProcess
Prashantha Hebbar
- [BioC] merging (Combining) microarray datasets on different platforms
Hui Yu
- [BioC] Best way to do quality control and analysis on Exon arrays
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] GO.db: how to get GO Term
Wacek Kusnierczyk
- [BioC] Normalized data in expresso and Expression Console differ
Oliver Stolpe
- [BioC] R user survey
Muriel Mewissen
- [BioC] How to install Rgraphviz on Windows - REALLY!
Ernest Hobson
- [BioC] merging (Combining) microarray datasets on different platforms
Alberto Goldoni
- [BioC] Oligo error on OS X Leopard
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] question about GOSemSim
Rajarshi Guha
- [BioC] Oligo error on OS X Leopard
Tobias Straub
- [BioC] Oligo error on OS X Leopard
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] question about GOSemSim
James MacDonald
- [BioC] GO.db: how to get GO Term
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Error using crlmm
Carvalho, Benilton
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
Juana Arco
- [BioC] Fisher-Yates algorithm for DNA shuffling ?
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] Rgraphviz load problem
Ernest Hobson
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Yaniv Semel
- [BioC] Normalized data in expresso and Expression Console differ
- [BioC] Oligo error on OS X Leopard
- [BioC] Harvard Personalized Medicine Research Fellowship
- [BioC] How to install Rgraphviz on Windows - REALLY!
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Installing rMAT
Rodrigo Drummond
- [BioC] sigpathway pheno object
Adrian Johnson
- [BioC] How to install Rgraphviz on Windows - REALLY!
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Fisher-Yates algorithm for DNA shuffling ?
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Fisher-Yates algorithm for DNA shuffling ?
Sean Davis
- [BioC] GO.db: how to get GO Term
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Installing rMAT
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] How to install Rgraphviz on Windows - REALLY!
Ernest Hobson
- [BioC] GO.db: how to get GO Term
Waclaw.Marcin.Kusnierczyk at idi.ntnu.no
- [BioC] Oligo error on OS X Leopard
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] question about CORNA
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Yaniv Semel
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Yaniv Semel
- [BioC] Navigating data in the cellHTS2 object
Ian Sudbery
- [BioC] How to install Rgraphviz on Windows - REALLY!
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] Retrieve aminoacid sequence starting from protein identifier
Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] Retrieve aminoacid sequence starting from protein identifier
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] how to find the validated pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] how to find the validated pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] how to find the validated pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Deepayan Sarkar
- [BioC] Installing an older release of Bioconductor
Veni Kurup
- [BioC] Installing an older release of Bioconductor
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] cellHTS readPlateList funciton cannot find files
Ian Sudbery
- [BioC] flowViz xyplot smooth=F gate outline ONLY
Aric Gregson
- [BioC] cellHTS readPlateList funciton cannot find files
Ian Sudbery
- [BioC] how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] Single channel data analysis with LIMMA
Marcel Dinger
- [BioC] how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Rgraphviz - arrowhead
Yaniv Semel
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Limma - GenePix
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] GenePix - Limma
Juana Arco
- [BioC] R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] Single channel data analysis with LIMMA
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Microarray normalization in the face of many differentially expressed genes
David Garfield
- [BioC] R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Installing an older release of Bioconductor
Veni Kurup
- [BioC] R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Error message, when updating packages
Michael Walter
- [BioC] Fisher-Yates algorithm for DNA shuffling ?
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] Error message, when updating packages
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Fisher-Yates algorithm for DNA shuffling ?
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] using DAVID
carolmtz at ibt.unam.mx
- [BioC] flowViz xyplot
Bastian Angermann
- [BioC] using DAVID
yemi yomi
- [BioC] using DAVID
Simon Noël
- [BioC] using DAVID
Sean Davis
- [BioC] RefSeq summary from biomaRt
Gad Abraham
- [BioC] R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] RefSeq summary from biomaRt
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] RefSeq summary from biomaRt
Gad Abraham
- [BioC] help on analysis ChiP-chip data of affyymetrix Arabidopsis tilling array
Daofeng Li
- [BioC] help on analysis ChiP-chip data of affyymetrix Arabidopsistilling array
Torsten Waldminghaus
- [BioC] RefSeq summary from biomaRt
Sean Davis
- [BioC] help on analysis ChiP-chip data of affyymetrix Arabidopsistilling array
Daofeng Li
- [BioC] biomaRt does not like flies
Simon Anders
- [BioC] help on analysis ChiP-chip data of affyymetrix Arabidopsistilling array
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Variance
David martin
- [BioC] help on analysis ChiP-chip data of affyymetrix Arabidopsistilling array
Daofeng Li
- [BioC] help on analysis ChiP-chip data of affyymetrix Arabidopsistilling array
Daofeng Li
- [BioC] Error message of read.AgilentFE() using package Agi4x44PreProcess
Pedro Lopez-Romero
- [BioC] build a chromLocation object for SNP locations, not genes
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] multtest: how to adjust multiple contrasts in a single run?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] flowViz xyplot
Deepayan Sarkar
- [BioC] flowViz xyplot smooth=F gate outline ONLY
Deepayan Sarkar
- [BioC] Message could not be delivered
Confirmation from khenning at bigpond.net.au
- [BioC] Maanova
Loren Engrav
- [BioC] R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] Comparing normalization methods
- [BioC] Unable to install Rgraphviz
anupam sinha
- [BioC] how to get the miRNA, identifier from database Ensembl through biomaRt functions ???
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] how to get the miRNA, identifier from database Ensembl through biomaRt functions ???
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Comparing normalization methods
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Error: All CEL files must be of the same type when running CRLMM
mcoyne at boninc.com
- [BioC] R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] Error: All CEL files must be of the same type when running CRLMM
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] R: R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Agi4x44PreProcess probe summarization bug?
Tobias Straub
- [BioC] Error: All CEL files must be of the same type when running CRLMM
Henrik Bengtsson
- [BioC] R: R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] Error: All CEL files must be of the same type when running CRLMM
Carvalho, Benilton
- [BioC] R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] SD of fitted values, lmFit (limma)
Heather Machado
- [BioC] Single channel data analysis with LIMMA
Marcel Dinger
- [BioC] R: R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] R: R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Unable to install Rgraphviz
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] R: R: R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] R: R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Unable to install Rgraphviz
anupam sinha
- [BioC] Fisher-Yates algorithm for DNA shuffling ?
Ludo Pagie
- [BioC] available gene sets for mouse 430.2
Julien Meunier
- [BioC] RMA (model II) regression with lmFit
Paolo Innocenti
- [BioC] R: R: R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] which package can do GSEA for no model organism
Pengcheng Yang
- [BioC] Missing Autocorrelation in Ringo
Torsten Waldminghaus
- [BioC] read cel file of moe430a
Ming-Chung Li
- [BioC] normalization and Filtering tools
Mohamed Lajnef
- [BioC] R: R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] normalization and Filtering tools
Sean Davis
- [BioC] normalization and Filtering tools
Sean Davis
- [BioC] R: R: R: how to find the VALIDATED pair (miRNA, gene-3'UTR-sequence)
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Fwd: Re: which package can do GSEA for no model organism
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Fwd: Re: which package can do GSEA for no model organism
Ana Conesa
- [BioC] Fwd: Re: which package can do GSEA for no model organism
Pengcheng Yang
- [BioC] rtracklayer no longer uses TrackSet?
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
John Zhang
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
P.D. Moerland
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] justRMA() using different versions of affy
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] justRMA() using different versions of affy
Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] read cel file of moe430a
Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] rtracklayer no longer uses TrackSet?
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Info about GO package
Barbara Cegielska
- [BioC] Fwd: Re: which package can do GSEA for no model organism
Ian Sudbery
- [BioC] one more doubt about the (miRNA, gene-3UTR) pairs from Ensembl and BioMart
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] Missing Autocorrelation in Ringo
Joern Toedling
- [BioC] [Fwd: Info about GO package]
Barbara Cegielska
- [BioC] Missing Autocorrelation in Ringo
Torsten Waldminghaus
- [BioC] [Fwd: Info about GO package]
Sean Davis
- [BioC] rtracklayer no longer uses TrackSet?
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Missing Autocorrelation in Ringo
Joern Toedling
- [BioC] Missing Autocorrelation in Ringo
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] Found seven 3'UTR sequences attributed to the same ensembl_gene_id
mauede at alice.it
- [BioC] Found seven 3'UTR sequences attributed to the same ensembl_gene_id
Sean Davis
- [BioC] hi
Arpith Kishore
- [BioC] hi
Patrick Aboyoun
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Fwd: Re: which package can do GSEA for no model organism
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Info about GO package
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Venn Diagram
Simon Noël
- [BioC] Info about GO package
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Venn Diagram
Thomas Hampton
- [BioC] miRNA data analysis for agilent single color data
Arpith Kishore
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Annotation.db: how automatically call a mapping?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] normalize.quantiles function not recognized by R
Radhika Ambatipudi
- [BioC] Does CRLMM uses mismatched features?
mcoyne at boninc.com
- [BioC] normalize.quantiles function not recognized by R
Steve Lianoglou
Last message date:
Tue Jun 30 23:49:15 CEST 2009
Archived on: Tue Jun 30 23:50:30 CEST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).